View clinical trials related to Bleeding Disorder.
Filter by:In parallel with the growth of American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network's (ATHN) clinical studies, the number of new therapies for all congenital and acquired hematologic conditions, not just those for bleeding and clotting disorders, is increasing significantly. Some of the recently FDA-approved therapies for congenital and acquired hematologic conditions have yet to demonstrate long-term safety and effectiveness beyond the pivotal trials that led to their approval. In addition, results from well-controlled, pivotal studies often cannot be replicated once a therapy has been approved for general use.(1,2,3,4) In 2019 alone, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued approvals for twenty-four new therapies for congenital and acquired hematologic conditions.(5) In addition, almost 10,000 new studies for hematologic diseases are currently registered on With this increase in potential new therapies on the horizon, it is imperative that clinicians and clinical researchers in the field of non-neoplastic hematology have a uniform, secure, unbiased, and enduring method to collect long-term safety and efficacy data. ATHN Transcends is a cohort study to determine the safety, effectiveness, and practice of therapies used in the treatment of participants with congenital or acquired non-neoplastic blood disorders and connective tissue disorders with bleeding tendency. The study consists of 7 cohorts with additional study "arms" and "modules" branching off from the cohorts. The overarching objective of this longitudinal, observational study is to characterize the safety, effectiveness and practice of treatments for all people with congenital and acquired hematologic disorders in the US. As emphasized in a recently published review, accurate, uniform and quality national data collection is critical in clinical research, particularly for longitudinal cohort studies covering a lifetime of biologic risk.(7)
The aim of the study was to investigate the possible relationship about blood gas and bleeding disorders in healthy volunteers of blasters and no blasters groups of the Italian National Mountain and Cave Rescue who handled nitrogen compounds and nitroglycerine and then they were exposed to combustion products from an accidental uncontrolled detonation of micro-charges during a cave unblocking procedure.
Treatment of hemorrhoidal disease includes a conservative approach (dietary and behavioral measures, venotropic and topical medication), office-based treatments and surgery. Rubber banding is currently considered the instrumental method of choice in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease grades I to III (Goligher's classification). However, its use in patients with bleeding disorders is not recommended. Sclerotherapy can be performed in these patients since the hemorrhagic risk is very low. The most commonly used agent for sclerotherapy is liquid polidocanol. Polidocanol foam seems to be more effective than the liquid formulation and is safe in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease even in patients with coagulation disorders. This study is aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of polidocanol foam sclerotherapy in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease grades I to III in patients with bleeding disorders.
The objective of this study was to prospectively compare effectiveness of Ankaferd Blood Stopper (ABS) with dry sponges in cessation of bleeding in adult trauma cases with external bleeding due to extremity lacerations. Methods: The study was conducted on patients with bleeding associated with extremity lacerations. All consecutive patients presented to the emergency department of the high-volume training hospital in Istanbul were recruited within the study period
Characterizing the impact and treatment of reproductive tract bleeding on women and post-menarchal girls with bleeding disorders. Objectives: This is a cross-sectional observational study of women and girls (WG) with bleeding disorders enrolled in the American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network (ATHN) dataset. Based on the investigators' study of currently available data of WG with bleeding disorders in the ATHNdataset, the investigators hypothesize that the information currently captured in the core data elements of the ATHNdatasest does not adequately capture data specific to WG with bleeding disorders. Further, the investigators hypothesize that it is feasible for Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) to include data points specific to WG with bleeding disorder when enrolling participants in the ATHNdataset. This hypothesis will be evaluated through the following specific aims: Specific Aim 1: Characterize reproductive tract bleeding in a cohort of WG with bleeding disorders cared for at US HTCs. Specific Aim 2: Characterize the treatment strategies for and the impact of heavy menstrual bleeding in a cohort of females with bleeding disorders cared for at HTCs. Specific Aim 3: Evaluate the feasibility of adding female specific core data points to the ATHNdataset.
The XIENCE 28 USA Study is prospective, single arm, multi-center, open label, non-randomized trial to evaluate safety of 1-month (as short as 28 days) dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) in subjects at high risk of bleeding (HBR) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with the approved XIENCE family (XIENCE Xpedition Everolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System [EECSS], XIENCE Alpine EECSS and XIENCE Sierra EECSS) of coronary drug-eluting stents.
The purpose of this study is to investigate efficacy and safety of fibrinogen concentrate BT524, when administered to patients with major blood loss during elective spine surgery.The study aims to demonstrate that BT524 is at least not worse than the comparator fresh frozen plasma in reducing intra-operative blood loss.
XIENCE 28 Global Study is a prospective, single arm, multi-center, open label, non-randomized trial to further evaluate the safety of 1-month (as short as 28 days) dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) in subjects at high risk of bleeding (HBR) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with the approved XIENCE family (XIENCE Xpedition Everolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System [EECSS], XIENCE Alpine EECSS, XIENCE PROX EECSS, XIENCE ProA EECSS or XIENCE Sierra EECSS of coronary drug-eluting stents
Coagulation dysfunction is frequent in septic patients and it is associated with an increase risk of mortality. During sepsis platelets number usually decreases and their function is reduced and this mechanism is sustained by an inflammatory induced coagulopathy. Some recent studies evaluated the possibility to use viscoelastic whole blood tests of the haemostasis, such as thromboelastography (TEG), which analyze all blood components and their interactions during clot formation and dissolution and might be useful for assessing bleeding risk in septic patients. Maximun amplitude (MA) is one of the variables obtained from TEG analysis and it expresses the strength of the clot and the efficacy of platelet function. A low level of MA describes a lower strength of the clot determined by a lower number or a reduced function of platelet. The aim of the present study is to evaluate whether a lower level of MA and a pattern of hypocoagulability might be associated with an increased risk of bleeding and need of transfusion in patients with sepsis. We want to conduct a prospective multicenter observational study, enrolling 100 consecutive adults patients with sepsis. We will exclude patients under 18 years old of age, chronic use of oral anticoagulant and anti platelet treatment, hematologic malignancy, congenital bleeding disorders, oral contraceptives, lack of consent. Primary end point To evaluate whether a lower level of MA might be associated with an increased risk of bleeding. Secondary end points: to evaluate whether a different level of MA correlates with the biomarker of the severity of sepsis such as presepsin, with the biomarker of the severity of infection and whether a pattern of hypocoagulability might be associated with a risk of mortality. All enrolled patients will undergo a blood sample at admission (T0), after 72 hours (T1) and after 7 days (T2) and all the following parameters will be measured: Platelet count, APTT, PT, INR, fibrinogen, procalcitonin and presepsin . Additionally, all viscoelastic parameters (reaction time (R), clot formation speed (K), angle (alpha) and maximum amplitude (MA)) will be performed at bedside, at T0, T1, T2: Outcome measurements: Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay and mortality at 28 days and at 90 days.
Patients admitted for coronary artery bypass surgery taking antiplatelet medicine have an increased risk for bleeding. Present study aims to compare the platelet function in two patient groups using different types of heart-lung machine methods. It is assumed that one of the methods is superior verified by sensitive methods of testing platelet function.