View clinical trials related to Anesthesia Recovery Period.
Filter by:In one-lung ventilation surgery, compared with dexmedetomidine combined with propofol, dexmedetomidine combined with desflurane may be beneficial to accelerate patients' recovery and reduce postoperative pulmonary complications and does not increase the incidences of delirium and postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Recovery after general anaesthesia is often prolonged in the elderly. This group is particularly exposed to post-operative confusion. This has negative personal consequences as well as consequences for the postoperative care for these patients. The hypothesis is that physostigmine will decrease the amount of time in the post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU ), the postoperative amount of pain and shivering and finally post-operative confusion.
The purpose of this study is to compare a new method: the combination of conscious sedation with remifentanil (a shortlasting opioid drug) and local anaesthesia, with the traditional general anaesthesia for hysteroscopic surgery. The primary outcomes are: the time spent in the operation room, the time to full mobilisation postoperatively and the time to complete recovery postoperatively and the time to discharge. Secondary outcome: patient satisfaction.
The study proposes to analyze the difference in the rapidity of the recovery of post operative cognition immediately after extubation and 20, 40 and 60 minutes post extubation and neuropsychological complications (delirium) after 48 hours following general anesthesia using a prospective, randomized approach. Patients undergoing any type of surgery with the exception of cranial, cardiac or thoracic surgery can be enrolled in the study.