View clinical trials related to Allograft Biopsies.
Filter by:Several studies have shown acceptable results after Pancreas Transplantation (PTx) by substituting ATG with basiliximab, which is considered to convey a considerably lower number of adverse events. However, our experiences with ATG in PTx (introduced in 2004) are good, and our presumably gentle way of administrating the drug - directed by T-cell counts - is in fact unique. The potential advantages of reducing the overall corticosteroid (CS) load is obvious, as CS is a well-known pro-diabetic agent and causes severe long term adverse effects. On this background, the investigators have very recently reduced our CS dosing (in the routine protocol) to a level corresponding to our Kidney Tx protocol (valid since 2009). Thus, the investigators intend to prospectively investigate a single PTx cohort with the reduced CS immunosuppressive protocol by an observational study design, and compare with previous (historical) cohorts, who have received high dose CS. Study hypotheses: i) Low-dose CS is as effective as high-dose corticosteroids with regards to efficacy/rejections; ii) The rate of surgical and infectious complications will be similar or lower in the low-dose group; iii) PTx rejection surveillance by DD (duodenoduodeno-stomy) and EUSPB (Endoscopic Ultra-Sound guided Pancreas Biopsies) is superior to traditional rejection surveillance; iv) Patient and graft survival is similar in the two groups
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