Coronary Artery Disease Clinical Trial
— e-NOBORIOfficial title:
Prospective, Single-Arm, Multi-Centre, Observational Registry to Further Validate Safety and Efficacy of the Nobori DES in Real-World Patients
NCT number | NCT01261273 |
Other study ID # | T113E2 |
Secondary ID | |
Status | Completed |
Phase | |
First received | |
Last updated | |
Start date | August 25, 2010 |
Est. completion date | May 27, 2016 |
Verified date | October 2019 |
Source | Terumo Europe N.V. |
Contact | n/a |
Is FDA regulated | No |
Health authority | |
Study type | Observational |
Title Prospective, single-arm, multi-centre, observational registry to further validate
safety and efficacy of the Nobori® DES in real-world patients.
Objective Primary objective The primary objective of e-NOBORI registry is to further validate
the safety and efficacy of Nobori® DES system in unselected patients representing everyday
clinical practice.
Primary Endpoint: Freedom from Target Lesion Failure (TLF) defined as a composite of cardiac
death, target vessel related myocardial infarction (MI) and clinically driven target lesion
revascularization (TLR) at 1 year
Status | Completed |
Enrollment | 18000 |
Est. completion date | May 27, 2016 |
Est. primary completion date | May 2016 |
Accepts healthy volunteers | No |
Gender | All |
Age group | 18 Years and older |
Eligibility |
Inclusion Criteria: - Patient is more or equal 18 years old; - Patient is, according to hospital routine practice, eligible for percutaneous coronary intervention using DES (and RVD matches available Nobori® DES sizes); - Patient has been informed of the nature of the study and agrees to its provisions, has provided written informed consent as approved by the Institutional Review Board/Ethics Committee of the respective clinical site, wherever such requirement exists. Exclusion Criteria: - None |
Country | Name | City | State |
Austria | SMZ-Donauspital Vienna | Vienna | |
Bangladesh | National Heart Foundation Hospital & Research Institute | Dhaka | |
Belarus | Republican Clinical Medical Center (Presidential Hospital) | Minsk | |
Belarus | Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Cardiology | Minsk | |
Belarus | Mogilev Regional Clinical Hospital | Mogilev | |
Brazil | Hospital Madre Teresa | Belo Horizonte | |
Brazil | Hospital Santa Isabel-Sociedade Divina Providência | Blumenau | |
Brazil | HMCP PUC-Campinas | Campinas | |
Brazil | Hospital E Maternidade Madre Teodora | Campinas | |
Brazil | Hospital Vera Cruz Campinas | Campinas | |
Brazil | Hospital Geral Universitário | Cuiaba | |
Brazil | Hospital Cruz Vermelha Brasileira Filial do Paraná | Curitiba | |
Brazil | Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças | Curitiba | |
Brazil | Hospital Santa Cruz | Curitiba | |
Brazil | Hospital Monte Sinai (Juiz de Fora) | Juiz de Fora | |
Brazil | Instituto Cardiovascular de Linhares (Unicor) | Linhares | |
Brazil | Hospital do Coração de Londrina | Londrina | |
Brazil | Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Marília | Marilia | |
Brazil | Hospital Paraná | Maringá | |
Brazil | Hospital Procordis | Niterói | |
Brazil | Hospital Vera Cruz Patos de Minas | Patos de Minas | |
Brazil | Hospital Mãe De Deus | Porto Alegre | |
Brazil | Hospital Moinhos de Vento | Porto Alegre | |
Brazil | Hospital São Lucas - PUCRS | Porto Alegre | |
Brazil | Clinica Status Cor | Rio de Janeiro | |
Brazil | Hospital Naval Marcíllo Dias | rio de Janeiro | |
Brazil | Fundação Bahiana de Cardiologia (MC Oliveira Prest | Salvador | |
Brazil | Hospital Beneficencia Portuguesa de Sao Paulo | Sao Joao do Paraiso | |
Brazil | Casa de Saude Santa Marcelina | Sao Paulo | |
Brazil | Hospital Albert Einstein | Sao Paulo | |
Brazil | Hospital Bandeirantes | Sao Paulo | |
Brazil | Instituto Dante Pazzanese | São Paulo | |
Brazil | Real e Benemérita Assoção Portuguesa de Beneficênc | São Paulo | |
Brazil | Hospital Ana Costa (ENDOCOR Serviços Médicos Ltda) | Sao Vicente | |
Brazil | Hospital Anchieta Ltda. | Taguatinga | |
Brazil | Instituto do Coração do Triângulo Mineiro | Uberlândia | |
Brazil | Insituto de Cardiologia Espirito Santo | Vitória | |
Bulgaria | Tokuda Hospital Sofia | Sofia | |
Chile | Hospital Militar de Santiago | La Reina | |
Chile | Instituto Nacional del Torax | Santiago | |
Chile | San Juan de Dios | Santiago | |
Chile | clinica Santa Maria | Santiago de Chile | |
Chile | Las Higueras De Talcahuano | Talcahuano | |
Chile | V Region (Hospital Gustavo Fricke, Hospital Van Buren, Clinica Reñaca) | Valparaíso | |
Chile | Clinica alemana de Santiago | Vitacura | |
Czechia | St. Anne University Hospital | Brno | |
Czechia | Nemocnice Na Homolce | Praha | |
Denmark | Gentofte Hospital (M12FU) | Hellerup | |
Egypt | ALHYATT Cardiovascular Center | Alexandria | |
Egypt | International Cardiac Center | Alexandria | |
Egypt | AL Amal | Cairo | |
Egypt | Al Nakhil hospital | Cairo | |
Egypt | AS-Salam Mohndseen | Cairo | |
Egypt | Cleopatra | Cairo | |
Egypt | Egyheart - cath lab | Cairo | |
Egypt | El Dorah Heart Care Center | Cairo | |
Egypt | Hayat Hospital | Cairo | |
Egypt | (DAFH) Dar Al Fouad Hospital | Giza | |
Egypt | Alfa | Giza | |
Egypt | ICS center | Giza | |
Egypt | RCC Cardiac center | Giza | |
Egypt | Glory cardiac center - Cath group | Mansourah | |
Egypt | Al Noor Cath Lab | Sohag | |
Egypt | Om El kora cardiac center | Tanta | |
Estonia | East Tallinn Central Hospital | Tallin | |
Estonia | North-Estonia Regional Hospital | Tallin | |
France | Clinique de l'Europe à Amiens (SAS Cardio Amiens) | Amiens | |
France | CHU Angers | Angers | |
France | Hôpital Privé d'Antony | Antony | |
France | Hopital La Roseraie | Aubervilliers | |
France | CH Avignon | Avignon | |
France | Clinique Rhone Durance | Avignon | |
France | CH Bastia | Bastia Cedex | |
France | Clinique La Fourcade | Bayonne | |
France | Clinique Bois Bernard à Bois Bernard | Bois-Bernard | |
France | Clinique Saint Augustin | Bordeaux | |
France | CHU de la Cavale Blanche | Brest | |
France | CH Privé Saint - Martin Caen | Caen | |
France | CHU de la Cote de Nacre (CHU Caen) | Caen | |
France | Hopital Albert Schweitzer-Colmar | Colmar | |
France | CH Sud Francilien | Corbeil Essonnes | |
France | Clinique des Cèdres-Dr Brunelle | Cornebarrieu | |
France | Clinique des Cèdres-Dr.Tauzin | Cornebarrieu | |
France | Centre Cardiologique d'Evecquemont | Evecquemont | |
France | CH Haguenau | Haguenau | |
France | CH de Lagny-Marne La Vallée | Jossigny | |
France | CH de Cornouaille | La Cornuaille | |
France | CH La Roche sur Yon | La Roche sur Yon | |
France | CH de Chartres | Le Coudray | |
France | CC Marie Lannelongue | Le Plessis Robinson | |
France | Clinique La Louviere | Lille | |
France | CH Dupuytren Limoges | Limoges Cedex | |
France | CH Lorient | Lorient | |
France | Institut Hospitalier Jacques Cartier (ICPS Massy) | Massy | |
France | Clinique les Fontaines | Melun | |
France | Clinique du Millenaire | Montpellier | |
France | Association Clinique Bizet | Paris | |
France | Clinique Turin - Paris | Paris | |
France | Hôpital du Val de Grâce | Paris | |
France | Hôpital Europeen Georges Pompidou (HEGP) | Paris | |
France | Hopital Lariboisière | Paris | |
France | Hopital Pitié Salpétrière | Paris | |
France | CH Pau | Pau | |
France | CH Périgueux | Perigueux | |
France | CH Général Maréchal Joffre Perpignan | Perpignan | |
France | Clinique Saint-Martin Pessac | Pessac | |
France | CHU La Miletrie Poitiers | Poitiers | |
France | CH René Dubos | Pontoise | |
France | Hopital Claude Galien | Quincy | |
France | Clinique Saint Laurent | Rennes | |
France | Hôpital Jacques Puel (CH de Rodez) | Rodez | |
France | Clinique Saint Hilaire | Rouen | |
France | Centre Cardiologique du Nord | Saint Denis | |
France | NHC Strasbourg | Strasbourg | |
France | Clinique de l'Ormeau - CCV des Pyrenées | Tarbes | |
France | Polyclinique du Parc Toulouse | Toulouse | |
France | CH Valence | Valence | |
France | Clinique Vauban | Valenciennes | |
France | CH Bretagne Atlantique | Vannes | |
Georgia | JoAnn Medical Center | Tbilisi | |
Germany | Zentralklinik Bad Berka GmbH | Bad Berka | |
Germany | Herz-und Diabeteszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen | Bad Oeynhausen | |
Germany | Evangelisch Freikirchliches Krankenhaus und Herzze | Berlin | |
Germany | Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe | Berlin | |
Germany | Jüdisches Krankenhaus | Berlin | |
Germany | Klinikum Neukölln | Berlin | |
Germany | Vivantes Klinkum Spandau | Berlin | |
Germany | Vivantes Netzwerk für Gesundheit gmbH - Am Urban | Berlin | |
Germany | Vivantes Netzwerk für Gesundheit gmbH - Friedrichs | Berlin | |
Germany | Vivantes Netzwerk für Gesundheit gmbH - Humboldt | Berlin | |
Germany | Ev.Bethesda-Johanniter Klinikum Duisburg GmbH | Duisburg | |
Germany | Klinikum Fulda | Fulda | |
Germany | Uniklinik Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel | Kiel | |
Germany | Herzzentrum Leipzig-Rhöne Klinikum | Leipzig | |
Germany | St. Marienhospital Lünen | Lünen | |
Germany | Klinikum Oldenburg | Oldenburg | |
Germany | Universitätsklinik Rostock | Rostock | |
Germany | Evang.Diakonieanstalt Speyer | Speyer | |
Hungary | Gottsegen National Cardiology Institute (GOKI) | Budapest | |
Hungary | Semmelweis University Cardiology Centre | Budapest | |
Hungary | Fejér Megyei Szent György Kórház | Székesfehérvár | |
Indonesia | Medistra Hospital | Jakarta | |
Indonesia | National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita | Jakarta | |
Indonesia | Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya | Surabaya | |
Ireland | Beaumont Hospital | Dublin | |
Ireland | University Hospital Galway | Galway | |
Israel | Rambam Medical centre | Haifa | |
Israel | Wolfson Medical Center | Holon | |
Israel | Meir Medical Center, Kfar-Saba | Kfar-Saba | |
Israel | Laniado Medical Center | Netanya | |
Israel | Rabin Medical Center | Petah Tikva | |
Israel | Kaplan Hospital | Rehovot | |
Latvia | Invasive Cardiology Laboratory of Clinics "Gailezers" of Riga's Eastern Clinical University Hospital | Riga | |
Latvia | Invasive Cardiology Laboratory of P. Stradins Clinical University Hospital | Riga | |
Lithuania | Hospital of Lithuania University of Health Science | Kaunas | |
Malta | Mater Dei | Msida | |
Mexico | 1e de Octubre ISSSTE | Ciudad de Mexico | |
Mexico | Hospital Angeles Culiacan | Culiacán | |
Mexico | Hospital Angeles Leon | León, Guanajuato | |
Mexico | Hospital Star Medica Mérida Yucatán | Merida, Yucatan | |
Mexico | Hospital Central Militar | Mexico City | |
Mexico | Hospital Angeles Mocel | Mexico DF | |
Mexico | Hospital de Cardiologia C.M.N. | Mexico DF | |
Mexico | Instituto Nacional De Cardiologia "Ignacio Chávez" | Mexico DF | |
Mexico | Centro Médico Nacional 20 de Noviembre | Mexico, D.F. | |
Mexico | Dalinde Medical Center | México, DF | |
Mexico | Hospital Universitario Dr. José Eleuterio Gonzalez | Monterrey, Nuevo León | |
Mexico | Hospital Lomas de San Luis Internacional | San Luis Potosi SLP | |
Netherlands | Amphia Hospital | Breda | |
Netherlands | Medisch Centrum Haaglanden | Den Haag | |
Netherlands | Albert Schweitzer Hospital | Dordrecht | |
Netherlands | Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis | s'Hertogenbosch | |
Poland | St Adalbert Speciality Hospital | Gdansk | |
Poland | Szpital Klinicznk Przemienienia (University Hospital) | Poznan | |
Poland | Szpital Wojewodzski Poznaniu | Poznan | |
Romania | Cardiolife Hospital Timisoara | Timisoara | |
Russian Federation | Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital | Chelyabinsk | |
Russian Federation | Military Hospital N3 named by Vishnevsky | Krasnogorsk | |
Russian Federation | State cardiovascular center based on regional clin | Krasnoyarsk | |
Russian Federation | Regional Clinical Hospital | Kursk | |
Russian Federation | Central Clinical Hospital N°2 Russia Railways | Moscow | |
Russian Federation | Academian E.N Meshalkin State Research Institute of circulation Pathology | Novosibirsk | |
Russian Federation | Federal cardiosurgerical center, Penza | Penza | |
Russian Federation | Federal center of heart,blood and endocrinology diseases named by Almazov | Saint-Petersburg | |
Russian Federation | Saratov Research Institute of science for cardiology | Saratov | |
Russian Federation | Kirochnaya str.41 | St-Petersburg | |
Russian Federation | Regional Vessel Center | Ufa | |
Russian Federation | Ufa city Emergency Hospital | Ufa | |
Serbia | Institute for Cardiovascular Disease Dedinje | Dedinje | |
Serbia | Clinical Center Kragujevac | Kragujevac | |
Serbia | Clinical Center of Niš | Niš | |
Slovenia | CH Celje | Celje | |
Spain | Hospital general de Albacete | Albacete | |
Spain | Hospital San Juan | Alicante | |
Spain | Hospital Torrecárdenas | Almeria | |
Spain | Hospital G. Trias i Pujol | Badalona | |
Spain | Hospital Bellvitge | Barcelona | |
Spain | Hospital Sant Pau | Barcelona | |
Spain | Hospital de Cruces-Barakaldo | Bilbao- Vizcaya | |
Spain | Hospital de Galdakao | Bizkaia | |
Spain | Hospital San Pedro de Alcantara-Caceres | Caceres | |
Spain | Hospital Nostra Señora Rossell | Cartagena | |
Spain | Hospital General de Castellón | Castellón | |
Spain | Hospital Nostra Señora Alarcos | Ciudad Real | |
Spain | Hospital Cabueñes | Gijón | |
Spain | Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara | Guadalajara | |
Spain | Hospital Juan Canalejo | La Coruña | |
Spain | Hospital San Rafael | La Coruña | |
Spain | Clinica San Roque | Las Palmas | |
Spain | Hospital de León | León | |
Spain | Clínica Moncloa | Madrid | |
Spain | Hospital Fundacion Alcorcon | Madrid | |
Spain | Hospital Puerta de Hierro | Majadahonda-Madrid | |
Spain | Hospital Virgen Arrixaca | Murcia | |
Spain | Universitario central de Asturias | Oviedo | |
Spain | Hospital Clínico Universitario de Salamanca | Salamanca | |
Spain | Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela | Santiago de Compostela | |
Spain | Hospital Candelaria | Tenerife | |
Spain | Hospital Virgen Salud | Toledo | |
Spain | Clínico Universitario Valencia | Valencia | |
Spain | Hospital Manises | Valencia | |
Spain | Hospital Meixoeiro-MEDTEC | Vigo | |
Spain | Hospital Txagorritxu | Vitoria | |
Spain | Hospital Miguel Servet | Zaragoza | |
Sweden | Falun Lasarett | Falun | |
Sweden | University Hospital Linköping | Linköping | |
Sweden | Uppsala Akademiska Sjukhus, Kardiologkliniken | Uppsala | |
Sweden | Central Lasarettet i Västerås, Angio/PCI lab. Medi | Västerås | |
Taiwan | E-da Hospital/Kaohsiung | Kaohsiung | |
Taiwan | Taichung Veterans General Hospital | Taichung R.O.C. | |
Taiwan | Chi Mei Medical Center/Tainan | Tainan | |
Taiwan | National Cheng Kung University Hospital | Tainan | |
Taiwan | Cheng Hsin General Hospital / Taipei | Taipei | |
Taiwan | National Taiwan University Hospital | Taipei | |
Taiwan | Taipei Veterans General Hospital, VACRS | Taipei | |
Ukraine | Kharkov Regional Hospital | Kharkov | |
Ukraine | Feofaniya | Kiev | |
Ukraine | Ukrainian Institute of Cardiology | Kiev | |
Ukraine | National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery AMS | Kyiv | |
United Kingdom | Queen Elizabeth Birmingham | Birmingham | |
United Kingdom | Royal Blackpool hospital (Lancashire Heart Centre) | Blackpool | |
United Kingdom | Royal Cornwall hospital | Cornwell | |
United Kingdom | Castle Hill Hospital | Cottingham | |
United Kingdom | Southern Health and Social Care Trust Craigavon Ar | Craigavon | |
United Kingdom | Scunthorpe general hospital | District Of North East Lincolnshire | |
United Kingdom | Dorset county Hospital | Dorset | |
United Kingdom | Eastbourne General | Eastbourne | |
United Kingdom | Glenfield general hospital | Glenfield | |
United Kingdom | Conquest Hospital Hastings | Hastings | |
United Kingdom | Kettering General Hospital | Kettering | |
United Kingdom | Northwick Park | London | |
United Kingdom | Freeman Hospital | Newcastle upon Tyne | |
United Kingdom | Royal Gwent Hospital | Newport | |
United Kingdom | Fairfield General Hospital | North Manchester | |
United Kingdom | Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | Surrey | |
United Kingdom | Pinderfield General Hospital | Wakefield | |
United Kingdom | New Cross Wolverhampton | Wednesfield |
Lead Sponsor | Collaborator |
Terumo Europe N.V. |
Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Ukraine, United Kingdom,
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Chevalier B, Serruys PW, Silber S, Garcia E, Suryapranata H, Hauptmann K, Wijns W, Schuler G, Fath-Ordoubadi F, Worthley S, Thuesen L, Meredith I, Bressers M, Nagai H, Paunovic D. Randomised comparison of Nobori, biolimus A9-eluting coronary stent with a Taxus(R), paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent in patients with stenosis in native coronary arteries: the Nobori 1 trial. EuroIntervention. 2007 Feb;2(4):426-34. — View Citation
Chevalier B, Silber S, Park SJ, Garcia E, Schuler G, Suryapranata H, Koolen J, Hauptmann KE, Wijns W, Morice MC, Carrie D, van Es GA, Nagai H, Detiege D, Paunovic D, Serruys PW; NOBORI 1 Clinical Investigators. Randomized comparison of the Nobori Biolimus A9-eluting coronary stent with the Taxus Liberté paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent in patients with stenosis in native coronary arteries: the NOBORI 1 trial--Phase 2. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2009 Jun;2(3):188-95. doi: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.108.823443. Epub 2009 May 8. — View Citation
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Grube E, Silber S, Hauptmann KE, Mueller R, Buellesfeld L, Gerckens U, Russell ME. TAXUS I: six- and twelve-month results from a randomized, double-blind trial on a slow-release paclitaxel-eluting stent for de novo coronary lesions. Circulation. 2003 Jan 7;107(1):38-42. — View Citation
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Holmes DR Jr, Leon MB, Moses JW, Popma JJ, Cutlip D, Fitzgerald PJ, Brown C, Fischell T, Wong SC, Midei M, Snead D, Kuntz RE. Analysis of 1-year clinical outcomes in the SIRIUS trial: a randomized trial of a sirolimus-eluting stent versus a standard stent in patients at high risk for coronary restenosis. Circulation. 2004 Feb 10;109(5):634-40. — View Citation
Iakovou I, Schmidt T, Bonizzoni E, Ge L, Sangiorgi GM, Stankovic G, Airoldi F, Chieffo A, Montorfano M, Carlino M, Michev I, Corvaja N, Briguori C, Gerckens U, Grube E, Colombo A. Incidence, predictors, and outcome of thrombosis after successful implantation of drug-eluting stents. JAMA. 2005 May 4;293(17):2126-30. — View Citation
Jain AK, Meredith IT, Lotan C, Rothman MT, Pateraki S; E-Five Investigators. Real-world safety and efficacy of the endeavor zotarolimus-eluting stent: early data from the E-Five Registry. Am J Cardiol. 2007 Oct 22;100(8B):77M-83M. — View Citation
Kedhi E, Joesoef KS, McFadden E, Wassing J, van Mieghem C, Goedhart D, Smits PC. Second-generation everolimus-eluting and paclitaxel-eluting stents in real-life practice (COMPARE): a randomised trial. Lancet. 2010 Jan 16;375(9710):201-9. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)62127-9. Epub 2010 Jan 7. — View Citation
Kim YH, Park SW, Lee SW, Park DW, Yun SC, Lee CW, Hong MK, Kim HS, Ko JK, Park JH, Lee JH, Choi SW, Seong IW, Cho YH, Lee NH, Kim JH, Chun KJ, Park SJ; Long-DES-II Study Investigators. Sirolimus-eluting stent versus paclitaxel-eluting stent for patients with long coronary artery disease. Circulation. 2006 Nov 14;114(20):2148-53. Epub 2006 Oct 23. — View Citation
Latif F, Kleiman NS, Cohen DJ, Pencina MJ, Yen CH, Cutlip DE, Moliterno DJ, Nassif D, Lopez JJ, Saucedo JF; EVENT Investigators. In-hospital and 1-year outcomes among percutaneous coronary intervention patients with chronic kidney disease in the era of drug-eluting stents: a report from the EVENT (Evaluation of Drug Eluting Stents and Ischemic Events) registry. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2009 Jan;2(1):37-45. doi: 10.1016/j.jcin.2008.06.012. — View Citation
Lotan C, Almagor Y, Kuiper K, Suttorp MJ, Wijns W. Sirolimus-eluting stent in chronic total occlusion: the SICTO study. J Interv Cardiol. 2006 Aug;19(4):307-12. — View Citation
Mehilli J, Dibra A, Kastrati A, Pache J, Dirschinger J, Schömig A; Intracoronary Drug-Eluting Stenting to Abrogate Restenosis in Small Arteries (ISAR-SMART 3) Study Investigators. Randomized trial of paclitaxel- and sirolimus-eluting stents in small coronary vessels. Eur Heart J. 2006 Feb;27(3):260-6. Epub 2006 Jan 9. — View Citation
Morice MC, Serruys PW, Sousa JE, Fajadet J, Ban Hayashi E, Perin M, Colombo A, Schuler G, Barragan P, Guagliumi G, Molnàr F, Falotico R; RAVEL Study Group. Randomized Study with the Sirolimus-Coated Bx Velocity Balloon-Expandable Stent in the Treatment of Patients with de Novo Native Coronary Artery Lesions. A randomized comparison of a sirolimus-eluting stent with a standard stent for coronary revascularization. N Engl J Med. 2002 Jun 6;346(23):1773-80. — View Citation
Moses JW, Leon MB, Popma JJ, Fitzgerald PJ, Holmes DR, O'Shaughnessy C, Caputo RP, Kereiakes DJ, Williams DO, Teirstein PS, Jaeger JL, Kuntz RE; SIRIUS Investigators. Sirolimus-eluting stents versus standard stents in patients with stenosis in a native coronary artery. N Engl J Med. 2003 Oct 2;349(14):1315-23. — View Citation
Nakamura S, Nakamura S, Ogawa H, Bae JH, HansCahyadi Y, Udayachalerm W, DTresukosol D, Tansuphaswadikul S, Drug-eluting stents for the treatment of chronic total occlusion: a comparison with sirolimus, paclitaxel, zotarolimus, BiolimusA9, EPC capture and everolimus-eluting stent: multicenter registry in Asia (Poster Contributions Georgia World Congress Center, Hall B5 Monday, March 15, 2010, 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. ). J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;55.
Nakamura S, Nakamura S, Ogawa H, Bae JH, HansCahyadi Y, Udayachalerm W, DTresukosol D, Tansuphaswadikul S, Drug-eluting stents for the treatment of left main coronary artery disease with sirolimus, paclitaxel, zotarolimus, BiolimusA9, EPC capture and everolimus-eluting stent: multicenter registry in Asia (Oral Contributions Georgia World Congress Center, Room B315 Monday, March 15, 2010, 2:00 p.m.-2:12 p.m.). J Am Coll Cardiol 2010;55
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* Note: There are 52 references in all — Click here to view all references
Type | Measure | Description | Time frame | Safety issue |
Secondary | Procedural success | Procedural success is defined as achievement of a diameter of stenosis of <30% by visual assessment and/or <50% by QCA, using any percutaneous method, without the occurrence of death, MI, or repeat revascularization of the target lesión during the hospital stay. | 1 MONTH | |
Secondary | Device success | Device Success defined as attainment of a final residual diameter stenosis of the target lesion of < 30% by visual assessment and/or < 50% by QCA, using the assigned device only. Device Success defined as attainment of a final residual diameter stenosis of the target lesion of < 30% by visual assessment and/or < 50% by QCA, using the assigned device only. Device success is defined as attainment of a final residual diameter stenosis of the target lesión of <30% by visual assessment and/or >50% QCA, using the assigned device only. |
1 MONTH | |
Secondary | Acute/subacute stent thrombosis | (definite/probable according to ARC definitions) | 1 MONTH | |
Secondary | Peri-procedural myocardial infarction | Peri-procedural myocardial infarction | 1 MONTH | |
Secondary | Rate of Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE) | Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE) defined as a composite of cardiac death, MI or clinically driven target vessel revascularization (TVR) | 1 MONTH | |
Secondary | Major vascular and bleeding complications | NOT CABG RELATED | 1 MONTH | |
Secondary | Cardiac death/ Myocardial Infarction | Cardiac death/ Myocardial Infarction | 1 AND 2 YEARS | |
Secondary | Clinically driven target lesion revascularization (TLR) | re-PCI or CABG involving target lesion | 1 & 2 YEARS | |
Secondary | Stent thrombosis | (definite/probable; ARC definition) | 1 AND 2 YEARS | |
Secondary | Clinically driven target vessel revascularization (TVR) | PCI AND CABG | 1 AND 2 YEARS | |
Secondary | Target Lesion Failure (TLF) | Defined as a composite of cardiac death, target vessel related myocardial infarction (MI) and clinically driven target lesion revascularization | 1 MONTH AND 2 YEARS | |
Secondary | Patient Oriented Composite Endpoint defined as any cause of mortality, MI (Q-wave and non Q-wave), or any TVR | Patient Oriented Composite Endpoint defined as any cause of mortality, MI (Q-wave and non Q-wave), or any TVR | 1 MONTH, 1 AND 2 YEARS | |
Secondary | Composite Endpoint of Cardiac death and MI | Composite Endpoint of Cardiac death and MI | 1 MONTH, 1 AND 2 YEARS | |
Secondary | Composite Endpoint of Cardiac death and post-procedural MI | Composite Endpoint of Cardiac death and post-procedural MI | 1 month, 1 and 2 years post-procedure | |
Secondary | Stent thrombosis | definite and probable according to ARC definitions | 1 month, 1 and 2 years post-procedure | |
Secondary | Primary Stent thrombosis | definite and probable according to ARC definitions | 1 month, 1 and 2 years post-procedure | |
Secondary | Secondary Stent thrombosis | definite and probable according to ARC definitions | 1 month, 1 and 2 years post-procedure | |
Secondary | Duration of dual antiplatelet therapy | Duration of dual antiplatelet therapy | UP TO 2 YEARS | |
Secondary | Composite Endpoint of Cardiac death, post-procedural MI and stent thrombosis rate during the course of DAT versus the same events after cessation of DAT | Composite Endpoint of Cardiac death, post-procedural MI and stent thrombosis rate during the course of DAT versus the same events after cessation of DAT | UP TO 2 YEARS | |
Secondary | Clinically driven Target Lesion Revascularization | Clinically driven Target Lesion Revascularization | 1 MONTH | |
Secondary | Clinically driven Target Vessel Revascularization | Clinically driven Target Vessel Revascularization | 1 MONTH |
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Recruiting |
NCT06030596 -
SPECT Myocardial Blood Flow Quantification for Diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease Determined by Fraction Flow Reserve
Completed |
NCT04080700 -
Korean Prospective Registry for Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Distal Radial Approach (KODRA)
Recruiting |
NCT03810599 -
Patient-reported Outcomes in the Bergen Early Cardiac Rehabilitation Study
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT06002932 -
Comparison of PROVISIONal 1-stent Strategy With DEB Versus Planned 2-stent Strategy in Coronary Bifurcation Lesions.
N/A | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT06032572 -
Evaluation of the Safety and Effectiveness of the VRS100 System in PCI (ESSENCE)
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT05308719 -
Nasal Oxygen Therapy After Cardiac Surgery
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT04242134 -
Drug-coating Balloon Angioplasties for True Coronary Bifurcation Lesions
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04556994 -
Phase 1 Cardiac Rehabilitation With and Without Lower Limb Paddling Effects in Post CABG Patients.
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT05846893 -
Drug-Coated Balloon vs. Drug-Eluting Stent for Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Large Coronary Artery Disease
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT06027788 -
CTSN Embolic Protection Trial
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT05023629 -
STunning After Balloon Occlusion
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04941560 -
Assessing the Association Between Multi-dimension Facial Characteristics and Coronary Artery Diseases
Completed |
NCT04006288 -
Switching From DAPT to Dual Pathway Inhibition With Low-dose Rivaroxaban in Adjunct to Aspirin in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT01860274 -
Meshed Vein Graft Patency Trial - VEST
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT06174090 -
The Effect of Video Education on Pain, Anxiety and Knowledge Levels of Coronary Bypass Graft Surgery Patients
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT03968809 -
Role of Cardioflux in Predicting Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Outcomes
Terminated |
NCT03959072 -
Cardiac Cath Lab Staff Radiation Exposure
Recruiting |
NCT04566497 -
Assessment of Adverse Outcome in Asymptomatic Patients With Prior Coronary Revascularization Who Have a Systematic Stress Testing Strategy Or a Non-testing Strategy During Long-term Follow-up.
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT05065073 -
Iso-Osmolar vs. Low-Osmolar Contrast Agents for Optical Coherence Tomography
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT05096442 -
Compare the Safety and Efficacy of Genoss® DCB and SeQuent® Please NEO in Korean Patients With Coronary De Novo Lesions
N/A |