View clinical trials related to Arthritis, Psoriatic.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy to clear or almost clear the plaques in plaque psoriasis patients, treated with the combination etanercept and methotrexate compared to etanercept alone.
The purpose of the study is to establish a Danish cohort of spondylarthropathy (SpA) patients who are being treated with TNFalfa blockers. By following the TNFalfa blocking treated patients the researchers want to identify better biomarkers for disease activity and disease progression. In addition, the researchers want to identify predictors for disease progression.
The overall objective of the study was to describe the long-term effectiveness and safety of etanercept in patients with psoriatic arthritis in a Canadian clinical practice setting.
The 13G01 clinical trial is a Phase I/II dose escalation study designed to be conducted in adults with inflammatory arthritis who have persistent moderate or severe swelling in one or more joints, without a disease severe enough to warrant a change in regimen for the next three months. The study will permit subjects who are concurrently on anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha antagonists. For subjects on disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), a stable regimen for inflammatory arthritis for the previous three months, with no changes in doses in the four weeks prior to screening will be required. The primary objectives are: 1. to evaluate the safety of intra-articular administration of tgAAC94 in subjects currently taking TNF-alpha antagonists, and 2. to evaluate the safety of repeat intra-articular administration of tgAAC94 (gene therapy vector).
This study is testing the effect of etanercept in treating both the skin and joint symptoms of psoriatic arthritis patients. Enbrel®, also known as etanercept, has already been approved by the Federal Food Drug Administration for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. It is taken as an injection under the skin. Participants in the trial will be offered etanercept free of charge to be self-injected once weekly for 24 weeks. During that period they will have 5 appointments at the study center and will also be asked to complete assessments of their health.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether a humanized monoclonal antibody (efalizumab) is safe and effective in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA)
The purpose of this study is to determine if Infliximab is safe and effective in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Infliximab (Remicade) targets specific proteins in the body's immune system to help control the development of inflammation to help reduce painful disease.
People with poor literacy may have worse health and less knowledge about how to manage their disease than patients at high reading levels. Patients with arthritis usually receive information on how to manage their disease that is written at an 11th grade reading level. The purpose of this study is to compare the health outcomes of patients with arthritis given either standard 11th grade level materials or interactive, in-person arthritis education along with materials written at a lower reading level.
This is a placebo controlled study evaluating the role of fludarabine (a nucleoside analog targeting both resting and proliferating lymphocytes) in the treatment of moderate to severe psoriotic arthritis. Patients should have failed at least one disease modifying antirheumatic drug.
This study will examine the genetic and immune factors involved in the cause and development of psoriatic arthritis-a disease of both the skin and joints. It will describe the medical features and natural course of the disease and determine participants' eligibility for experimental treatment protocols. Patients with known or suspected psoriatic arthritis 5 years of age and older and their relatives may enroll in this study. Patients will be evaluated with a medical history and physical examination, electrocardiogram, blood tests and X-rays. Additional procedures may include: 1. Leukapheresis-Collection of white blood cells for genetic analysis. Whole blood is collected through a needle placed in an arm vein. The blood circulates through a machine that separates it into its components. The plasma is removed and the cells are returned to the body through a second needle placed in the other arm. 2. Skin biopsy-Removal of a small skin sample for microscopic analysis. An area of skin is numbed with an anesthetic and one to three small circular portions (about 1/4 inch in diameter) are cut and removed. 3. Joint aspiration-Removal of a small sample of synovial fluid (lubricating joint fluid). An area of skin around the biopsy site is numbed with an anesthetic, and a needle is inserted into the joint to pull out a small fluid sample. 4. Synovial needle biopsy-Removal of a small sample of synovial tissue (tissue lining the joint). An area of skin around the biopsy site is numbed with an anesthetic and a large needle is inserted into the joint. A smaller needle attached to a syringe is then placed inside the larger needle and small pieces of synovial tissue are removed. 5. Genetic studies-Saliva and blood samples will be collected for gene testing. Saliva is collected by rinsing the mouth with a tablespoon of salt water and spitting into a test tube. Patients will be followed once or twice a year and may be evaluated for participation in an experimental treatment study. Participating relatives of patients will fill out a brief medical history questionnaire and provide a DNA sample (blood sample or tissue swab from the inside of the cheek).