Oxidative Stress Clinical Trial
Official title:
The Effect of 90 Days of Protandim Supplementation on Markers of Oxidative Stress, Athletic Performance, and Recovery
Nutrition supplementation with antioxidants have been discussed as a way to further enhance
overall well-being of athletes, promote faster recovery, and improve overall performance. The
use of Protandim, a nutritional supplement containing 5 botanicals (Bacopa extract 150 mg;
milk thistle 225mg; ashwagandha 150 mg; green tea 75 mg; turmeric 75 mg) has shown promise in
an earlier study by reducing oxidative stress and increasing the amount of the anti-oxidant
enzymes in the blood.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of ~90 day Protandim supplementation on
5-km running performance and on acute and long term oxidative damage as assessed by blood
markers. Secondarily, another purpose of this study examined the effect of Protandim
supplementation on other blood parameters (such as antioxidant enzyme concentrations) and
measures of quality of life. The experiment was double-blind, placebo controlled. The study
addressed two main questions and two secondary questions:
Main Question 1: Does regular supplementation of Protandim (675 mg/day for 90 days) improve
5-km running times? Hypothesis: Protandim would improve 5-km running time by 0.5 min (SD
1-min). This is equivalent to an effect size of 0.5. The placebo group will have no change in
Main Question 2: Does regular supplementation of Protandim (675 mg/day for 90 days) reduce
oxidative damage at rest as assessed by lipid peroxides (TBARS) in runners? Hypothesis: Based
on the data by Nelson et al. (2006), oxidative damaged would be reduced by 40% (effect size =
Secondary Question 1: Does regular supplementation of Protandim (675 mg/day for 90 days) in
runners reduce the increase in oxidative damage post-race compared to pre-race as assessed by
lipid peroxides (TBARS)? Hypothesis: Based on the data by Kyparos et al. (2009), we expected
a 45% increase in TBARS post-exercise compared to pre-exercise (effect size of 3.6). However,
we expected that those that are on Protandim for 90 days will only have 31% increase in TBARS
post-race (effect size = 2.5) [based on changes in pre-post lipid peroxides from Arent et al.
Secondary Question 2: Does regular supplementation of Protandim (675 mg/day for 90 days)
improve quality of life according to WHOQOL-BREF (Skevington, Lotfy, O'Connell, & Group,
2004)? Hypothesis: There would be a statistical improvement in the quality of life
post-Protandim supplementation which a small effect size improvement of 0.33.
Forty apparently healthy community runners 18-55 yrs of age was recruited to participate in
this study that will require six total visits to the University of Louisville, which included
three sessions at the running track at University of Louisville.
A about 120 mL of blood was withdrawn from a peripheral vein for the duration of the study
(about 105 days). Runners was recruited from running clubs across the local community. These
participants will be randomized into two groups (Protandim, Placebo). The groups will be sex
and performance matched after the initial 5-km race.
Each subject underwent six testing sessions.
Session 1 (Initial Screening Day)
Subjects signed consent form and completed a questionnaire to clear them for physical
activity. Age, weight, and height was recorded. Subjects was asked to list all the
nutritional supplements they are taking, including multivitamins. They were asked to list the
5-km personal best time, and when that was done. They reported most recent 5-km time and when
that was achieved. Then they were asked to refrain from taking any multivitamins or
nutritional supplements for the duration of the study. The subjects recorded what they ate
during the 24 hr prior to the test day, and then they were asked to eat the same thing and do
same activity before the all follow up tests. Then a training diary was given to them to fill
in for the duration of the study. The training diary included intensity, training duration,
and mileage per week. After, they were given six quality of life questionnaires [World Health
Organization's WHOQOL-BREF quality of life assessment to fill out at home (one each for
Session 1-6)]. A pregnancy test was also conducted in the females.
Session 2 (Baseline, About 15 days after Session 1)
Subjects were fasted in the morning when they arrived at University of Louisville for their
pre-exercise blood sampling. They brought their 24-hr dietary recall with them and their
quality of life forms. Approximately three teaspoons of blood was withdrawn 30-60 minutes
prior to exercise for analysis of several blood parameters. Then subjects were required to
partake in a 5-km time trial at the University of Louisville track. The runners raced
together in groups of 6 to 10 runners per race according to their estimated 5-km time. The
estimated 5-km time is their own best estimate. Time trials have greater logical validity
compared to time-to-exhaustion tests so that is why time-trials are selected as the
performance measure.
About 10-20 minutes post-exercise, another three teaspoons of blood was withdrawn from each
subject. Only after their post-exercise blood draw will the subjects be able to eat.
Based on the performance of the 5-km time trials, males and females were ranked separately.
This was done in randomized blocks of two for males, and then randomized into blocks of two
for females. For example, the males was ranked from the 5-km race from the fastest runner to
the slowest runner. First and second place males were placed in a block of two. Third and
fourth place males were placed in a block of two. And so on. Then a fair coin was flipped. If
heads, the first ranked runner in the first pair went to Group 1, otherwise, the second
ranked runner in the pair went to Group 1. This was done for each block of two males (each
pair of two males). The same is then performed for the women. This randomization allowed for
the same mean 5-km running times in each group as well as maintaining similar male to female
Session 3 (About 7 days after Session 2)
Subjects were fasted in the morning when arrived at University of Louisville for their
pre-exercise blood sampling. They brought their 24-hr dietary recall with them and their
quality of life forms. Approximately three teaspoons of blood were withdrawn 30-60 minutes
prior to exercise for analysis of several blood parameters (the analytes are listed in Table
3). Then subjects partook in a 5-km time trial at the University of Louisville track.
About 30-minutes post-exercise, another three teaspoons of blood were withdrawn from each
subject. Only after their post-exercise blood draw were the subjects be able to eat.
Depending on the group, they were given approximately a 100 day supply of Protandim or
Placebo (corn starch and food coloring). The study was double blinded so neither the
researchers nor the subjects knew which group is the Protandim group and which group was the
Placebo group. They ingested 1 pill per day, ideally with breakfast (675 mg per day, 1 pill
per day). The subjects were given the complete supply of pills during this session, right
after the second blood sample was taken. The subjects was classified as Group 1 or Group 2
based on their five kilometer results from the first session. The pill bottles were labeled
Group 1 or Group 2. The pill bottles were dispensed by the research team according to group
number after their second blood sample. Subjects were asked record the daily intake of the
pills in their training diary. Once the study was completed, subjects were asked to return
the pill bottles to the research staff. That way, the researchers were able to account for
any missed days.
Session 4 (About 23 Days after Session 3)
Subjects were fasted in the morning when arrived at University of Louisville for their
pre-exercise blood sampling. They brought their 24-hr dietary recall with them and their
quality of life forms. Approximately three teaspoons of blood were withdrawn. There was no
5-km running race performed in this session. A pregnancy test was performed in the females.
Session 5 (about 30 Days after Session 4)
Subjects were fasted in the morning when they arrived at University of Louisville for their
pre-exercise blood sampling. They brought their 24-hr dietary recall with them and their
quality of life forms. Approximately three teaspoons of blood were withdrawn. There was no
running race performed in this session. A pregnancy test was conducted in the females.
Session 6 (About 30 days after Session 5)
Subjects were fasted in the morning when they arrived at University of Louisville for their
pre-exercise blood sampling. They brought their 24-hr dietary recall with them and their
quality of life forms. They also brought any unused pills for proper documentation. A
pregnancy test was conducted in the females. Then, approximately three teaspoons of blood
were withdrawn 30-60 minutes prior to exercise for analysis of several blood parameters. Then
subjects partook in a 5-km time trial at the University of Louisville track.
About 30-minutes post-exercise, another three teaspoons of blood was withdrawn from each
subject. Only after their post-exercise blood draw were the subjects be able to eat.
Things to Consider: The between subject-variability in oxidative stress biomarkers is large
(Mullins et al. 2013) and suggests that there may be responders and non-responders to an
oxidative stress challenge (Mullins et al. 2013). Individuals who have large increases in
oxidative stress (i.e. responders) could be reflecting an inability to regulate redox
homeostasis and warrant additional support (i.e. with antioxidant supplementation with
Protandim). It is also necessary to obtain week-to week and month to month coefficient of
variation in markers of oxidative stress so that meaningful changes in these markers can be
evaluated. Thus, the placebo group allowed us to obtain the week-to-week and month to month
coefficient of variation. As well, for the same reason, it is necessary to obtain
week-to-week and month to month variation in running performance, thus, the placebo group
will allow for the development of the coefficient of variation in performance.
Measuring dietary data is troublesome. First, questionnaires don't give details about
antioxidant intake - rather they give outcomes like fruit and veg intake, etc. More in depth
measures wouldn't be worth the trouble. Thus, having subjects record what they eat (and their
physical activity) during the 24 hr prior to the test day, and then having to ask them to eat
the same thing and do same activity before the follow up tests at seven days and 90 days was
Environmental conditions was recorded on the days of the three time trials (wind,
temperature, % humidity, barometric pressure).
Statistical Analyses
Once all the data was collected and analyzed, LifeVantage revealed which group was which. The
main dependent variables measured were the 5-km finishing time, TBARS, SOD, and both the
quality of life questionnaire. Based on a 5-km time improvement of 2.5% or about 30 seconds
(SD = 1 minute) with Protandim, and no improvement in the placebo group, about 32 runners in
total would be needed (Effect size = 0.5, statistical power = 80%, alpha error probability =
5%, Correlation amongst repeated measures = 0.90, F-test Family, ANOVA repeated measures,
between factors, G*Power 3.1.2, Universität Kiel, Germany). Accounting for a 20% attrition
rate (8 subjects), a total of 40 subjects were recruited (20 per group).
Possible Risks of Ingesting Protandim: We did expect there to be any side effects for the
typical Protandim consumer. However, according to the Protandim website
(http://www.protandim.com/faqs), some individuals have natural allergic responses to one of
the ingredients, just as some people are allergic to pine pollen or penicillin. These
allergic responses to Protandim generally appear as gastrointestinal disturbances (i.e.,
stomach ache, diarrhea, vomiting) or sometimes as a headache or rash on the hands or feet.
The symptoms disappear if Protandim is discontinued. However, according to the Natural
Standard Database (https://naturalmedicines.therapeuticresearch.com/), each botanical has
been shown to have rare side effects. They are listed there.
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Completed |
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N/A | |
Recruiting |
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Vitamin B6 and B12 in the Treatment of Movement Disorders Induced by Antipsychotics
Phase 2/Phase 3 | |
Completed |
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Effects of Vitamin E Supplementation on Free Radicals and Fat Level of Obese Adolescence in Jakarta, Indonesia
Phase 4 | |
Recruiting |
NCT05327348 -
Effectiveness of IV Vitamin C in Reducing Oxidative Stress Associated With Free Flap Surgery
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT03288623 -
The Effects of Dark Chocolate Implementation in Elite Athletes
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04419025 -
Efficacy of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) in Preventing COVID-19 From Progressing to Severe Disease
Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT04597983 -
Effect of 8-week Intake of 2S-hesperidin on Performance, Body Composition and Biochemicals Markers in Amateur Cyclists
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT06159543 -
The Effects of Fresh Mango Consumption on Cardiometabolic Outcomes in Free-living Individuals With Prediabetes
N/A | |
Enrolling by invitation |
NCT03030456 -
Whole Body Vibrations on Functional Capacity, Muscular Strength, and Biochemical Profile in Elders
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02256254 -
SIMOX - Induction of Oxidative Stress
Phase 2 | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT02202239 -
Effect of Induction and Maintenance of Anesthesia With Etomidate on Hemodynamics and Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Patients
Phase 4 | |
Recruiting |
NCT02048592 -
Impact of Immunonutrition on the Patients With Cystic Fibrosis
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT01942460 -
Ferumoxytol for Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT02463318 -
The Effect of Melatonin on Gene Expression and Activity of the Sirt1 and Its Target Genes Catalase and MnSOD in Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Healthy Subjects
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01990391 -
Brazil Nut Consumption in Microvascular Endothelial Function, Oxidative Stress and Metabolic Abnormalities
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02177383 -
Action of Essential Fatty Acids on the Expression of Antioxidant Genes and Athletic Performance
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT00845130 -
Quantitative in Vivo Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Diabetes
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT00607893 -
Efficacy of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in Reducing Oxidative Stress in Individuals With Sleep Apnea
N/A | |
Active, not recruiting |
NCT00247507 -
The Effects of Acetylcysteine on Alleviating Damage of Oxidative Stress in Hemodialysis Patients
Phase 4 |