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Clinical Trial Details — Status: Completed

Administrative data

NCT number NCT00377260
Other study ID # 05-0142
Secondary ID U01AI066007
Status Completed
Phase Phase 4
First received September 14, 2006
Last updated December 3, 2014
Start date November 2006
Est. completion date April 2009

Study information

Verified date December 2014
Source University of Pittsburgh
Contact n/a
Is FDA regulated No
Health authority United States: Federal GovernmentUnited States: Food and Drug AdministrationUnited States: Institutional Review Board
Study type Interventional

Clinical Trial Summary

The purpose of this study is to learn whether or not all children with ear infections (acute otitis media or AOM) should be treated with antibiotics. The study will compare two treatment strategies, "watchful waiting" or treatment with antibiotics, to determine which is more appropriate for children with AOM. About 268 children in Pittsburgh, between the ages of 6-23 months, with AOM will be enrolled in the study. They will be treated either with Augmentin (an antibiotic) or placebo for 10 days and closely followed for about 1 month. Parents will be asked to write information about their child in a Patient Diary. A general physical exam, including an ear exam, will be performed 4 times during the study. A mucus sample will be collected from the back of each child's nose. Parents will be asked questions during phone calls and at every visit. If a child has not improved or has worsened, the investigators will prescribe a different antibiotic that is known to kill resistant germs.


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Study Design

Allocation: Randomized, Endpoint Classification: Efficacy Study, Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment, Masking: Double Blind (Subject, Caregiver, Investigator), Primary Purpose: Treatment

Related Conditions & MeSH terms


Augmentin ES-600™: Amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium (600/42.9 mg per 5 mL), administered at a dose of 90/6.4 mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses for 10 days with strawberry cream flavor.
Same base formulation of the licensed product Augmentin ES-600™, with the same strawberry cream flavor.


Country Name City State
United States Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Sponsors (2)

Lead Sponsor Collaborator
University of Pittsburgh National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Country where clinical trial is conducted

United States, 


Type Measure Description Time frame Safety issue
Primary The Time to Resolution of Symptoms, Defined as Acute Otitis Media-Severity of Symptoms (AOM-SOS) Score of 0 or 1, According to Treatment Assignment Time to resolution of symptoms is defined as the time from randomization until a child's AOM-SOS score reaches 0 or 1. The parent rated each of 7 symptoms (ear tugging, crying, irritability, difficulty sleeping, diminished activity, diminished appetite & fever) as 0, 1 or 2 (none, a little, a lot) and recorded the ratings in a diary following enrollment on Day 1, twice daily Days 2 and 3, then once daily Days 4-7. Each set of ratings was summed to obtain an AOM-SOS score. The maximum possible score was 14 and the minimum was 0. A score >=3 was required to be enrolled in the study. The first 7 days on therapy No
Primary The Time to Resolution of Symptoms, Defined as Acute Otitis Media-Severity of Symptoms (AOM-SOS) Score of 0 or 1 on Two Consecutive Occasions, According to Treatment Assignment Time to resolution of symptoms is defined as the time from randomization until a child's AOM-SOS score reaches <= 1 on two consecutive occasions. The parent rated each of 7 symptoms (ear tugging, crying, irritability, difficulty sleeping, diminished activity, diminished appetite & fever) as 0, 1 or 2 (none, a little, a lot) & recorded the ratings in a diary following enrollment on Day 1, twice daily Days 2 & 3, & once daily Days 4-7. Each set of ratings was summed to obtain an AOM-SOS score. The maximum possible was 14 and the minimum 0. A score >=3 was required to be enrolled in the study. The first 7 days on therapy No
Primary The Weighted Average Acute Otitis Media - Severity of Symptom (AOM-SOS) Score, According to Treatment Assignment The AOM-SOS score is derived from parent scoring each of 7 symptoms (ear tugging, crying, irritability, difficulty sleeping, diminished activity, diminished appetite & fever) associated with AOM as 0, 1 or 2 (none, a little, a lot). The AOM-SOS was administered twice daily the first 3 days of follow-up, then daily for 4 additional days. Symptom burden for each child is determined by calculating the weighted average of symptom scores post-enrollment over the first 7 days of therapy. Scores are weighted by 1/k, where k is the number of post-enrollment assessments taken on that day. During the first 7 days of therapy No
Secondary The Distribution of Clinical Failures by the On-therapy Visit According to Treatment Assignment Clinical failure by the on-therapy visit is defined as either failure to achieve substantial improvement in symptoms, or worsening of otoscopic signs, or both. On-therapy visit. The mean day for this visit was 5.0. No
Secondary The Distribution of Clinical Failures by the End-of-therapy Visit According to Treatment Assignment Clinical failure by the end of therapy visit is defined as failure to achieve complete or virtually complete resolution of symptoms and of otoscopic signs, but without regard to the persistence of middle ear effusion. End-of-therapy visit. The mean day for this visit was 11.6. No
Secondary The Mean Acute Otitis Media - Severity of Symptom (AOM-SOS) Score, Post-enrollment, Over the First 7 Days of Therapy According to Treatment Assignment The parent rated each of 7 symptoms (ear tugging, crying, irritability, difficulty sleeping, diminished activity, diminished appetite & fever) as 0, 1 or 2 (none, a little, a lot) and recorded the ratings in a diary following enrollment on Day 1, twice daily Days 2 and 3, then once daily Days 4-7. Each set of ratings was summed to obtain an AOM-SOS score as a measure of symptom burden. The maximum possible score was 14 and the minimum was 0. During the first 7 days of therapy No
Secondary The Distribution of Children Developing Worsening Symptoms Prior to Receiving 72 Hours of Study Medication According to Treatment Assignment The parent rated each of 7 symptoms (ear tugging, crying, irritability, difficulty sleeping, diminished activity, diminished appetite & fever) as 0, 1 or 2 (none, a little, a lot) and recorded the ratings in a diary following enrollment on Day 1 and twice daily Days 2 and 3. Each set of ratings was summed to obtain an Acute Otitis Media-Severity of Symptoms (AOM-SOS) score. We compared a child's AOM-SOS scores in the first 72 hours to his/her score at enrollment to determine if a child's symptoms got worse (score increased) or remained unchanged or improved (score remained same or decreased). Before receiving 72 hours of study medication No
Secondary The Mean Number of Times Analgesic Medication Was Administered to the Child According to Treatment Assignment The parents were asked to complete a memory aid for the first 10 days of the study. One item asked them to record medications administered to the child in addition to the study medication. The data presented shows the mean number of times analgesic, i.e. ibuprofen or acetaminophen, was administered. The first 10 days of follow-up No
Secondary The Distribution of Children With Observed or Parent Reported Adverse Events or Complications According to Treatment Assignment Analysis was limited to those adverse events identified as being associated with either the study medication or the antimicrobials administered to children who were treatment failures or as being a complication of acute otitis media. We monitored children and queried parents regarding adverse events at each study visit, i.e. Day 4-5, Day 10-12, and Day 21-25, and at interim visits. The last assessment was made at the Day 21-25 visit. The mean day for this visit was 22.8. Yes
Secondary The Distribution of Children With Nasopharyngeal (NP) Colonization With AOM Pathogens at the End-of-therapy Visit According to Treatment Assignment AOM pathogens are defined as Streptococcus Pneumoniae or Haemophilus Influenzae or Moraxella Catarrhalis or Streptococcus Pyogenes. Nasopharyngeal cultures were obtained at the end of therapy visit. End-of-therapy visit. The mean day for this visit was 11.6. No
Secondary The Distribution of Children With Nasopharyngeal (NP) Colonization With Penicillin-susceptible Streptococcus Pneumoniae (S. pn) at the End-of-therapy Visit According to Treatment Assignment End-of-therapy visit. The mean day for this visit was 11.6. No
Secondary The Distribution of Children With Nasopharyngeal (NP) Colonization With AOM Pathogens at the Follow-up Visit According to Treatment Assignment AOM pathogens are defined as Streptococcus Pneumoniae or Haemophilus Influenzae or Moraxella Catarrhalis or Streptococcus Pyogenes. Nasopharyngeal cultures were obtained at the follow-up visit. Follow-up visit. The mean day for this visit was 22.8. No
Secondary The Distribution of Children With Nasopharyngeal (NP) Colonization With Penicillin-susceptible Streptococcus Pneumoniae (S. pn) at the Follow-up Visit Follow-up visit. The mean day for this visit was 22.8. No
Secondary The Probability of Middle Ear Effusion, Based on an Algorithm That Estimates the Probability of Middle Ear Effusion From an Interpretable Tympanographic Configuration, at the On-therapy Visit According to Treatment Assignment For tympanograms with values for height, middle-ear air pressure, and gradient width, the probability of Middle Ear Effusion (MEE) was estimated by applying an algorithm developed by Smith et al. If the tympanogram was flat and had no printed values for the 3 fields, the probability of MEE was estimated to be .802 based on the proportion of ears with flat graphs that were found otoscopically, by Smith et al, to have MEE. On-therapy visit. The mean day for this visit was 5.0. No
Secondary The Probability of Middle Ear Effusion, Based on an Algorithm That Estimates the Probability of Middle Ear Effusion From an Interpretable Tympanographic Configuration, at the End-of-therapy Visit According to Treatment Assignment For tympanograms with values for height, middle-ear air pressure, and gradient width, the probability of Middle Ear Effusion (MEE) was estimated by applying an algorithm developed by Smith et al. If the tympanogram was flat and had no printed values for the 3 fields, the probability of MEE was estimated to be .802 based on the proportion of ears with flat graphs that were found otoscopically, by Smith et al, to have MEE. End-of-therapy visit. The mean day for this visit was 11.6. No
Secondary The Probability of Middle Ear Effusion, Based on an Algorithm That Estimates the Probability of Middle Ear Effusion From an Interpretable Tympanographic Configuration, at the Follow-up Visit According to Treatment Assignment For tympanograms with values for height, middle-ear air pressure, and gradient width, the probability of Middle Ear Effusion (MEE) was estimated by applying an algorithm developed by Smith et al. If the tympanogram was flat and had no printed values for the 3 fields, the probability of MEE was estimated to be .802 based on the proportion of ears with flat graphs that were found otoscopically, by Smith et al, to have MEE. Follow-up visit. The mean day for this visit was 22.8. No
Secondary The Mean Number of Visits to a Primary Care Provider (PCP) According to Treatment Assignment At each visit parents were asked if they had taken their child to his/her primary care physician since the last contact. Medical records were also reviewed. This was assessed at each study visit, i.e. Day 4-5, Day 10-12, Day 21-25, and at interim visits. The last assessment was made at the Day 21-25 visit. The mean day for this latter visit was 22.8. No
Secondary The Mean Number of Emergency Room Visits According to Treatment Assignment At each visit we asked parents if they had to take their child to the emergency department. We also reviewed medical records to assure even more accurate reporting. This was assessed at each study visit, i.e. Day 4-5, Day 10-12, Day 21-25, and at interim visits. The last assessment was made at the Day 21-25 visit. The mean day for this latter visit was 22.8. No
Secondary The Mean Number of Antibiotic Prescriptions, Exclusive of Study Medication, According to Treatment Assignment This is the number of times, in the course of the study, a child required treatment with an antibiotic other than the blinded study medication. This was assessed at each study visit, i.e. Day 4-5, Day 10-12, Day 21-25, and at interim visits. The last assessment was made at the Day 21-25 visit. The mean day for this latter visit was 22.8. No
Secondary The Total Number of Visits, Summed Across All Participants, at Which a Family Member Reported Having Missed Work According to Treatment Assignment At each visit, parent or parents were asked if their child's illness had caused either parent to miss a day or partial day of work. The total number of visits is summed across all participants in the respective treatment arms. This was assessed at each study visit, i.e. Day 4-5, Day 10-12, Day 21-25, and at interim visits. The last assessment was made at the Day 21-25 visit. The mean day for this latter visit was 22.8. No
Secondary The Total Number of Visits, Summed Across All Participants, at Which a Family Member Reported Making Special Daycare Arrangements According to Treatment Assignment At each visit, parent or parents were asked if their child's illness had caused them to make alternative daycare arrangements. The total number of visits is summed across all participants in the respective treatment arms. This was assessed at each study visit, i.e. Day 4-5, Day 10-12, Day 21-25, and at interim visits. The last assessment was made at the Day 21-25 visit. The mean day for this latter visit was 22.8. No
Secondary The Mean Score Representing Parental Satisfaction With the Study Medication As Recorded at the On-therapy Visit According to Treatment Assignment Parents were asked to circle the expression that best represented their satisfaction with the study medication. These expressions have an assigned value: Very dissatisfied = 1, Somewhat dissatisfied = 2, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied = 3, Somewhat satisfied = 4 and Very satisfied = 5. On-therapy visit. The mean day for this visit was 5.0. No
Secondary The Mean Score Representing Parental Satisfaction With the Study Medication As Recorded at the End-of-therapy Visit According to Treatment Assignment Parents were asked to circle the expression that best represented their satisfaction with the study medication. These expressions have an assigned value: Very dissatisfied = 1, Somewhat dissatisfied = 2, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied = 3, Somewhat satisfied = 4 and Very satisfied = 5. End-of-therapy visit. The mean day for this visit was 11.6. No
Secondary The Mean Score Representing Parental Satisfaction With the Study Medication As Recorded at the Follow-up Visit According to Treatment Assignment Parents were asked to circle the expression that best represented their satisfaction with the study medication. These expressions have an assigned value: Very dissatisfied = 1, Somewhat dissatisfied = 2, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied = 3, Somewhat satisfied = 4 and Very satisfied = 5. Follow-up visit. The mean day for this visit was 22.8. No
See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
Completed NCT02092454 - Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Benzocaine for Pain Relief in Children Presenting With Acute Otitis Media Phase 2
Completed NCT01202578 - Evaluation of the Tympanostomy Tube Delivery System Phase 2/Phase 3
Withdrawn NCT00502450 - Is There Hearing Loss After Acute Mastoiditis N/A
Completed NCT04296448 - Evaluation of Cellphone Based Otoscopy in Pediatric Patients N/A
Terminated NCT05651633 - Analgesic Ear Drops for Children With Acute Otitis Media Phase 3
Completed NCT01941381 - Does Tympanometry Predict Antibiotic Usage in Acute Otitis Media?
Completed NCT02345447 - Herbal-Based Medication vs. Placebo in Preventing Acute Otitis Media in Children at High Risk of Recurrence Phase 3
Recruiting NCT01214538 - Assessment of the Natural Antibody Response to Pneumococcal Surface Proteins During Acute Otitis Media in Children N/A
Completed NCT03614117 - Effect of a New Probiotic Strain on Recurrent Acute Otitis Media in Children (PROMAR) N/A
Recruiting NCT06027593 - Using Electronically Derived Automated Reports of Appropriate Antibiotic Use to Inform Stewardship Interventions N/A
Completed NCT02918773 - Pediatric Emergency Department Smartphone Otoscope Study (PED-Oto) N/A
Completed NCT02567747 - Vaccination Impact Against Pneumococcal Disease on Acute Otitis Media Morbidity in Colombian Children < 5 Years of Age
Completed NCT02935374 - Effect of Antimicrobial Treatment of Acute Otitis Media on the Intestinal Microbiome in Children Phase 4
Completed NCT02567825 - Efficacy of Tympanostomy Tubes for Children With Recurrent Acute Otitis Media N/A
Completed NCT02037893 - Four Arm Safety & Efficacy With Antipyrine and Benzocaine Otic Solution in Children With Acute Otitis Media Phase 2
Completed NCT00578773 - A Phase II Study of an Otic Formulation in Treating Peri-Operative Tube Otorrhea Phase 2
Completed NCT00645112 - A Comparison of Safety and Efficacy of Cefdinir Oral Suspension Versus Azithromycin in Pediatric Subjects With Acute Otitis Media Phase 4
Completed NCT00368823 - A Trial of Point of Care Information in Ambulatory Pediatrics Phase 3
Completed NCT01272999 - Impact of Prevnar 13 on Ear Infections in Children
Completed NCT01031082 - Study to Identify and Characterize Bacteria Causing Acute Otitis Media in South African Children N/A