Allergic Rhinitis Clinical Trial
Official title:
Randomised Placebo-controlled Study of Grass Pollen Allergen Immunotherapy Tablet (AIT) for Seasonal Rhinitis: Time Course of Nasal, Cutaneous and Immunological Outcomes
About 45 million people in Europe have allergic rhinitis (hay fever) - inflammation of the nasal passages causing sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, itching and tearing of the eyes. In the United Kingdom (UK), seasonal hay fever due to grass pollen allergy accounts for approximately 7 times more doctors' appointments than asthma. The standard treatment for hay fever consists of treating the symptoms with a nasal spray and an antihistamine. However, in a survey taken in a UK general practice less than 40% of patients with hay fever reported good symptom control with this standard treatment. For those patients with hay fever whose symptoms are not well controlled by treatment with antihistamines and nasal sprays, subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) - (monthly injections of a grass allergen extract for a period of 3-5 years) is an effective alternative, and is approved in the UK on a named patient basis. More recently, allergen immunotherapy tablets (AITs) have been developed, including grass pollen allergen tablets. These have been shown to be highly effective in the treatment of hay fever, with the additional benefit of being convenient for patients, given that they may be taken at home. Grazax® (manufactured by Allergologisk Laboratorium København (ALK)-Abello, Denmark) has UK and European Union (EU) license for use in the treatment of troublesome grass pollen induced hay fever. The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of the AIT treatment on the immune system over time - which changes are taking place and when in the course of treatment. This will provide insight into the complexities of the development of allergen-specific immune tolerance - how harmful allergic responses against innocuous substances such as grass pollen can be overridden.
The study will be conducted over 44 months. We expect to screen 70 atopic patients in order
to enroll up to 50 suitable atopic participants to ensure randomisation of at least 40 atopic
participants following their baseline visit. Additionally, we shall recruit 20 healthy,
non-atopic volunteers. Individuals with moderate to severe grass pollen hay fever, with or
without associated seasonal asthma, will be recruited and screened after the pollen season
from September through March 2014. Atopic Participants will undergo baseline assessments in
December 2013 to March 2014. All screening assessments will be completed before eligible
participants are randomized to active or placebo treatment. Atopic participants will then
begin AIT treatment in February-March 2014 and continue treatment for 12 months. All atopic
participants will be provided with anti-allergic rescue medications (antihistamine tablets,
topical intranasal corticosteroids, and eye-drops) throughout the pollen season. Clinical
surrogate endpoint assessments and on specific time Points blood, nasal fluid and nasal
brushing sampling, will be performed at baseline (January-March 2014), at 4, 8, 12 and 16
weeks after starting the AIT, and at 6 and at 12 months (January-March 2015) of treatment.
Nasal mucosal biopsies will be taken at baseline, during the Peak pollen season, and 12
months of treatment. After 12 months of treatment, unblinding will take place. Those atopic
participants receiving active AIT treatment will continue therapy for another 12 months
followed by a withdrawal phase of 12 months. Blood samples and nasal biopsies will be taken
from these participants again at 24 and at 36 months from the initial start of treatment.
Those atopic participants on placebo will be offered 24 months of active treatment after
20 healthy, non-atopic participants will also be recruited and studied on a single day before
and after nasal challenge at one timepoint at 12 months. They will undergo the same clinical
and immunological measurements as for the 46 randomised subjects participating in the
clinical trial. The healthy subjects will undergo no therapeutic intervention and serve as
controls for the immunological measurements.
The study will receive monitoring by:
- the sponsor, Imperial College London
and audits by:
- Medicines for human use (clinical trials) regulations authority (MHRA)
We will assess the clinical data on paper case report forms and will use Inform as a database
in order to verify completeness of data entry.
The Inform database also includes normal ranges of parameters if relevant.
Standard Operating Procedures are in place regarding clinical measures (e.g. nasal allergen
challenges, nasal biopsies etc.) as well as data management (e.g. the Trial Master File),
reporting of adverse events and data collection. All involved investigators are informed
about these procedures and have current Good Clinical Practice (GMC) instructions.
Statistical analysis will be with non-parametric statistics taking into account treatment
effect baseline values and visit number. Inclusion of 20 participants per group will give
greater than 90% power (p=0.05) to detect a 40% reduction in the early phase response (EPR)
after nasal challenge (AUC of the TNSS in the first 60 minutes after challenge, a 40%
reduction in the skin late phase response (LPR), and a 50% increase in grass pollen allergen
specific immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) for AIT vs. placebo.
Based on more recent nasal allergen challenge studies (Scadding et al, unpublished data; mean
4.63, standard deviation 1.65 for AUC 0-60 minutes post grass pollen nasal challenge in 14
allergic volunteers), inclusion of 13 patients per group will provide 80% power to detect a
40% reduction in AUC after challenge, whereas inclusion of 22 patients per group will provide
80% power to detect a 30% reduction.
Further based on a recent study (Scadding et al, unpublished data; mean 70.14, standard
deviation 14.17 for cross-sectional area in cm2 at 8 hours for skin late phase response to
intradermal grass pollen injection), inclusion of 7 participants per group will provide 80%
power to detect a 30% reduction, whereas inclusion of 10 participants per group will provide
90% power to detect a 30% reduction.
Intent-to-treat (ITT) sample will be defined as all randomized participants. ITT participants
will be analysed with the group to which they were randomized, regardless of the medication
actually received. If participants drop out post randomisation, they will be invited to
complete study assessments throughout the duration of the trial.
Per-protocol (PP) sample will be defined as ITT sample participants who remain in the study
for 12 months and in whom the primary endpoints were assessed. Participants in the PP sample
must be compliant with study medication, defined as taking 75% or more of their study
medication for the duration of the study. Compliance with study medication will be as
assessed by pill count for returned AIT/placebo. Participants in the PP sample will be
analysed with the group to which they were randomized. The non-atopics will also be included
in the PP sample.
Safety sample (SS) will be defined as all enrolled participants.
Analysis of study data will be conducted to address all objectives of the trial and other
interrelationships among all data elements of interest to the investigators and of relevance
to the objectives of the study. Primary analysis of treatment effect will be conducted under
the intention-to-treat (ITT) principle of eligible patients, whereby outcome data from all
eligible patients will be included regardless of treatment compliance. In addition to the
analyses described in sections below, summary descriptive statistics will be provided in the
following manner: continuous data will be summarized descriptively by mean, standard
deviation, median, and range; categorical data will be presented as enumerations and
Analysis of primary endpoint:
The primary endpoint will be analysed using the ITT and the PP sample. The analysis of the
primary endpoint will compare the mean EPR to nasal challenge recorded by the TNSS during the
first 60 minutes after the nasal challenge, at 12 months of therapy. Comparison between
active and placebo groups will be assessed using ANOVA at the 0.05 level of significance.
Analysis of secondary endpoint:
All secondary analyses will be treated as supportive. P-values will be presented for the
secondary endpoints but will not be adjusted for multiplicity and should be interpreted with
caution. Findings will be evaluated in the context of the available body of knowledge and
with respect to other findings.
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Recruiting |
NCT05080322 -
Efficacy and Safety of On-demand and Continuous Administration of Nasal Spray in the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis
Phase 4 | |
Recruiting |
NCT06028490 -
A Study of IL4Rα Monoclonal Antibody in Patients With Uncontrolled Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis.
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT04388358 -
Traditional Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Perennial Allergic Rhinitis on Gut Microbiota and Immune-modulation
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT04202263 -
Assessment of Suppression of Cutaneous Allergic Responses and Pruritis by Topical Minocycline
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT04078009 -
Standardising Nasal Allergen Challenge in Adult With Hay Fever
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT03644680 -
Changes in Adaptive Immune Responses and Effector Cell Responses Upon Nasal Allergen Exposure - a Pilot Study
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04541004 -
Adolescent Mite Allergy Safety Evaluation
Phase 3 | |
Recruiting |
NCT05378594 -
HDM and Silver Birch NAC Standardisation
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT05684380 -
Efficacy and Safety of MAZ-101 in the Treatment of Persistent Allergic Rhinitis (PER)
Phase 3 | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT01014325 -
Safety and Efficacy Study With Allergen Extracts of House Dust Mites for Specific Sublingual Immunotherapy
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT02943720 -
ATIBAR - Efficacy and Safety of Two Doses of AllerT in Patients Allergic to Birch Pollen
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT02910401 -
Clinical Response to Rhinovirus Challenge
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT02556801 -
Efficacy and Safety of SUBLIVAC Phleum for Immunotherapy of Grass Pollen-Allergy
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT02352168 -
Airway Inflammation in Children With Allergic Rhinitis and Intervention
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT02233426 -
Effect of Hypertonic Solutions on Allergic Rhinitis Patients
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01918956 -
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT01946035 -
Alpha-Blockers in Allergic Rhinitis (MAN 01)
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT01682070 -
Phase 2 | |
Recruiting |
NCT01454492 -
The Relationship Between Allergic Rhinitis and Geographic Tongue
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01439815 -
An Allergen BioCube (ABC) Study Evaluating the Efficacy of Fluticasone Propionate Nasal Spray Compared to Placebo
Phase 4 |