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NCT ID: NCT04538573 Recruiting - Pediatric Burns Clinical Trials

Virtual Reality MObility for Burn Patients

Start date: May 27, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Background In the acute phase, burn patients undergo several painful procedures. Pediatric burn care procedures conducted in hydrotherapy have been known to generate severe pain intensity and moderate to high levels of anxiety. Hydrotherapy treatments are done with the use of opioids and benzodiazepines for pain and anxiety. Unfortunately, non-pharmacological methods are rarely combined with pharmacological treatments despite evidence showing that distraction can serve as an effective method for pain management and can potentially decrease analgesic requirements in other painful medical procedures. Virtual Reality (VR) is a method that uses distraction to interact within a virtual environment. The use of VR is promising for pain reduction in varying settings. Considering the lack of optimal pain and anxiety management during burn wound care and the positive effect of an immersive distraction for painful procedures, using VR for burn wound care procedures may show promising results. Methods This is a within-subject randomized controlled trial design in which each participant will serve as his/her own control. A minimum of 20 participants, aged 7 to 17 years old undergoing a burn care session, will receive both standard and experimental treatments during the same session in a randomized order. The experimental treatment will consist of combining VR distraction using the video game Dreamland® to the current standard pharmacological care as per unit protocol. The control group will only receive the unit's standard pharmacological care. The mean difference in both pain intensity scores and in anxiety between the two different sequences will be the primary outcomes of this study. Conclusion This study evaluates the effect of VR on burn wound care. If results from this study show a positive effect of VR compared to standard care, this protocol may provide guidance on how to implement this type of immersive care as part of the tools available for distraction of painful procedures for acute burn victims.

NCT ID: NCT04530279 Recruiting - Burns Clinical Trials

Clinical Assessment of Burns in Norway

Start date: January 1, 2018
Study type: Observational

Clinical assessment of burn depth and area can be challenging even for experienced surgeons. Still, the assessment is fundamental for the treatment, as it determines the fluid treatment and indication for escharotomy and need for referral to a burn centre.There are few studies comparing the initial evaluation of burn depth and surface with that of a specialist burn centre. The aim of this study was to make such a comparison for a cohort of patients admitted to a specialist burn centre during one year.The cohort was defined as patients transferred to the burn unit at Haukeland university hospital during 2014.

NCT ID: NCT04511104 Recruiting - Burns Clinical Trials

Effects of Exercise During the Acute Phase of Burns

Start date: May 4, 2020
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

BACKGROUND: Postburn changes in whole-body, glucose and protein metabolism are at their peak during the acute phase of severe burns. The resulting metabolic derangements lead to substantial muscle wasting, insulin resistance, which ultimately hampers full recovery and reintegration into society. PURPOSE: This quasi-experimental trial was initiated to investigate the effects of exercise-based rehabilitation on muscle wasting, insulin resistance, and quality of life during the acute phase of severe adult burns. METHODS: Moderate to severely burned adults (10-80%TBSA) will be recruited from two Belgian burn centres. Subjects allocated to the intervention group will undergo an up to 8-week-long exercise program in addition to standard care rehabilitation. As part of the exercise program, participants will carry out progressive resistance and aerobic training, initiated as soon as medical safety and patient cooperation allow. Exercise type and dosage will be chosen according to patient status in terms of grafts, mobility, and strength. The control group will receive standard care rehabilitation only, including passive, assisted, active range of motion exercise, functional exercise, and scar treatment. The effect on muscle wasting will be determined by B-mode ultrasound-derived measures of quadriceps muscle layer thickness (QMLT) and rectus femoris cross sectional area, as well as peak force measurements by handheld dynamometry. Insulin resistance will be derived from the HOMA-2 index based on fasting plasma glucose and insulin. Quality of life will be determined by the EQ-5D-5L and Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief (BSHS-B) questionnaires. The results of this clinical research will provide insight into the effects of exercise on both a fundamental and clinical spectrum.

NCT ID: NCT04500483 Recruiting - Critical Illness Clinical Trials

Indirect Calorimetry in Patients at Risk of Malnutrition

Start date: August 15, 2020
Study type: Observational

Burn patients treated in an outpatient clinic and ICU survivors are at risk of malnutrition. There are no clear guidelines determining the energy target in those two populations. The aim of this observation study is to measure the resting energy expenditure of those patients, using indirect calorimetry.

NCT ID: NCT04481841 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Burning Mouth Syndrome

Head Yuanshi Dian Therapy in Burning Mouth Syndrome

Start date: July 27, 2020
Phase: Early Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

Burning mouth syndrome is one of the most common oral mucosal diseases in clinic. It is a chronic pain syndrome with extensive burning pain of oral mucosa as its main symptoms. There are no pathological changes in oral mucosa and no characteristic histopathological changes. Patients often have accompanying symptoms such as depression and xerostomia. Although the patient does not have obvious oral lesions, the pain symptoms are more serious and the mental pressure is greater. BMS, as a complex clinical syndrome associated with multiple factors, mainly occurs in people aged 27-87, with an average age of 61. BMS is rare among people under 30 years old. BMS is predominant in women, the ratio of male to female is 1:5 to 1:7, the incidence is 0.7%-15%, and increases with age. Up to 90% of female patients are in perimenopausal period. Symptoms occur from 3 years before menopause to 12 years after menopause. The causes of BMS are complex, and the treatment is difficult, easy to relapse and protracted. Studies have confirmed that the occurrence and development of BMS are directly related to mental factors. Therefore, psychosocial factors are the most important pathogenic factors of BMS. If we intervene in these factors, it is hopeful to improve the curative effect of BMS. Traditional psychotherapy methods include drug treatment, psychotherapy, surgical treatment, traditional Chinese medicine treatment, etc. Drug treatment is mainly based on different types of mental and psychological diseases, choose different pharmacological effects of drugs, so as to effectively control the disease. However, these drugs are prone to adverse reactions such as sleepiness, weight gain, headache, physical weakness, etc. The basic principle of psychotherapy is to let patients fully expose symptoms, listen to their complaints patiently, carry out explanatory psychotherapy according to their medical history or take other psychological training, so as to relieve patients' mental stress and alleviate symptoms. But this method has a long course of treatment and needs the cooperation of the patients' family members; the basic principle of surgical treatment is to resect the corresponding areas of the brain or adopt endoscopy and micro-current to treat them, but the risks and injuries caused by the operation are greater, and the adverse reactions after the operation are larger; the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine needs a long course of treatment, and the treatment of some patients. The effect is not stable enough. The causes of BMS are complex, there is no objective disease in clinic, and the patients suffer from abnormal pain, but the treatment methods are not uniform, and the curative effect is not good, which makes the patients unable to get effective treatment in the early stage of the disease, and easy to relapse, resulting in the aggravation and development of BMS into intractable sensory abnormalities, and protracted! Literature reports confirm that the tri-drug of oryzanol-riboflavin-vitamin E (oryzanol-riboflavin-vitamin E) is a classic treatment for BMS and has been included in the classic book in China, Pharmacotherapy for oral mucosal disease . However, its long-term clinical application has found that its efficacy is unstable, and clinical symptoms after drug withdrawal. The symptoms are prone to recurrence or even aggravation. Therefore, it is necessary to use the classical program on the basis of a combination of interventions to promote the efficacy of stable and safe. Over the past two years, the investigators has treated nearly 100 cases of BMS with head yuanshi dian therapy, and achieved satisfactory results. It can obviously relieve burning pain of BMS oral mucosa, promote saliva secretion, improve dry mouth and bitter mouth, and improve sleep to a certain extent. However, due to the limited number of cases treated, the classification of BMS is not meticulous enough, and there are still vague areas in the classification of BMS, which affects the rigorous evaluation of the therapeutic effect of BMS. Therefore, the investigators propose a hypothesis: can the head yuanshi dian therapy be used as the main adjuvant therapy for BMS? By consulting Pubmed, OVID, CNKI, Wanfang and other major databases at home and abroad, the investigators found that there is no relevant report at home and abroad. In view of this, the investigators intend to design this randomized positive controlled clinical trial, using conventional valley-nucleus-E triple drug therapy as the positive control group, to observe the efficacy and safety of head yuanshi dian therapy for BMS, in order to find a safe and effective green non-invasive therapy, effectively alleviate or eliminate oral mucosal pain, dry mouth, etc.

NCT ID: NCT04456543 Recruiting - Burns Clinical Trials

Comparison and Clinical Utility of the Portable Pressure Measuring Device for Garment Pressure Measurement on Hypertrophic Scar by Burn Injury During Compression Therapy

Start date: June 10, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The investigators developed a portable pressure measuring device using silicon piezoresistive pressure sensors. As PicoPress® is the most accurate (i.e., lowest variation and error) manometric sensor for pressure measurement, the investigators used it to compare and examine the accuracy of the proposed device regarding in vitro pressure measurements. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of pressure garment therapy using proposed device with objective data obtained with a randomized within wound comparison. Pressure measurements were acquired through a readout circuit consisting of an analog-to-digital converter, a microprocessor, and a Bluetooth transmission module for wireless data transmission to an external device. The mean pressure values measured by the sensors were compared to those obtained from PicoPress®. This was a double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial of patients with hypertrophic scars. In the pressure monitoring group, garment pressures were monitored using the portable pressure measuring device, and the compression garment was adjusted so that the pressure was maintained at the therapeutic range of 15 - 25 mmHg. In the control group, non-surgical standard treatment of burn scars except for pressure monitoring was performed in the same manner.

NCT ID: NCT04372550 Recruiting - Burns Clinical Trials

Effects of Early Exercise Rehabilitation in Severe Burns

Start date: November 25, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

BACKGROUND: Postburn changes in glucose and protein metabolism are at their peak during the acute phase of severe burns. The resulting metabolic derangements lead to substantial muscle wasting, insulin resistance, which ultimately hampers full recovery and reintegration into society. PURPOSE: This randomized controlled trial was initiated to investigate the effects of exercise-based rehabilitation on muscle wasting, insulin resistance, and quality of life during the acute phase of severe adult burns. METHODS: Severly burned adults (40-80%TBSA) will be recruited from one of China's largest burn centres. Subjects allocated to the intervention group will undergo a 6-12 week long exercise program in addition to standard care rehabilitation. As part of the exercise program, participants will carry out progressive resistance and aerobic training, initiated as soon as medical safety and patient cooperation allow. Exercise type and dosage will be chosen according to patient status in terms of grafts, mobility, and strength. The control group will receive standard care rehabilitation only, including passive, assisted, active range of motion exercise, functional exercise, and scar treatment. The results of this translational research will provide insight into the effects and mechanisms of exercise on both a fundamental and clinical spectrum.

NCT ID: NCT04368117 Recruiting - Burn Injury Clinical Trials

STAT: Standard Therapy Plus Active Therapy

Start date: October 26, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The objective of the study is to assess the efficacy of STAT, an activity-based therapy protocol compared to standard therapy (ST) to improve functional outcome and reduce disability in patients recovering from burn injury. This randomized multi-center trial is designed with two parallel treatment groups: STAT and ST. Efficacy of the STAT protocol will be determined through comparison to the ST only group. It will be conducted at seven burn centers.

NCT ID: NCT04364217 Recruiting - Hypertrophic Scar Clinical Trials

Pain and Itch Reduction in Burn Scars Treated With Fractional CO2 Laser

Start date: June 25, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Hypertrophic Burn Scars (HTBS) are often treated with Fractional CO2 laser therapy to improve cosmetic appearance. It has been noted that this leads to a reduction in the pain and itch associated with this type of scars. While this phenomenon is commonly described in the literature, the mechanism of pain and itch reduction in unclear. The investigators aim to better understand this process by histological evaluation of HTBS at different stages of laser treatment.

NCT ID: NCT04356859 Recruiting - Burn Injury Clinical Trials

The Acute Burn ResUscitation Multicenter Prospective Trial

Start date: April 22, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This is a prospective randomized multi-center study which will compare acute fluid resuscitation using a colloid strategy (LR + 5% Albumin) to a crystalloid strategy (LR alone), in adults with an acute burn involving at least 25% of their total body surface area.