View clinical trials related to Brain Ischemia Hypoxia.
Filter by:Neonates presenting with neurologic symptoms require rapid, non-invasive imaging with high spatial resolution and tissue contrast. The purpose of this study is to evaluate brain perfusion using contrast-enhanced ultrasound CEUS in bedside monitoring of neonates and infants with hypoxic ischemic injury. Investigational CEUS scan will be performed separately from clinically indicated conventional US, in the ICU. Subjects will be scanned with CEUS at two different time-points (at the time HII is first suspected or diagnosed and at time of MRI scan), separately from clinically indicated ultrasound. The CEUS scan will be interpreted by the sponsor-investigator. The study will be conducted at one site, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. It is expected that up to 100 subjects will be enrolled per year, for up to two years, for a total enrollment of up to 200 subjects.