View clinical trials related to Autism.
Filter by:Research highlights strong links between self-compassion and mental health, but there is very limited research specifically exploring autistic individual's experiences of self-compassion. The process of receiving a diagnosis on the autism spectrum can be complex and autistic women tend to experience several barriers to diagnosis. This study adds to the growing area of research exploring autistic women's experiences of receiving a diagnosis in adulthood. This study employs Interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore if receiving a diagnosis of Autism influences women's perceptions of self-compassion. The findings may inform client-centred practices in health care settings and potentially present positive aspects of autism diagnosis.
Although there are some studies investigating the physical activity levels of children with autism in the literature, no comprehensive study investigating the relationship between posture and physical fitness parameters, family anxiety level and quality of life of individuals with autism who have continued physical activity program has not been found. The aim of our study is to compare postural disorders and physical fitness parameters, family anxiety level and quality of life between individuals with autism and healthy individuals attending physical activity program.
This study investigated the effects of a sensory diet intervention program on five children with a sensory processing disorder. The effect was investigated on children's sensory processing skills, psychosocial skills, and classroom engagement.
The purpose of this Phase II study is to determine the efficacy of human umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hCT-MSC) for improving social communication abilities in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
The purpose of the study is to determine if Minocycline shows initial evidence of efficacy, safety, and tolerability in youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder ages 12 to 22 years.
Autism is one of those disorders in Autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which characterized by social interaction abnormalities, impaired verbal and non-verbal communication, and repetitive, obsessive behavior, while the therapeutic effect of current treatments remains limited progress. The possible reason for ASD is neural hypoperfusion and immune deregulation. The Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells (hUCB-MNCs) have been shown to have the ability to modulate the immune response and enhance angiogenesis, suggesting the novel and promising therapeutic strategy. In this study, the safety and efficacy of hUCB-MNCs infusion will be evaluated in patients with Autism.
The purpose of this 8-week open-label study is to assess the tolerability, safety, and efficacy of Transcranial LED Therapy in patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The investigators propose to enroll up to 30 subjects of both genders ages 9-59 years with intact intellectual functions who meet the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Autism is a diagnosis with certain criteria, especially social and communicative disabilities. Several body functions may be affected to create these disabilities, such as lack of ability to understand that other people think or feel differently than the person with autism, difficulty to experience bodily signals or deviant function of sensory modalities. Several theories describe that our physical, physiological, psychological and existential being can not be separated from each other. The combination of described difficulties in autism makes the perception of the surrounding world or the people within it difficult to understand or interpret, i.e., lack of a sense of coherence. The inner experience of the person as well as the expression of his/her movement qualities will be the effects. There are physiotherapeutic intervention techniques of body awareness, with the purpose to increase the connection to the body and to work with more functional movements. Instead of working with improving the well-being by cognitive top-down techniques, body awareness techniques work bottom-up. The hypothesis is that an intervention with body awareness therapy will increase the possibility for persons with autism to improve movement quality, and increase contact with bodily signals. It will give a better chance to understand and interpret the world and people in different context, conquering a sense of coherence. The study include at least 40 participants with autism randomized to two groups: 1.) intervention once a week for 12 weeks and 2. ) a control group (who will be invited to the therapy after ending study participation). They will be recruited from patient records in habilitation care. The criteria are: having autism, being 15-30 years, not having an intellectual impairment and not having a severe depression. The participants are to have been assessed with the standardized "Basic Body Awareness Scale Movement Quality and Experience", BAS MQ-E, and been found to being relevant participants for body awareness intervention in regard to the expressed individual health problem. Two assessments will be used. The primary one addresses each participants´s individual health problem, using a visual 11-graded scale (NRS), grading the present experience of the health problem. The secondary one is BAS MQ-E. The assessments will be administered as follows: i) prior to; NRS + BAS MQ-E, ii) after 7 occasions; NRS and iii) maximum 2 months after intervention; NRS + BAS MQ-E.
The overall goals of this research is to describe the 1) natural history of current use and disposition of medical cannabis products including Cannabidiol (CBD) products, being administered to children as standard of care for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 2) understand the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of medical cannabis products and 3) provide educational feedback on what is learned to families and care providers to provide evidenced based dosing guidance for these products to the pediatric community.
The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate the efficacy of Floreo's police safety module (PSM) in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by assessing improvement in police interaction skills as compared to a video modeling intervention.