Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinical Trial
Official title:
South African Men Health Promotion Project
Sub-Saharan Africa has about 10% of the world's population, but was home to more than 60% of all people living with HIV in 2003. South Africa continues to have the largest number of people living with HIV in the world, and as in other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, heterosexual exposure is the primary HIV transmission category. Worldwide, efforts to stem the spread of HIV among heterosexuals have stressed the impact of HIV on women. Oft-cited statistics indicate that about half of all people living with HIV are women. The strategies typically offered to address the impact of HIV on women are interventions with women. An alternative approach to addressing women's risk of heterosexual transmission of HIV, one that would be an important complement to the predominant approach, is focusing on men. By reducing sexual risk behavior of men, it should be possible to reduce rates of HIV in both men and women. The rates in men would decline because they are the recipients of the intervention; rates in women would decline because they have sex with men. Interventions aimed at men could take into account the power that men have in sexual decision-making and risk taking. However, whether one considers the US literature or the international literature, few randomized controlled trials of HIV/STD risk-reduction interventions have focused on heterosexual men. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to develop and test the efficacy of an intervention to curb HIV/STD risk-associated behavior in South African men who have sex with women. A cluster-randomized controlled trial design will be used to reduce the potential for contamination between treatment arms that would be present if individuals were randomized. An attention control group will be used to control for Hawthorne effects, special attention, and group interaction. Matched pairs of neighborhoods in Black townships in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa similar on key characteristics will be created, 22 pairs will be randomly selected, and men will be recruited. One neighborhood in each pair will be randomly assigned to each of the 2 study arms. We hypothesized that men who receive a culturally appropriate theory-based HIV/STD risk-reduction intervention will be more likely to report consistently using condoms during intercourse in the 12-month post intervention period than will men who receive an attention-control intervention, adjusting for baseline condom use.
Sub-Saharan Africa has just over 10% of the world's population, but according to UNAIDS was
home to more than 60% of all people living with HIV in 2003—some 25.4 million people. South
Africa continues to have the largest number of people living with HIV in the world. As in
other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, heterosexual exposure is the primary HIV transmission
category. An estimated 5.3 million South Africans—2.9 million women and 2.4 million men—were
living with HIV at the end of 2003.
Worldwide, efforts to stem the spread of HIV among heterosexuals have stressed the impact of
HIV on women. Oft-cited statistics indicate that about half of all people living with HIV are
women. It is often suggested that women are seldom free to make empowered choices and face a
range of HIV-related vulnerabilities that men do not face—many of which are embedded in the
social relations and economic realities of their societies. Women's economic dependence on
their male partners and the fact that women do not have the power to abstain from sex or to
insist on condom use—even when they suspect that their man has other sexual partners and
might have HIV—is emphasized. The hazards of young women's sexual relationships with older
men and the high rate of rape and other forms of sexual coercion are cited. Men are typically
mentioned as injection drug users, as having sex with other men—whether as MSMs or being on
the "down low"—or as being the cause of the spread of HIV in women. The strategies typically
offered to address the impact of HIV on women are interventions with women. For instance, it
is recommended that women be taught the information and skills to make decisions about the
terms of their sexual relationships, that methods of protection that women can control (e.g.,
microbicides) be developed, and that boosting women's economic opportunities and social power
should be seen as part and parcel of potentially successful and sustainable HIV prevention
To be sure, there is an alternative approach to addressing women's risk of heterosexual
transmission of HIV, one that would be important complement to the predominant approach:
namely, focusing on men. Although it is noted that HIV is affecting women most severely in
places where heterosexual exposure is a dominant mode of transmission, this seldom leads to a
recommendation that interventions be developed to change men's behavior. Yet, by reducing
men's sexual risk behavior, it should be possible to reduce rates of HIV in both men and
women. Men's rates would decline because they are the recipients of the intervention; women's
rates would decline because they have sex with men. Interventions targeting men could take
into account the power that men have in sexual decision-making and risk taking.
However, whether one considers the US literature or the international literature, few
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of HIV/STD risk-reduction interventions have targeted
heterosexual men. Elwy and colleagues 2002 review of HIV/STD prevention intervention studies
revealed that only 12 of 1157 studies worldwide were conducted on males only. Most were not
RCTs demonstrating intervention efficacy. Only 2 demonstrated significant effects on
mediators and behaviors, and neither was a RCT. In addition, scant attention has focused on
the general population of heterosexual men in any region. Indeed, 8 of the 12 studies focused
on incarcerated men, STD patients, substance abusers, miners, or truck drivers. To address
this gap in the literature, the proposed trial will focus on men who are more representative
of the general population. In many developing countries, including South Africa, the HIV/AIDS
epidemic is generalized, and there is a need to develop and test interventions for a broad
range of the population, not just special high-risk sub-populations.
Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to develop and test the efficacy of an
intervention to reduce behaviors that create the risk for contracting and transmitting STD,
including HIV, among South African men who have sex with women. A cluster-randomized control
trial design will be used to reduce the potential for contamination between treatment arms
that would be present if individuals were randomized. An attention control group will be used
to control for Hawthorne effects, special attention, and group interaction. Men will be
recruited from Black townships surrounding East London, including Mdantsane, Scenery Park,
Duncan, Village, and Gompo Town, and the semi-rural area of Berlin in the Eastern Cape
Province of South Africa. More than 98% of the residents of these areas are Black Africans,
and isiXhosa is the first language for 98.8% of the population. There are 206 neighborhoods
defined as geographical clusters tied to census data in this catchment area, allowing the
creation of 103 matched pairs of neighborhoods similar on the percentage isiXhosa-speaking,
percentage married, percentage male, percentage living in informal dwellings, percentage
unemployed, and population size. From the 103 matched pairs, 22 pairs will be randomly
selected for the trial. One neighborhood in each pair will be randomly assigned to each of
the 2 study arms.
Before recruiting from a neighborhood, meetings with community leaders (e.g., councilor,
clergy) will be held to enlist their support. In addition, a meeting will be held to inform
men in the neighborhood about the study. Recruiters will inform potential participants about
the study, obtain consent to be screened, and conduct a brief screening interview to
determine eligibility and willingness to participate. Eligible men will be invited to
participate in the "Men, Together Making A Difference Project" designed to understand men's
behaviors that may create health risks such as heart disease, cancer, and STDs, especially
HIV, and to find ways to teach men how to reduce these risks. A common participant
recruitment and enrollment protocol, including use of the same posters and other materials,
will be followed in the neighborhoods in both conditions. Eligible men will be recruited in
advance of randomization so that at the time they agree to participate they will be blind to
the specific intervention they will receive. This procedure will reduce the probability of
self-selection bias into the different conditions of the trial.
All participants will complete self-report measures via audio computer-assisted
self-interviewing before the intervention, immediately after, and 6 and 12 months after the
intervention. Several steps will be taken to increase the validity of self-report measures.
Participants will be given a calendar, with the dates clearly marked. This will make salient
to respondents the dates that are included when they are asked to recall their behavior "in
the past 3 months" and that they should be specific. The importance of responding honestly
will be emphasized. They will be informed that their responses will be used to create
programs for South African men like themselves and that this will be possible only if they
answer the questions honestly. This pits the social responsibility motive against the social
desirability motive. Participants will be assured that their responses will be kept
confidential. Facilitators who lead the intervention groups will not be involved in any way
in the data collection. The use of ACASI should also serve to increase participants'
motivation to respond accurately.
There are 2 Specific Aims. Aim 1 is to test the primary hypothesis that men who receive a
culturally appropriate theory-based HIV/STD risk-reduction intervention will be more likely
to report consistently using condoms during vaginal intercourse in the 12-month post
intervention period than will men who receive an attention-control intervention. Aim 2 is to
test the secondary hypothesis that outcome expectancies and self-efficacy to use condoms
mediate the HIV/STD risk-reduction intervention's effect on condom use. In addition, an
exploratory aim is to conduct hypothesis-generating analyses on whether the efficacy of the
intervention varies depending on neighborhood characteristics or participants' baseline
characteristics. The effects of HIV/STD risk-reduction interventions may differ as a function
of the neighborhood's unemployment rate, percentage living in informal dwellings/shacks,
percentage married, or sex ratio. Potential individual-level moderators include age, marital
status, language use (English versus isiXhosa), and alcohol and drug use.
The unit of inference in this trial is the individual. This is because the trial is designed
to test the efficacy of a behavior-change intervention based on individual-level behavior
change theory. As Donner and Klar in 2000 noted in their influential textbook on
cluster-randomized trial, the unit of inference, not the unit of randomization, determines
the unit of analysis.
The data will be analyzed using an intention-to-treat mode, with participants analyzed based
on their intervention assignment, regardless of the number of intervention or data-collection
sessions attended. The primary aim focuses on testing for significant differences between two
treatment conditions over the post intervention period. Major statistical challenges arise in
the proper handling of repeated clustered outcomes. Each variable of interest is completed by
each man, nested within a neighborhood, thus creating a correlated outcome. Moreover, the
multiple assessments of each variable over the study period produce correlated repeated
outcomes. The primary challenge in the analysis of such data is appropriate adjustments for
the differential treatment means between clusters and the correlations among the observations
within a cluster (cluster effects).
Most statistical models assume stochastic independence among observations and thus are
inappropriate for clustered data. In this trial, generalized estimating equations (GEE)
modeling will be employed to handle the clustered data appropriately. GEE modeling avoids
explicit modeling of the within-cluster correlations by basing statistical inferences of
model parameters on marginalized likelihood or generalized estimating equations. Since GEE
requires a relatively large sample size, it is not appropriate for small studies. Given the
large sample size, GEE is appropriate for in this trial. The implementation for this trial is
relatively straightforward. For instance, to determine whether a greater percentage of the
men who receive the HIV/STD risk-reduction intervention report consistent condom use 6 and 12
months post intervention, as compared with those who received the health-promotion
intervention, the model will include time-independent covariates, baseline measure of
consistent condom use, intervention type, and time (2 categories representing 6- and 12-month
follow-up), which will provide the effect of the intervention over the 2 follow-up visits.
A sample size calculation was performed to detect an a priori effect size of a 10% increase
in consistent condom use from 32% to 42% in the HIV/STD risk-reduction intervention
condition, adjusting for the expected variance inflation due to clustering. A 10% increase
was selected as a clinically and substantively important effect size. Based on pilot data, an
intraclass correlation (ICC) of 0.01 was estimated. Assuming alpha = 0.05, a 2-tailed test,
ICC = 0.01, 15% attrition at 12-month follow-up, and N = 1,152 men in the trial from 44
neighborhoods with an average of 26 men in each neighborhood, the trial was estimated to have
81% power to detect a 10% increase in consistent condom use from 32% to 42% in the HIV/STD
intervention group. Assuming the same effect size, hypothesis tests on secondary sexual
behavior outcomes and theoretical mediator variables will have similar statistical power.
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Completed |
NCT02579135 -
Reducing HIV Risk Among Adolescents: Evaluating Project HEART
N/A | |
Enrolling by invitation |
NCT06127277 -
Next4You: A Fully Mobile Relationships Based Program for Youth in Foster Care
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT05889689 -
Evaluation of an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program; Relationship Smarts+ With Lessons From Mind Matters
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02516930 -
A Non-inferiority Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate Promoting Condom Use Among MSM and Transgender Individuals in China
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT03063385 -
Puerto Rico Cuidalos Parent-adolescent Program
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02009046 -
Randomized Evaluation of a Multi-Component, Rights-Based Sexuality Education Initiative for High School Students
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01411878 -
Louisville Teen Pregnancy Prevention Project
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01303575 -
Internet-Based Sexual Health Education for Middle School Native American Youth
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT00167505 -
All About Youth: Evaluation of Sexual Risk Avoidance and Risk Reduction Programs for Middle School Students
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT00183456 -
A Peer-Oriented HIV Prevention Outreach Program for Individuals at High Risk for HIV and Other STIs
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT00336180 -
Adolescent Drug and HIV Prevention in South Africa
Phase 2/Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT00710060 -
Effectiveness of a Community-level HIV/STD Prevention Intervention in Promoting Safer Sexual Behaviors in High-risk Populations
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT00161382 -
Development and Evaluation of an HIV, STD, and Pregnancy Prevention Program for Middle School Students
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01084395 -
Reducing HIV Risk Among Mexican Youth
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT00640653 -
Efficacy of an Abstinence-Only HIV Risk-Reduction Intervention for Young African-American Adolescents
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT00289939 -
Reducing HIV & Domestic Violence Risk in Women Offenders
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT00137943 -
Parents Matter!: Interventions to Promote Effective Parent-Child Communication
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT03408743 -
Engineering an Online STI Prevention Program: CSE2
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT06104813 -
Evaluation of Deaf Men's Knowledge About Sexual Health
Not yet recruiting |
NCT05910580 -
Improving Alcohol and Substance Use Care Access, Outcome, Equity During the Reproductive Years
N/A |