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MBSR for Work Active Seniors - MBSR6065

Mindfulness-baseret Forebyggelse og Sundhedsfremme i Den Sidste Del af Arbejdslivet

Testing Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in 60-65 year old senior employees.

NCT04676750 — Health Promotion and Stress Prevention
Status: Active, not recruiting

Stent Implantation for Patients With SIDSMA

Prospective Observational Cohort Study in Patients With SIDSMA Treated With Stents

This study aims to evaluate the prognosis in patients with spontaneous isolated dissection of the superior mesenteric artery (SIDSMA) who have been treated with stents.

NCT03916965 — Dissection of the Superior Mesenteric Artery
Status: Active, not recruiting

Factors Influencing the Racial Disparity in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - SIDS

Factors Influencing the Racial Disparity in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

The overall purpose of this investigation is to better understand factors contributing to the high incidence of prone sleep positioning in African-American infants. In addition, the investigators are interested in investigating other races and ethinicities to understand their beliefs and perceptions and determine differences socioeconomically and socioculturally within and between groups. The investigators will address the following specific aims: (-) To compare knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding infant sleep position in parents of higher and lower SES. (-) To identify risk factors for non-use of recommended supine sleep position in families with higher and lower SES (-) to develop a phenomenologic understanding of the decisions made by parents of higher SES and lower SES who do nt use recommended supine sleep position, using qualitative techniques.

NCT01361893 — Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Status: Completed

Validation of a Non Invasive Blood Marker of SIDS and Vagal Disorders

Circulating Biomarker(s) of Muscarinic Receptor Overexpression and Vagal Disorders.

Context The investigators recently demonstrated a highly significant increase in muscarinic receptor density in the myocardium of infants deceased from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) compared to those of infants deceased from identified causes 1. Muscarinic receptor overexpression was found in all SIDS samples studied to date. It was associated with an average increase in acetylcholinesterase activity, appearing as a compensatory mechanism to oppose the cardiac muscarinic receptor overexpression. Similar vago-cardiac abnormalities were detected in a rabbit model of vagal hyperreactivity that the investigators first described some years ago2. In these hyperreactive animals, expression of muscarinic receptors was also enhanced in blood white cells. Noticeably, the pattern of changes in these cells paralleled the pattern of changes in the heart. Thus, muscarinic abnormalities in cardiac tissues could be inferred with high confidence from those measured in lymphocytes.This was the first report of a vago-cardiac abnormality in sudden infant death syndrome. The investigators findings also provided original and important perspectives for the identification and therapeutic management of infants at risk of sudden death. As such, the publication of the investigators work raised a major interest from the population and from the scientific and medical communities, in particular cardio-pediatricians. ObjectivesThe objective of the present clinical project is to validate, in human lymphocytes, muscarinic receptor expression level (assessed by quantitative RT-PCR) as a circulating biomarker of autonomic nervous system dysfunction and more specifically, of vagal hyperactivity and of risk of sudden death. The project will include 2 major items, conducted in parallel:1. evaluation of the muscarinic receptor expression in lymphocytes from adults with vagal syncopes (n=60 patients from an existing file versus 60 controls) (Cardiology unit + Clinical Investigation Centre (CIC) + Laboratory of Neurobiology and Cardiovascular Pharmacology); 2. evaluation of the muscarinic receptor expression in lymphocytes from children with vagal syncopes (n=60 versus 60 controls) (Pediatry unit + Clinical Investigation Centre + Laboratory of Neurobiology and Cardiovascular Pharmacology).PerspectivesThis project represents the first step of validation of a circulating marker of vagal hyperactivity and of risk of SIDS in human. Once this step is completed, the investigators will start with the prospective study " muscarinic receptor expression in lymphocytes and SIDS " (cord blood collected at birth and follow up of the new-borns) (Maternity ward + CIC + Laboratory of Neurobiology and Cardiovascular Pharmacology). Then therapeutic preventive management becomes a realistic objective. A therapeutic clinical study will then be started with atropinic drugs, in order to test their potential protective action against sudden death. The final objective of the investigators research is the prevention of SIDS through i) identification - as soon as birth - of new-borns at high risk and ii) appropriate prophylactic therapy. The investigators work also opens exciting perspectives in the field of the still poorly understood vagal disorders in children and adults such as vagal pauses.1 Livolsi et coll, Plos One 5, e9464, 2010 ; 2 Livolsi et coll, Circulation 106, 2301-2304, 2002

NCT01358461 — Vagal Syncope
Status: Completed

Changes in Sleep Patterns and Stress in Infants Entering Child Care

Changes in Sleep Patterns and Stress in Infants Entering Child Care: Implications for SIDS Risk

When babies start day care, they experience many changes, some of which may affect their risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The investigators want to find out if stress or change in the baby's sleep patterns can be a reason for this increased risk for SIDS.

NCT01265277 — Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Status: Completed

Do Pacifiers Protect From Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Through an Increase in Upper Airway Patency?

Do Pacifiers Protect From Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Through an Increase in Upper Airway Patency?

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death among infants between 1 month and 1 year of age in the developed world. SIDS continues to be a phenomenon of unknown cause. The best approach to for prevention in high risk infants is unclear. Several substantial lines of evidence indicate that pacifiers have a protective effect on the incidence of SIDS. These studies were significantly powered and the results were consistent world-wide. The explanation for the protective effects of pacifiers on SIDS prevalence is unclear. A recent case report from New Zealand showed by means of nasopharyngeal films of a baby with and without a pacifier the possibility that sucking on a pacifier is associated with a forward movement of the tongue with enlargement of the upper airways' cross sectional area. Indeed, this hypothesis was originally postulated 30 years ago by Cozzi et al. Working hypothesis and aims: Our hypothesis is that since the upper respiratory tract is that portion of the airway that imposes the greatest resistance to ventilation, sucking on a pacifier results in upper airway dilatation, thus greatly reducing upper airway obstruction and improving ventilation at a stage when infants are virtually obligate nasal breathers. It should be stressed that airway resistance is proportional to the 3rd power of the radius of the airway, thus even a relatively small increase in airway diameter may have a profound effect on airway resistance and respiratory mechanical work of breathing! In young infants and those with underdeveloped respiratory center drive, this decrease in the work of breathing could certainly be sufficient to minimize the risk of SIDS as described above.Thus, the aim of this study is to demonstrate the effect of sucking on a pacifier on upper airway patency.

NCT01120938 — Sudden Infant Death
Status: Recruiting

Investigation of the Genetic Diseases in Infants With Unknown Cause of Death - SIDS

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a disease of an infant under one year of age, whose sudden death occurred unexpectedly, which the cause of death cannot be determined despite macro-autopsy, and toxicological, pathological and microbiological examinations. It is most common in babies aged 2-4 months. Although it cannot be attributed to a single cause, it is suggested that apnea/airway obstruction, abuse, developmental disorders, exposure to cigarette smoke, infections, toxic gases, metabolic diseases, and cardiac problems cause SIDS. It is known that genetic studies on SIDS are few and the literature reported so far is insufficient. On the other hand, as a result of rapid developments in genetic diagnosis methods, various genes associated with SIDS have been reported in recent studies. Most of the studies conducted include genetic studies aimed at investigating specific disease groups in SIDS. Although there are few studies on comprehensive investigation of genetic causes, potentially causative variants have been identified in 20% of cases where whole exome sequencing has been performed. In a study including perinatal deaths in which the reports of the Forensic Medicine Institute in our country were examined, 4% of the cases were reported as infant deaths of unknown cause. However, this study is only autopsy data and does not include metabolic and genetic examinations. For this reason, as far as we know, there is no information about the incidence of SIDS in our country. Based on this information, in our research, in the province of Ankara, the deaths of children under one year of age who died unexpectedly and suddenly were examined, autopsied, and toxicological examinations were performed on internal organ samples and body fluids taken during the autopsy by the Ankara Group Presidency of the Forensic Medicine Institute between 2018 and 2023. Genetic investigation of hereditary diseases that may lead to death of cases whose cause of death cannot be explained despite pathological and microbiological examinations will be carried out by the Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) method. The project will be carried out by researchers at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine and Forensic Medicine Institute Ankara Group Presidency. This research project was planned as a prospective, descriptive, open uncontrolled study. The duration of the project is foreseen as 12 months. Approval for our research was received from Ankara University

NCT06060249 — Sudden Infant Death
Status: Active, not recruiting

Reduce African-American Infant Mortality - SIDS

Randomized Messaging Trial to Reduce African-American Infant Mortality

The overall purpose of this randomized trial is to develop and evaluate a systematic approach to improve African-American parental behaviors specifically with regards to the infant sleep environment. African-American parents of newborn, healthy term infants will be randomized to receive either a standard message to avoid bedsharing, eliminate use of soft bedding and soft sleep surfaces, and to place infants in the supine position for sleep to reduce the risk of SIDS or an enhanced message to avoid these behaviors to both reduce the risk of SIDS and to prevent infant suffocation.

NCT01361880 — Health Behavior
Status: Completed

Early Diagnosis and Stem Cell Transplantation for Severe Immunodeficiency Diseases - SIDS

The hypothesis of this study is that children with severe primary immunodeficiencies will benefit from early stem cell transplantation utilizing a reduced intensity conditioning regimen. This regimen is associated with a low risk of complications and will lead to correction of the underlying immunological defects.

NCT00613561 — Severe Immunodeficiency Diseases
Status: Recruiting

Incidence and Severity of Cardiorespiratory Events in Infants at Increased Epidemiological Risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

OBJECTIVES: I. Assess and compare the incidence and severity of cardiorespiratory events documented by home monitoring in infants at increased epidemiological risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). II. Determine the antecedent medical, demographic, physiologic, and behavioral characteristics that predict the incidence of cardiorespiratory events documented by home monitoring.

NCT00004392 — Apnea
Status: Completed