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Clinical Trial Summary

This study aims to compare the results obtained from the self-administration and interview version of the Chinese ICOPE screening tools and examine the relationship between ICOPE and frailty among community-dwelling elderly in Taiwan.

Clinical Trial Description

The elderly population is increasing rapidly in the world. The prevalence of frailty is directly correlated with advancing age in community- dwelling elderly. The World Health Organization (WHO) published the Integrated Care for older people (ICOPE) screening tool rapid screening health state of the elderly for early prevention and delay the onset of disability. However, there is still insufficient research on the correlation between the interview version and self-administration of Chinese ICOPE screening tools and ICOPE and frailty. Therefore, this study aims to compare the results obtained from the self-administration and interview version of the Chinese ICOPE screening tools and examine the relationship between ICOPE and frailty among community-dwelling elderly in Taiwan. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT06140212
Study type Observational
Source National Taiwan University Hospital
Contact Sum Chi Sin
Phone +886966235551
Status Recruiting
Start date November 13, 2023
Completion date April 1, 2024