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Clinical Trial Summary

National multicentric observatory of low bowel preparations in patients with IBD

Clinical Trial Description

Prospective french multicentre observational study, during one month: from March 6th to April 6th 2017, under the auspice of the IBD group of the Société Française d'Endoscopie Digestive- SFED. All French gastroenterologists in charge of IBD patients in public or private endoscopy centers were reached out through various professional and scientific associations to participate in the study via e-mail, web sites, and national congresses. Investigators were asked to prescribe the bowel preparation independently from the study, as per their usual habits. The achievement of low residue diet, the split and the timing of the preparation were left free to the investigator according to local protocols.

Data recording The physicians participating in the study completed data on an online questionnaire via an internet-based tool (CleanWeb software, hosted by Besançon university hospital research center) or through a questionnaire sheet. The questionnaire included a medical record and a self-reported patient questionnaire. The medical record included physicians and centers characteristics, patient's demographics, disease characteristics, modality of bowel preparation (diet, split dose, type of bowel preparation, delay before colonoscopy), and colonoscopy findings and outcomes. Patients self-administered questionnaires assessed preparation tolerability by symptoms and satisfaction recording.

Clinical endpoints The efficacy of the preparation was evaluated by the Boston's score (efficacy was defined as a Boston's score was ≥ 7 without any segment <2)23, the rate of caecal or anastomosis intubation and the necessity or not to repeat the colonoscopy.

The tolerance was evaluated by the quantity of preparation actually absorbed by the patient, (quantity of active preparation and quantity of clear liquid), patients and investigators visual analogue scale evaluation of tolerance (VAS), a self-administered validated bowel-preparation tolerability questionnaire 24 and by the patients' wish to take the same preparation for the next colonoscopy.

Safety data: adverse events were collected per preparation and per endoscopic procedure, at 24 hours and 30 days later. A special focus was made on aphtoid lesions as they were previously reported as adverse preparation-induced mucosal lesions possibly associated with some solutions. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT03753425
Study type Observational
Source Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Besancon
Status Completed
Start date March 2, 2017
Completion date June 3, 2017