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Clinical Trial Summary

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death globally and e-health educational programs have been proved to be effective support to CVD clients. However, most e-health programs lack personalization and this seldom results in exercise behavioral change. Considering the advantages of e-health programs, as well as the widespread internet use and the rising trend of younger patients having CVD in Hong Kong, we conducted a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) to investigate the effectiveness of a home-based interactive e-health educational intervention versus usual care for middle aged cardiac vascular (CV) patients on their total physical exercise, exercise adherence and quality of life.

Clinical Trial Description


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death globally and e-health educational programs have been proved to be effective support to CVD clients. However, most e-health programs lack personalization and this seldom results in exercise behavioral change. Considering the advantages of e-health programs, as well as the widespread internet use and the rising trend of younger patients having CVD in Hong Kong, we conducted a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) to investigate the effectiveness of a home-based interactive e-health educational intervention versus usual care on total physical exercise, exercise adherence and self efficacy, risk factor profile, psychological outcomes and quality of life for middle aged cardiac vascular (CV) patients.

Methods and analysis:

This is a prospective randomised clinical trial investigating effectiveness of a home-based interactive e-health educational intervention for middle-aged cardiovascular disease (CVD) adults in improving total exercise, adherence rate, exercise efficacy and outcomes. The hypothesis is that the middle-aged CVD patients (those who are 40-65 years old) would be more likely to adhere to exercise-based behavior that improves their total exercise, exercise adherence rate, cardiac risk profile , psychological outcomes and quality of life with the support of an interactive e-health educational intervention.

The RCT was conducted in two government cardiac clinics in Hong Kong. 438 eligible CV clients were randomized to either the control group (C) or the intervention group (I) using block randomization method. All participants received usual care while (I) additionally received the e-health educational intervention (eHEI) programme. This programme comprised of one-hour educational session, one telephone follow up and e-health link on self monitoring including record of health measures and physical exercise across 6 months. Data was collected at baseline, three months and six months intervals. The primary outcome was total physical exercise (GSLTPAQ). Secondary outcomes consisted of: exercise efficacy and adherence rate; CV risk profile; physical and psychological health outcomes (SF12 & HAD); biological parameter. Data was analyzed using generalized linear models.

Ethics and dissemination: The study complies with the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the University and hospital ethics committee. Study findings will be disseminated in international conferences and publications.

Key messages:

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death globally and most e-health educational programs have been proved to be effective support to CVD clients. However, most e-health programs lack personalization and this seldom results in exercise behavioral change.

The adopted e-health program aims to empower CVD participants by increase knowledge on cardiovascular risks, perceived benefits of exercise to health, as well as enhance their self-efficacy in exercise adherence and exercise behavior. Data analysis has been started in August 2015. This trial will provide evidence of e-health programs on physical and psychological outcomes comprehensively.

Strengths and limitations of this study:

The study has been designed to meet the criteria for high quality in non-pharmacological randomised clinical trials with randomisation, multicentre participation, blinded assessment and analysis with good sample size. ;

Study Design

Allocation: Randomized, Endpoint Classification: Efficacy Study, Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment, Masking: Single Blind (Investigator), Primary Purpose: Supportive Care

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT02350192
Study type Interventional
Source Chinese University of Hong Kong
Status Completed
Phase N/A
Start date June 2013
Completion date July 2015

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