End Stage Renal Disease Patients Clinical Trial
Official title:
CausesOf End Stage Renal Disease In Patients Undergoing Regular Hemodialysis In Assiut University Hospital
CKD is defined as kidney damage for ≥3 months, as defined by structural and or functional abnormalities of the kidney, with or without decreased GFR or GFR <60 mL/min/1.73m2 for ≥3 months, with or without kidney damage. CKD is classified based on cause, GFR category, and albuminuria category (CGA). ESRD has become a public health problem worldwide, with recent reports showing that the total number of ESRD patients has been growing dramatically.
The prevalence ESRD undergoing maintenance dialysis in 2010 was 284 individuals per million
population (pmp) worldwide, which has increased 1.7 times from 165 pmp patients in 1990.
In Egypt, the prevalence of dialysis patients has increased from 225 pmp in 1996 to 483 pmp
in 2008(according to last Egyptian renal registry) and the main causes of ESKD in Egypt,
other than diabetic nephropathy, included hypertensive kidney disease, chronic
glomerulonephritis, unknown etiology, chronic pyelonephritis, schistosomal obstructive
uropathy, and schistosomal nephropathy .
It is well established that diabetic kidney disease is the most common cause or in
combination with hypertensive nephropathy are the most common causes of end-stage renal
disease (ESRD) in developed and developing countries. Patient survival in diabetics on
maintenance renal replacement therapy including hemodialysis (HD), peritoneal dialysis (PD)
and kidney transplantation is significantly lower than that seen in nondiabetics with ESRD.
The poor prognosis of diabetic patients with ESRD is partly due to presence of significant
cardiovascular disease, problems with vascular access, more susceptible to infections, foot
ulcer, and hemodynamic instability during HD.
Hemodialysis (HD) is the first line of renal replacement therapy in the investigator's
country. It is well known that patients on RRT are of greater risk for complications and
worse prognosis in comparison to patients with the same co-morbidities but not on RRT.
The most common complicatons of hemodialysis are hypotensive episodes, muscular cramps,
itching, arrhythmias,and anaphylactic responses during the sessions.