View clinical trials related to Adolescent Problem Behavior.
Filter by:Adolescents are at risk for tobacco use due to factors such as impulsivity, poor perception, desire to prove themselves, and insufficient neurological development. The Center of Disease (CDC) warns that if smoking continues at the current rate among young people, young people younger than 18 will die prematurely from a smoking-related disease The aim of this study was to comparison the effect of a board game and tobacco cessation education on reducing nicotine addiction in adolescents. A single-blind randomized controlled trial was used to evaluation the effect s of the different interventions on tobacco cessation. The 12 week interventions included: 1) Board Game (BG) and 2) Tobacco Cessation Education (TCE) developed based on Transtheoretical Model and 3) combined use of these two interventions (Cİ). All interventions were compared to Control Group(CG). "Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FNTD)" were used to collect data at baseline, at 8.week and at 12.week the intervention. "Assessment Of Stage Of Change Form (ASCF)" were used to collect data at baseline and at the end of each intervention (every two weeks one). Participants were consisted of students studying at a high school in Eskisehir in Turkey. In order to form the intervention groups, permission was obtained from the school principal and teacher of each class, and the students were informed about the purpose of the study and the participation criteria. It was done in information classes. Recruitment began in October 2018 and end in January 2019. Students who wanted to participate in the study were asked to send a short message to the investigator's private phone number. An automated response with a hyperlink was sent to a web page where information about the study was presented and students were asked to give informed consent at the push of a button. Students who agreed to participate were enrolled in a web-based questionnaire for egilibility screening.
The World Health Organization (WHO, 2013) defined the 10-19 age group as "adolescent" and the 15-24 age group as "youth". Adolescence period; It is a period of rapid growth, development and maturation in terms of physical, mental, biochemical and social aspects.10-20% of children and adolescents living in the world have mental health diseases such as generalized anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorders.In adolescents, yoga is practiced as a relaxing tool to reduce stress, especially for exam anxiety.In Turkey, there are no yoga-based experimental studies to prevent anxiety, stress and depression in adolescents.
In this pilot study, the effect of a group intervention targeting self-criticism in adolescents in a clinical child- and adolescent psychiatric outpatient setting will be examined using a single-case experimental design (AB). Participants will be randomized to multiple baseline with weekly measures. Our primary outcomes, measured weekly, are self-criticism, nonsuicidal self-injury and symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as an individually chosen behavior driven by self-criticism. Secondary outcomes are self-compassion, psychological flexibility, quality of life and functioning. In addition to the weekly administered questionnaires, before and after measures, and 3- and 6-month follow-up will be collected. After the treatment, participants will also be interviewed about their experiences of targeting self-criticism.
This is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluation of the Teen Council program that was tested with high school students (grades 10-12) to assess whether it results in a reduction of teen pregnancy among other outcomes.
The Seattle Social Development Project (SSDP) included a three-part intervention for teachers, parents, and students in grades 1 to 6. It was a universal prevention program that was tested in elementary schools serving children from high crime urban areas. The intervention trained teachers in proactive classroom management, interactive teaching, and cooperative learning. SSDP also offered training to parents in child behavior management, academic support, and skills to reduce risks for drug use. It provided training to children designed to affect interpersonal problem solving and refusal skills. These interventions were designed to reduce risks and increase protection at the individual, peer, family and school levels. The package of interventions was guided theoretically by the social development model. We hypothesized that training teachers to teach and manage their classrooms in ways that promote bonding to school, training parents to manage their families in ways that promote bonding to family and to school, and providing children with training in skills for social interaction would positively affect children's attitudes toward school, behavior at school, and academic achievement. These methods further sought to reduce children's opportunities and rewards for antisocial involvement. We thought that these changes would, in turn, set children on a different developmental trajectory observable in higher school achievement and fewer health-risk behaviors later in adolescence.
Substance-abusing youth - especially those who are involved in the juvenile justice system - are at higher risk than nonusers for mental health problems, including depression, conduct problems, personality disorders, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, and completed suicide. The proposed Phase II project aims to develop and test the efficacy of a mobile app, called Rewire, that is geared toward helping high risk adolescent substance users reduce or quit their substance use. The Rewire app is based on the primary substance use cessation components tested in our previous work with juvenile justice-involved adolescents and on intervention components shown to be central to smoking cessation; it applies a mindfulness approach as the guiding framework for the intervention.
This study evaluates a brief motivation-building intervention for parents and teens to reduce truancy and substance use. It is hypothesized that the motivational intervention will result in better outcomes compared to an education-only intervention.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate a family counseling intervention, entitled "Tuko Pamoja" (Translation "We are Together" in Kiswahili). The intervention, delivered by lay counselors and through existing community social structures, is expected to improve family functioning and individual mental health among members. The sample includes highly distressed families with a child or adolescent (ages 8-17) exhibiting emotional or behavioral concerns; as such, particular emphasis is placed on adolescent-focused outcomes, including mental health and well-being.
Investigators are carrying out a study to assess the immediate and long-term effects of a positive youth development program (the Teen Outreach Program) on high school youth in Florida. This study will answer the following questions: What is the impact of the Teen Outreach Program on sexual activity and positive youth development at the end of the program and 10 months after the program?