View clinical trials related to Cardiac Perfusion.
Filter by:The use of a modified depolarizing cardioplegia solution in adult cardiac surgery would allow for prolonged re-dosing intervals while providing equivalent myocardial protection. The use of del Nido solution has been used extensively in congenital heart surgery for over 25 years. The primary objective is to determine whether expanding this technique to adult cardiac surgery will confer significant benefits in both surgical workflow and patient clinical outcome. The investigators hypotheses with regard to the del Nido solution will demonstrate (1) a non-inferior delivery to the current blood-based cardioplegia strategy in functional recovery or clinical outcome, and (2) superior delivery to the current blood-based cardioplegia strategy in cost analyses.
This study is designed to determine the diagnostic value of adenosine cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) when compared with SPECT. The investigators hypothesized that adenosine CMR could detect ischemia and is not inferior to SPECT imaging. In addition stress adenosine cardiac MRI offers a "one stop shop" enabling evaluation of cardiac function, rest and stress perfusion and viability.