Neuropathic Pain Clinical Trial
Official title:
Central Sensitization and Aberrant Nerve Sprouting Possible Explanations for RFA Failure of MBDR in CLBP of FJ Origin: CRF Versus WCRF or PRF-DRG Randomized Clinical Trial
NCT number | NCT04542798 |
Other study ID # | 34831 |
Secondary ID | |
Status | Not yet recruiting |
Phase | N/A |
First received | |
Last updated | |
Start date | October 2020 |
Est. completion date | March 2024 |
The investigators will select two study groups from a population of patients with severe
chronic low back pain (CLBP) of facet joint (FJ) origin already treated with conventional
radiofrequency ablation (CRFA) of the medial branch of the dorsal ramus (MBDR) and that
failed to obtain a 50% pain reduction measured through the numerical rate scale (NRS) for at
least 3 months. Severe CLBP is considered a value of at least 7 by NRS pain assessment.
The first group will be characterized by a nociceptive/mechanic type of back pain. The second
group of study will be characterized by a neuropathic type of back pain. This difference will
be established by a DN4 score of at least 4 points (Doleur Neurophatique 4).
The patients in the group with nociceptive/mechanic back pain will be randomly assigned to
conventional radiofrequency ablation or to water cooled radiofrequency (WCRF) of the MBDR.
The patients in the group with neuropathic back pain will be randomly assigned CRFA of MBDR
or to pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG).
The study will be carried on for an estimated time of 3 years.
Primary outcomes will be:
- at least 50% back pain reduction for at least 3 months evaluated through NRS, with a
subcategorization of results that will consider a mean difference in effect (respect to
the initial evaluation, with an initial NRS score of at least 7) of 1 point on NRS pain
scale as small/modest, 2 points as moderate, more than 2 as large/substantial between
the case/control study groups.
- improvement of low back pain disability: 10 points increase on the Oswestry Low Back
Pain Disability Questionnaire (ODI) have been proposed as minimal clinically important
differences, between 10 and 20 as moderate, more than 20 as large/substantial clinical
improvement at month 3 and 6.
Secondary outcome will be evaluated by the 12-item short form survey SF12, accordingly with
the clinical pre-interventional findings, analgesic intake at month 1-3-6 (if increased,
unchanged, decreased, in dosages or number of pain killers' assumption). Groups sizes: will
be calculated based on the disease's incidence and the outcome targets.
Status | Not yet recruiting |
Enrollment | 80 |
Est. completion date | March 2024 |
Est. primary completion date | May 2021 |
Accepts healthy volunteers | No |
Gender | All |
Age group | 18 Years to 85 Years |
Eligibility |
Inclusion Criteria: - patients with chronic lumbar back pain supposed to be of facet joint origin (low back pain irradiated to buttocks, legs, eventually feet in absence of exclusion criteria); - positivity to FJ provocative clinical tests, possible muscle spasm over the affected joints; - positivity to DN4 assessment in the NPPG + negative MBB and negative DN4 assessment + positive MMB in the NMPG; - efficacy of MBDR-RF treatment for at least one time reported in the personal clinical history, unresponsive to the last CRF or WCRF (only for the NPPG); - an MRI no more than 2 years; - basal NRS = 7; - patients between 18y and 85y; - ASA (American Society of Anaesthesiologists scale) I-III; - absence of severe chronic disease associated, full mental capacity to sign the informed consent. This group is well aware that nowadays literature lack of confirmed clinical diagnostic criteria, like underlined in the last CPG-ASRAPM. Despite this issue, we decided to select our clinical criteria to better identify LBP of FJ origin following some of the indications mentioned in the Delphi survey of an expert panel (Wilde et al., 2007): - reproduction of similar or even worsening of basal pain during paravertebral finger pressure applied no more than 2-3 cm laterally to the midline (89% expert acceptance); - improvement of patient's pain during the flexion of the trunk while sitting (78% expert acceptance); - reduced range of motion or increased stiffness during local lateral passive movements (61% expert acceptance); - positive balance test with increased pain during extension - stress movements (after the flexion manoeuvre), or during lateral flexion (starting from 20 degree) and rotational axial movements (56% expert acceptance). - Another manoeuvre, taking into consideration the spinal columns' biomechanics, is realized asking the patients while standing with joined feet, to flex completely the trunk trying to touch with hands the top of his feet; this movement should not provoke patients' usual pain or worsen it; after that is invited to slowly return to a neutral position, stopping for 5 seconds in a 90-degree position between the trunk and the feet; during the extension movement to recover the initial position, the pain could worsen, or mimic the patients' usual pain, but it can't improve. We decided to include also patient that present with bilateral low back pain, despite this survey describe localized unilateral low back pain like one of possible clinical indicator of lumbar facet joint pain (80% expert agreement); this decision is based on our clinical experience. Exclusion Criteria: - positive MBB with positive DN4; - negative MMB with negative DN4; - positive EMG for neuropathic pain of radicular origin (89% expert acceptance), - diagnostic imaging of significant radicular compression (based on the radiologist judgement); - late diagnosis of other causes of LBP, cancer related pain, neoplastic patients, patients with life expectation inferior to 1 year; - BMI > 35; - patients insurance or work absence related interests - patient refusal - Back's depression inventory II (BDI-II) > 20, - previous lumbar spinal, pelvic and knee surgery, or significant stenosis of the spinal canal that can interfere with diagnosis; - patient with systemic infection, pregnant or breastfeeding woman, untreatable coagulative problems; - clinical doubt by the enrolling physician that can interfere with the evaluation's efficacy of the procedures under investigation (like hip pain, cluneal nerve's entrapment pain, trochanteritis, myofascial pain, etc.); - any contraindication to neuraxial injection. - Social risk factors that could influence the adherence to the study protocol will be taken into consideration and valuated accordingly. |
Country | Name | City | State |
Spain | General Universitary Hospital of Valencia | Valencia |
Lead Sponsor | Collaborator |
Hospital General Universitario de Valencia |
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* Note: There are 111 references in all — Click here to view all references
Type | Measure | Description | Time frame | Safety issue |
Primary | PNRS change >= 50% | At least 50% back pain reduction for at least 3 months valuated through NRS, with a subcategorization of results that will consider a mean difference in effect (respect to the initial evaluation, with a NRS score of at least 7) of 1 point on NRS pain scale as small/modest, 2 points as moderate, more than 2 as large/substantial between the case/control study groups. | 3 and 6 months | |
Primary | ODI change > 10 points | Improvement of low back pain disability: 10 points reduction on the Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (ODI) have been proposed as minimal clinically important differences, between 10 and 20 as moderate, more than 20 as large/substantial clinical improvement at month 3 and 6. | 3 and 6 months | |
Secondary | SF12 change >= 20 points | Quality of life improvement valuated through a SF12 questionnaire, with an increase of post-procedural score of at least 20 points. | 3 and 6 months | |
Secondary | Pain killer drugs intake | Reduced pain drugs intake at month 6 post-procedural. A reduced intake will be considered a reduction of at least 30% of occasional pain killers and a reduction of 30% of opioids dosage intake (if regularly assumed). | 6 mounths |
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Recruiting |
NCT04699734 -
Peripheral Nerve Block in Patients With Painful Diabetic Polyneuropathy
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT06019325 -
Rhomboid Intercostal Plane Block on Chronic Pain Incidence and Acute Pain Scores After Mastectomy
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT05235191 -
Effectiveness and Safety of Methadone Versus Placebo for the Control of Neuropathic Pain in Different Etiologies
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT05845177 -
Persistent Pain After Hip Replacement
Completed |
NCT05496205 -
A SAD Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and PK/PD of iN1011-N17 in Healthy Volunteers
Phase 1 | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT05949554 -
Electroencephalographic (EEG) Profils for Patients on Intravenous Ketamine.
Withdrawn |
NCT05052645 -
Ear Acupuncture for Neuropathic Pain
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02930551 -
Neuromas as the Cause of Pain
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02866396 -
Impact of Pregabalin in Chronic Users vs. a Perioperative Limited Prescription on Oxycodone Requirement
Completed |
NCT02824588 -
Working Memory Training for Chronic Neuropathic and Fibromyalgia Pain
N/A | |
Active, not recruiting |
NCT02560545 -
Cannabinoids Effects on the Pain Modulation System
N/A | |
Enrolling by invitation |
NCT02485795 -
Observational Study of the Impact of Genetic Testing on Healthcare Decisions and Care in Interventional Pain Management
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT02246517 -
The Effect of N2O on Chronic Neuropathic Pain Patients
Phase 0 | |
Completed |
NCT02099890 -
The Effect of Diet on Chronic Inflammation and Related Disorders Following Spinal Cord Injury
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT01946555 -
Prospective Longitudinal Observational Study to Evaluate the Clinical Characteristics and Opioids Treatments in Patients With Breakthrough Cancer Pain
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01718821 -
Assessments on Current Pain Managements in Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01884662 -
Virtual Walking for Neuropathic Pain in Spinal Cord Injury
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01669967 -
The Role of Intravenous (IV) Lidocaine in the Management of Chronic Neuropathic Pain of Peripheral Nerve Origin
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01207596 -
Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Extended Release Hydromorphone (Exalgo) in Patients With Neuropathic Pain
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT01201317 -
A Study to Investigate the Analgesic Efficacy of AZD2423 Compared With Placebo After 28 Days Treatment in Patients With Painful Diabetic Polyneuropathy
Phase 2 |