Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Clinical Trial
Lung units that participate in gas exchange are known as 'recruited' lung. Patients with lung
injury suffer from a proportion of units that do not participate in gas exchange (i.e. the
derecruited lung), which results in impaired gas exchange and induces an inflammatory
cascade. The level of PEEP is often coupled to indices of oxygenation such as PaO2, PaO2 to
FIO2 ratio, or oxygen index. Currently, two strategies are widely accepted and considered
equivocal, one strategy using a lower PEEP level coupled to a certain oxygen requirement, the
other using a higher PEEP level.
The primary purpose of this study is to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of an electrical
impedance tomography (EIT) PEEP titration protocol designed to recruit collapsed lung in
children with ARDS and properly maintain lung volumes by setting an optimal PEEP level. A
safety system has been developed using the ARDSnet FIO2/PEEP High (upper threshold limit) and
Low (lower threshold limit) algorithm. Efficacy will be defined as an improvement in lung
volume as assessed by electrical impedance tomography, lung compliance and by an improvement
in markers of gas exchange. Safety will be defined as the incidence of barotrauma and
hemodynamic consequences that occur during the protocol. Those results will be compared to
incidences of barotrauma and hemodynamic compromise within the ARDS literature. Knowledge
gained from this pilot will be instrumental in developing an EIT imagine guided protocol
which will allow us to conduct future RCTs utilizing EIT technology
Currently, clinical practice regarding positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) strategies for
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) revolves around two PEEP/FIO2 algorithms developed
NHLBI research ARDSnet program. These two algorithms are known as the "High" PEEP/ lower FIO2
and "Low" PEEP/ higher FIO2 protocols. The High PEEP/ lower FIO2 protocol is seen as
aggressive or the highest PEEP level a clinician would want to set, while the low PEEP/
higher FIO2 is seen as lowest PEEP level a clinician would set. While many studies have
demonstrated safety and efficacy of a PEEP setting based on a required fraction of inspired
oxygen (FIO2) to maintain adequate oxygenation, yet there are equal outcomes between the two
strategies. There is growing evidence that the Low PEEP/ higher FIO2 protocol leaves large
proportions of the lung derecruited and the High PEEP/FIO2 protocol may create overdistension
in the compliant sections of the lung that are largely free from disease as it uses a single
gas exchange (oxygenation) parameter to determine PEEP settings.
Specific Aim 1: To demonstrate safety of an EIT guided PEEP titration strategy. (Hypothesis:
EIT guided titration of PEEP will improve ventilation and oxygenation without increasing
incidence of barotrauma or hemodynamic compromise.)
Specific Aim 2: To demonstrate the efficacy of a PEEP titration strategy to increase
distribution of ventilation and improve oxygenation in children with ARDS utilizing an EIT
guided protocol within two standards of care. (Hypothesis: EIT guided titration of PEEP will
lead to a more homogeneous distribution of ventilation, improved lung compliance and improved
ventilation and oxygenation.) Background and Significance Lung units participating in gas
exchange are known as 'recruited' lung. Patients with lung injury suffer from a proportion of
lung units which not participating in gas exchange (i.e. the derecruited state), at times
resulting in impaired gas exchange. Derecruitment of alveoli may also cause intrapulmonary
shunting and worsen lung injury through atelectotrauma. Outcomes in ARDS have improved
significantly since clinicians have begun to employ lung protective strategies, including
low-tidal volume ventilation and permissive hypercapnea. However, low-tidal volume
ventilation has been recognized to decrease recruited lung volume, a phenomenon that persists
despite the aggressive positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) strategy employed in ARDSNet
studies. Atelectasis associated with low-tidal volume ventilation is relieved through the use
of so-called sigh breaths, higher levels of PEEP or recruitment maneuverers. Further, the
proportion of lung remaining in the derecruited state may contribute to the morbidity and
mortality associated with ARDS. In adults, several strategies have been utilized to recruit
the lung: sustained inflation (SI) and the maximal recruitment strategy. The so-called open
lung approach (OLA) includes an SI followed by the setting of PEEP to the measured lower
inflection point of the PV curve. An alternative approach to setting PEEP is a decremental
PEEP titration, which includes the sequential lowering of PEEP until a predetermined
decrement in PaO2 or SaO2 occurs.
The impact of lung recruitment in the long-term course of ARDS is not yet clear. It is clear
that lung recruitment is most effective earlier in the course of ARDS. Grasso et al
demonstrated that patients who received a recruitment maneuver on day 1±0.3 of ARDS could be
recruited, versus patients recruited on day 7±1. Similarly, Gattinoni et al7 and Crotti et al
found limited recruitment in patients who were well along in the course of ARDS. Borges et
al, Tugrul et al, and Girgis et al all recruited patients early in the course of ARDS, and
each found marked lung recruitment, on average, in all the patients studied. Each of these
studied demonstrated an ability to improve oxygen saturations and (sometimes studied)
end-expiratory lung volume. While no study has examined the effect of this change on
morbidity or mortality, in children hypoxemia is known to be a common cause of morbidity.
Importantly in children, treatment of hypoxia often drives escalating ventilator settings,
the use of high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) or the use of extra-corporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Early recruitment and proper titration of PEEP in children with
ARDS may prevent the need for escalation of care towards these more invasive, and
risk-imposing therapies.
Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) Barber and Brown introduced electrical impedance
tomography to the medical community in the early 1980s. From there a wide spectrum of
applications in medicine ranging from gastric emptying, brain function, breast imaging, to
lung function have been explored. It is our belief that the most valuable benefit of EIT is
in the monitoring of regional lung function in critically ill patients. Early EIT devices
fell susceptible to poor sensitivity and signal interference in the clinical setting. After
years and a renewed interest from a few commercial companies interested in ventilation
technology, many of these shortcomings have been resolved. As with any new modality, EIT and
its clinical utility and application need to be methodically explored; therefore we propose
this IRB protocol to take us a step closer on this journey to develop a clinically useful
Electrical impedance tomography capitalizes on changes in electrical impendence between
air-filled versus tissue or fluid-filled spaces in order to characterize and quantify
regional distribution of lung volume at the bedside. This technology has been validated in
animal and human studies. The technology utilizes a series of 16 electrodes placed across the
patient's chest. As small currents, which are undetectable to the subject, are passed between
the electrodes, impedance is measured between and amongst the series. Through a complex
interrogation and manipulation of these impedance values, a two-dimensional image is formed,
and has been shown to correlate with clinical and radiographic changes in patients. The
ability to estimate lung volume and regional distribution of gas non-invasively and in real
time may give us insight as to what mode of ventilation or setting is more effective in
optimizing positive pressure ventilation.
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Completed |
NCT04384445 -
Zofin (Organicell Flow) for Patients With COVID-19
Phase 1/Phase 2 | |
Recruiting |
NCT05535543 -
Change in the Phase III Slope of the Volumetric Capnography by Prone Positioning in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Completed |
NCT04695392 -
Restore Resilience in Critically Ill Children
N/A | |
Terminated |
NCT04972318 -
Two Different Ventilatory Strategies in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Due to Community-acquired Pneumonia
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04534569 -
Expert Panel Statement for the Respiratory Management of COVID-19 Related Acute Respiratory Failure (C-ARF)
Completed |
NCT04078984 -
Driving Pressure as a Predictor of Mechanical Ventilation Weaning Time on Post-ARDS Patients in Pressure Support Ventilation.
Completed |
NCT04451291 -
Study of Decidual Stromal Cells to Treat COVID-19 Respiratory Failure
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT06254313 -
The Role of Cxcr4Hi neutrOPhils in InflueNza
Not yet recruiting |
NCT04798716 -
The Use of Exosomes for the Treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome or Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Caused by COVID-19
Phase 1/Phase 2 | |
Withdrawn |
NCT04909879 -
Study of Allogeneic Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Non-COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Phase 2 | |
Terminated |
NCT02867228 -
Noninvasive Estimation of Work of Breathing
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT02881385 -
Effects on Respiratory Patterns and Patient-ventilator Synchrony Using Pressure Support Ventilation
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02545621 -
A Role for RAGE/TXNIP/Inflammasome Axis in Alveolar Macrophage Activation During ARDS (RIAMA): a Proof-of-concept Clinical Study
Completed |
NCT02232841 -
Electrical Impedance Imaging of Patients on Mechanical Ventilation
N/A | |
Withdrawn |
NCT02253667 -
Palliative Use of High-flow Oxygen Nasal Cannula in End-of-life Lung Disease Patients
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01504893 -
Very Low Tidal Volume vs Conventional Ventilatory Strategy for One-lung Ventilation in Thoracic Anesthesia
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02889770 -
Dead Space Monitoring With Volumetric Capnography in ARDS Patients
N/A | |
Withdrawn |
NCT01927237 -
Pulmonary Vascular Effects of Respiratory Rate & Carbon Dioxide
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02814994 -
Respiratory System Compliance Guided VT in Moderate to Severe ARDS Patients
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01680783 -
Non-Invasive Ventilation Via a Helmet Device for Patients Respiratory Failure
N/A |