Breast Neoplasms Clinical Trial
— SafeHEROfficial title:
A Phase III Prospective, Two-Cohort Non-Randomized, Multi-Centre, Multinational, Open-Label Study to Assess the Safety of Assisted- and Self-Administered Subcutaneous Trastuzumab as Therapy in Patients With Operable HER2-Positive Early Breast Cancer
Verified date | April 2021 |
Source | Hoffmann-La Roche |
Contact | n/a |
Is FDA regulated | No |
Health authority | |
Study type | Interventional |
This multicenter, two-cohort, non-randomized, open-label study will evaluate the safety and tolerability of assisted and self-administered SC Herceptin as adjuvant therapy in participants with early HER2-positive breast cancer following tumor excision. Participants will receive Herceptin 600 milligrams (mg) SC every 3 weeks for 18 cycles, either by an assisted administration using a conventional syringe and needle/vial formulation (Cohort A) or with assisted and self-administration using a single-use injection device (SID) in selected participants (Cohort B).
Status | Completed |
Enrollment | 2577 |
Est. completion date | February 19, 2020 |
Est. primary completion date | March 10, 2015 |
Accepts healthy volunteers | No |
Gender | All |
Age group | 18 Years and older |
Eligibility | Inclusion Criteria: - Histologically confirmed early invasive HER2-positive carcinoma of the breast with no evidence of residual, locally recurrent, or metastatic disease and defined as clinical Stage I to IIIC that is eligible for treatment with Herceptin - Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status 0 or 1 - Screening left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) greater than or equal to (=) 55% Exclusion Criteria: - Previous neoadjuvant or adjuvant breast cancer treatment with an approved or investigational anti-HER2 agent - History of other malignancy except for curatively treated carcinoma in situ of the cervix, basal cell carcinoma, or curatively treated malignancies (other than breast cancer) where the participant has been disease-free for at least 5 years - Past history of ductal carcinoma in situ treated with any systemic therapy or with radiation therapy to the ipsilateral breast where invasive cancer subsequently developed - Metastatic disease - Inadequate bone marrow, hepatic, or renal function - Serious cardiac or cardiovascular disease including uncontrolled hypertension or history of hypertensive crisis or hypertensive encephalopathy - History of severe allergic or immunological reactions, such as difficult-to-control asthma - Pregnant or lactating women |
Country | Name | City | State |
Albania | University "Mother Theresa" Hospital Center; Oncology Department | Tirana | |
Algeria | CPMC; Service d'Oncologie Médicale | Algiers | |
Argentina | Fundación CENIT para la Investigación en Neurociencias | Buenos Aires | |
Argentina | Hospital Britanico; Oncologia | Buenos Aires | |
Argentina | Instituto De Investigaciones Clinicas Zarate | Zarate | |
Australia | Chris O'Brien Lifehouse | Camperdown | New South Wales |
Australia | Western Hospital | Footscray | Victoria |
Australia | Peninsula and South Eastern Haematology and Oncology Group | Frankston | Victoria |
Australia | St George Hospital; Cancer Care Centre | Kogarah | New South Wales |
Australia | Cabrini Medical Centre; Oncology | Malvern | Victoria |
Australia | Royal Perth Hospital; Department of Medical Oncology | Perth | Western Australia |
Australia | Prince of Wales Hospital; Oncology | Randwick | New South Wales |
Australia | Queen Elizabeth Hospital; Medical Oncology | Woodville South | South Australia |
Australia | Princess Alexandra Hospital; Division of Cancer Services | Woolloongabba | Queensland |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | University Clinical Center of the Republic of Srpska | Banja Luka | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Clinic of Oncology, University Clinical Center Sarajevo | Sarajevo | |
Brazil | Hospital Amaral Carvalho | Jau | SP |
Brazil | Hospital Moinhos de Vento | Porto Alegre | RS |
Brazil | Centro de Oncologia da Bahia - CENOB | Salvador | BA |
Brazil | Hospital Sao Rafael - HSR | Salvador | BA |
Brazil | Hospital Perola Byington | Sao Paulo | SP |
Brazil | Instituto do Cancer do Estado de Sao Paulo - ICESP | Sao Paulo | SP |
Bulgaria | Complex Oncology Center - Plovdiv First Internal Chemotherapy Department | Plovdiv | |
Bulgaria | MHAT Serdika; Department of medical oncology | Sofia | |
Bulgaria | SHATOD - Sofia | Sofia | |
Canada | Cross Cancer Institute ; Dept of Medical Oncology | Edmonton | Alberta |
Canada | CSSS champlain - Charles-Le Moyne | Greenfield Park | Quebec |
Canada | The Moncton Hospital | Moncton | New Brunswick |
Canada | Mcgill University - Royal Victoria Hospital; Oncology | Montreal | Quebec |
Canada | Lakeridge Health Oshawa; Oncology | Oshawa | Ontario |
Canada | St. Michael'S Hospital | Toronto | Ontario |
Canada | British Columbia Cancer Agency (Bcca) - Vancouver Cancer Centre | Vancouver | British Columbia |
Canada | Windsor Regional Cancer Centre | Windsor | Ontario |
Chile | Centro Oncológico Antofagasta | Antofagasta | |
Chile | Instituto Nacional del Cancer | Santiago | |
Chile | Sociedad de Investigaciones Medicas Ltda (SIM) | Temuco | |
Chile | Hospital Carlos Van Buren, Servicio de Oncologia | Valparaiso | |
Colombia | Clinica del Country | Bogota | |
Colombia | Clínica Imbanaco; Oncology | Cali | |
Croatia | Clinical Hospital Osijek; Dept For Oncology & Radiotherapy | Osijek | |
Croatia | Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb | Zagreb | |
Czechia | Masarykuv onkologický ústav; Klinika komplexní onkologické péce | Brno | |
Czechia | Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc | Olomouc | |
Czechia | Fakultní Nemocnice V Motole; Radioterapeuticko-Onkologicke Oddeleni | Praha 5 | |
Dominican Republic | Hospital Metropolitano de Santiago | Santiago | |
Ecuador | Instituto de Cáncer SOLCA Cuenca; Oncología | Cuenca | |
Ecuador | Solca Guayaquil- Sociedad de Lucha Contra El Cáncer; Oncology | Guayaquil | |
Ecuador | Hospital Solca Quito; Oncologia | Quito | |
Egypt | Alexandria Uni ; Medical Oncology | Alexandria | |
Egypt | Manial Specialized Hospital; Oncology | Cairo | |
Egypt | Nci; Oncology Dept | Cairo | |
El Salvador | Hospital Oncologia; Oncology | Salvador | |
France | HOPITAL JEAN MINJOZ; Oncologie | Besancon | |
France | Clinique Tivoli; Sce Radiotherapie | Bordeaux | |
France | Polyclinique Bordeaux Nord Aquitaine; Chimiotherapie Radiotherapie | Bordeaux | |
France | Ch De Fleyriat; Pneumologie 1 | Bourg En Bresse | |
France | Hopital Augustin Morvan; Federation De Cancerologie | Brest | |
France | Ch De Brive La Gaillarde; Radiotherapie Oncologie | Brive La Gaillarde | |
France | Clinique Sainte Marie; Chimiotherapie | Chalon Sur Saone | |
France | Centre Georges-François Lecler; Ctr de Lutte Contre le Canc | Dijon | |
France | Fondation Clement Drevon; Oncology | Dijon | |
France | Ch De La Dracenie; Hopital De Jour | Draguignan | |
France | Hopital Prive Drome Ardeche; Chir 2A 2B | Guilherand Granges | |
France | Clinique Sainte Marguerite; Oncologie Medicale | Hyeres | |
France | CHD Les Oudairies | La Roche Sur Yon | |
France | Hopital Albert Michallon; Oncologie | La Tronche | |
France | Ch Du Mans; Medecine Hematologie Oncologie | Le Mans | |
France | Clinique Victor Hugo | LeMans | |
France | Centre Hartmann | Levallois Perret | |
France | Hopital Claude Huriez; Medecine Interne Oncologie | Lille | |
France | Polyclinique Du Bois; Centre Bourgogne | Lille | |
France | CH Bretagne Sud Site Bodelio; Oncologie Radiotherapie | Lorient | |
France | Ch Bretagne Sud Site Scorff; Oncologie Medicale | Lorient | |
France | Ctre Consultations La Sauvegarde | Lyon | |
France | Hôpital Saint Joseph; Oncologie Medicale | Marseille | |
France | Hopital Clinique Claude Bernard; Oncologie Medicale | Metz | |
France | CHRA;Hematologie | Metz Tessy | |
France | Clinique Clementville; Hopital De Jour | Montpellier | |
France | Centre Azureen De Cancerologie; Cons externes | Mougins | |
France | Centre Antoine Lacassagne; B3 Medecine Conventionnelle | Nice | |
France | Hopital Cochin; Unite Fonctionnelle D Oncologie | Paris | |
France | Hopital Hotel Dieu; Oncologie Medicale | Paris | |
France | HOPITAL TENON; Cancerologie Medicale | Paris | |
France | Ch Francois Mitterrand; Medecine Oncologie | Pau | |
France | Ch Lyon Sud; Onco Secteur Jules Courmont | Pierre Benite | |
France | Chp Saint Gregoire; Cancerologie Radiotherapie | Saint Gregoire | |
France | Ico Rene Gauducheau; Oncologie | Saint Herblain | |
France | Clinique de L'Union; Oncologie | Saint Jean | |
France | Ch De Saint Quentin; Medecine B10 | Saint Quentin | |
France | Institut de Cancerologie de La Loire; Pneumologie | Saint-priest-en-jarez | |
France | CMCO De La Cote D Opale; Auberge De Jour | St Martin Boulogne | |
France | Centre Paul Strauss; Oncologie Medicale | Strasbourg | |
France | Hopitaux Du Leman Site Thonon; Maternite Gynecologie | Thonon Les Bains | |
France | Clinique Pasteur; Pneumologie | Toulouse | |
France | Institut Claudius Regaud; Departement Oncologie Medicale | Toulouse | |
France | Clinique Radio Des Dentellieres; Chimiotherapie Radiotherapie | Valenciennes | |
France | Centre-Alexis Vautrin | Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy | |
Germany | Klinikum Augsburg; Frauenklinik | Augsburg | |
Germany | Internist; Praxis Für Haemotologie & Onkologie | Bad Soden | |
Germany | Praxis Dres. Schilling & Till | Berlin | |
Germany | Vivantes Klinikum Am Urban; Zentrum für Brusterkrankungen | Berlin | |
Germany | Katholische Hospitalvereinigung Ostwestfalen gGmbH | Bielefeld | |
Germany | Gemeinschaftspraxis Dr. Bueckner und Dr. Nueckel | Bochum | |
Germany | DONAU ISAR Klinikum Deggendorf; Frauenklinik | Deggendorf | |
Germany | Klinikum Essen-Mitte Ev. Huyssens-Stiftung / Knappschafts GmbH; Klinik für Senologie / Brustzentrum | Essen | |
Germany | Universitätsklinikum Essen; Zentrum Für Frauenheilkunde | Essen | |
Germany | Universitätsklinikum Freiburg; Frauenklinik | Freiburg | |
Germany | Klinikum St. Georg GmbH; Franziskus-Hospital Harderberg; Klinik für Gynaekologie und Geburtshilfe | Georgsmarienhütte | |
Germany | Krankenhaus St. Elisabeth und St. Barbara, Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe | Halle | |
Germany | Kooperatives Mammazentrum Hamburg Krankenhaus Jerusalem | Hamburg | |
Germany | Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf; Zentrum für operative Medizin Klinik für Gynäkologie | Hamburg | |
Germany | Gynaekologisch-Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis Prof. Dr. med. Lueck, Dr. Schrader und Dr. Noeding | Hannover | |
Germany | Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe | Hannover | |
Germany | Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen (NCT) ; Gyn. Onk. Frauenklinik; Uniklinikum Heidelberg | Heidelberg | |
Germany | Universitätsklinikum Jena; Klinik und Poliklinik für Frauenheilkunde und Fortpflanzungsmedizin | Jena | |
Germany | Elisabeth-Krankenhaus Brustzentrum | Kassel | |
Germany | St. Elisabeth Krankenhaus Köln GmbH; Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe | Koeln | |
Germany | Kliniken der Stadt Köln gGmbH Krankenhaus Holweide; Brustzentrum | Köln | |
Germany | Praxis Katja Ziegler-Löhr | Köln | |
Germany | Klinikum Kulmbach; Frauenklinik | Kulmbach | |
Germany | Dres. Andreas Köhler und Roswitha Fuchs | Langen | |
Germany | Klinikum Leverkusen; Med. Klinik III / Onkologie | Leverkusen | |
Germany | Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis Lübeck | Lübeck | |
Germany | Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein / Campus Lübeck; Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe | Lübeck | |
Germany | Klinikum Ludwigsburg; Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe | Ludwigsburg | |
Germany | Universitätsmedizin Mainz; Klinik u. Poliklinik f. Geburtshilfe u. Frauenheilkunde | Mainz | |
Germany | Gemeinschaftspraxis Fr. Dr. med. Balser & Hr. Dr. med. Weidenbach | Marburg | |
Germany | Klinikum Meiningen Klinik f.Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe | Meiningen | |
Germany | Klinikum Memmingen; Abt.Gynäkologie | Memmingen | |
Germany | Mühlenkreiskliniken; Johannes Wesling Klinikum Minden; Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe | Minden | |
Germany | Praxis Steffi Busch | Mühlhausen | |
Germany | Gemeinschaftspraxis Prof. Christoph Salat und Oliver J. Stötzer | München | |
Germany | Praxis Dr. Prechtl & Dr. Kowolik; Frauenklinik | München | |
Germany | Universitätsklinikum Münster; Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe | Münster | |
Germany | Ruppiner Kliniken, Klinik fuer Gynaekologie und Geburtshilfe | Neuruppin | |
Germany | Klinikum Nord Frauenklinik | Nürnberg | |
Germany | Sana Klinikum Offenbach GmbH; Klinik für Gynäkologie & Geburtshilfe | Offenbach | |
Germany | medius KLINIK OSTFILDERN-RUIT; Brustzentrum | Ostfildern | |
Germany | Oncologianova GmbH | Recklinghausen | |
Germany | Agaplesion Diakonieklinikum Rotenburg | Rotenburg/Wümme | |
Germany | Caritas Klinik St. Theresia -Frauenklinik Brustzentrum | Saarbruecken | |
Germany | Leopoldina Krankenhaus der Stadt Schweinfurt GmbH | Schweinfurt | |
Germany | HELIOS Klinikum Schwerin; Frauenklinik | Schwerin | |
Germany | Johanniter-Krankenhaus Genthin-Stendal; Klinik Für Frauenheilkunde & Geburtshilfe | Stendal | |
Germany | Kreiskrankenhaus Torgau; Abt.Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe | Torgau | |
Germany | Universitätsklinik Tübingen; Frauenklinik | Tübingen | |
Germany | Katharinen-Hospital gGmbH | Unna | |
Germany | GRN-Klinik Weinheim; Abt.Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe | Weinheim | |
Germany | Lahn-Dill Kliniken GmbH Klinikum Wetzlar Gynäkologie/Geburtshilfe | Wetzlar | |
Germany | Gesellschaft für Medizinische Studien Würselen | Wuerselen | |
Greece | Uni Hospital of Alexandroupoli; Dept. of Oncology - Duth | ??e?a?d???p??? | |
Greece | University Hospital of Larissa; Oncology | ?a??sa | |
Greece | Alexandras General Hospital of Athens; Oncology Department | Athens | |
Greece | Anticancer Hospital Ag Savas; 1St Dept of Internal Medicine | Athens | |
Greece | Laiko General Hospital; 1St Pathological Clinic | Athens | |
Greece | Periph. University General Hospital of Heraklion Crete; Oncology Department | Heraklion | |
Greece | Agioi Anargyroi Cancer Hospital; 2Nd Oncology Dept. | Kifisia | |
Greece | Euromedical General Clinic of Thessaloniki; Oncology Department | Thessaloniki | |
Greece | Papageorgiou General Hospital; Medical Oncology | Thessaloniki | |
Guatemala | Centro Oncológico Sixtino / Centro Oncológico SA | Guatemala | |
Guatemala | Grupo Angeles | Guatemala City | |
Hong Kong | Queen Elizabeth Hospital; Clinical Oncology | Hong Kong | |
Hong Kong | Prince of Wales Hosp; Dept. Of Clinical Onc | Shatin | |
Hungary | Orszagos Onkologiai Intezet | Budapest | |
Hungary | Semmelweis Egyetem Aok; Iii.Sz. Belgyogyaszati Klinika | Budapest | |
Hungary | Szent Imre Hospital; Dept. of Oncology | Budapest | |
Hungary | Szent Margit Hospital; Dept. of Oncology | Budapest | |
Hungary | Debreceni Egyetem Klinikai Kozpont ; Department of Oncology | Debrecen | |
Hungary | Josa Andras Korhaz; Dept of Oncoradiology | Nyíregyháza | |
Hungary | Pécsi Tudományegyetem; Klinikai Központ Onkoterápiás Intézet | Pécs | |
Hungary | Markusovszky Hospital | Szombathely | |
Indonesia | Hasan Sadikin Hospital; Internal Medicine | Bandung | |
Indonesia | CiptoMangunkusumo Hospital; Internal Medicine | Central Jakarta | |
Indonesia | Soetomo Hospital; Surgery | East Java | |
Indonesia | Dharmais National Cancer Center | Jakarta | |
Indonesia | Sardjito Hospital; Instalasi Kanker Tulip | Jogjakarta | |
Ireland | Beaumont Hospital; Cancer Clinical Trials Unit | Dublin | |
Ireland | Mater Misericordiae Uni Hospital; Oncology | Dublin | |
Ireland | Mater Private Hospital | Dublin | |
Ireland | University Hospital Limerick | Limerick City | |
Ireland | Sligo General Hospital; Oncology | Sligo | |
Ireland | Waterford Regional Hospital; Department Of Medical Oncology | Waterford | |
Italy | Irccs Ist. Tumori Giovanni Paolo Ii; Dipartimento Oncologia Medica | Bari | Puglia |
Italy | Asst Papa Giovanni XXIII; Oncologia Medica | Bergamo | Lombardia |
Italy | Ospedale Oncologico A.Businco; Div. Oncologia Medica II | Cagliari | Sardegna |
Italy | Ospedale Civile; Oncologia Medica | Camposampiero | Veneto |
Italy | Ospedale Garibaldi Nesima; Biomedicina Clinica e Molecolare | Catania | Sicilia |
Italy | Arcispedale S.Anna; Oncologia Medica | Cona (Ferrara) | Veneto |
Italy | ASST DI CREMONA; Unità di Patologia Mammaria Senologia e Breast Unit | Cremona | Lombardia |
Italy | Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi;S.C. Oncologia Medica 1 | Firenze | Toscana |
Italy | Ausl Frosinone - Ospedale Umberto I; Divisione Di Oncologia | Frosinone | Lazio |
Italy | Ospedale Vito Fazzi; Div. Oncoematologia | Lecce | Puglia |
Italy | IRST Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo Per Lo Studio E Cura Dei Tumori, Sede Meldola; Oncologia Medica | Meldola | Emilia-Romagna |
Italy | Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori; S. C. Oncologia Medica 2 | Milano | Lombardia |
Italy | ASST DI MONZA; Oncologia Medica | Monza | Lombardia |
Italy | Azienda Ospedaliera A. Cardarelli | Napoli | Campania |
Italy | Istituto Nazionale Tumori Irccs Fondazione g. PASCALE;U.O.C. Oncologia Medica Senologica | Napoli | Campania |
Italy | Università degli Studi Federico II; Clinica di Oncologia Medica | Napoli | Campania |
Italy | Ospedale Regionale Di Parma; Divisione Di Oncologia Medica | Parma | Emilia-Romagna |
Italy | IRRCCS San Matteo; Dip Oncoematologico ; Divisione Oncologia | Pavia | Lombardia |
Italy | Az. Osp. Ospedale Civile; U.O. Di Oncologia Medica Ed Ematologia | Piacenza | Emilia-Romagna |
Italy | Azlenda Ospendaliero-Universitaria Pisana; C.O. Oncologia 2 | Pisa | Toscana |
Italy | Azienda usl 5 Di Pisa-Ospedale Di Pontedera;U.O. Oncologia | Pontedera | Toscana |
Italy | Azienda USL di Ravenna; Unità Operativa di Oncologia Medica | Ravenna | Emilia-Romagna |
Italy | Ospedale Oncologico Regionale; U.O. Oncologia Medica Ed Ematologia | Rionero in Vulture | Basilicata |
Italy | Azienda Ospedaliera Sant'Andrea | Roma | Lazio |
Italy | IFO - Istituto Regina Elena; Oncologia Medica | Roma | Lazio |
Italy | Policlinico Umberto i di Roma; dip. Scienze Radiologiche, Oncologiche, Anatomopatologiche | Roma | Lazio |
Italy | IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas; Oncologia | Rozzano | Lombardia |
Italy | IRCCS Ospedale Casa Sollievo Della Sofferenza; Oncologia | San Giovanni Rotondo | Puglia |
Italy | Ospedale Civile SS Annunziata; oncologia medica | Sassari | Sardegna |
Italy | A.O. Città della Salute e della Scienza - Presidio Molinette; divisione oncologia medica | Torino | Piemonte |
Italy | Ospedale Belcolle Di Viterbo; Oncologia | Viterbo | Lazio |
Korea, Republic of | National Cancer Center | Goyang-si | |
Korea, Republic of | Asan Medical Center. | Seoul | |
Korea, Republic of | Korea University Guro Hospital | Seoul | |
Korea, Republic of | Samsung Medical Center | Seoul | |
Korea, Republic of | Yonsei University Severance Hospital; Medical Oncology | Seoul | |
Lithuania | Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health. Sciences Kaunas Clinics | Kaunas | |
Lithuania | Klaipeda University Hospital | Klaipeda | |
Malaysia | Hospital Pulau Pinang; Jabatan Radioterapi & Onkologi | Georgetown | |
Malaysia | University Malaya Medical Centre; Clinical Oncology Unit, | Kuala Lumpur | |
Malaysia | Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-Kanak Sabah | Sabah | |
Malaysia | Sarawak General Hospital; Department of Radiotherapy, Oncology and Palliative care | Sarawak | |
Mexico | Centro Estatal de Oncología de Campeche | Campeche | |
Mexico | Centro Estatal de Cancerología | Chihuahua | |
Mexico | Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia; Oncology | Distrito Federal | |
Mexico | Consultorio de Medicina Especializada; Dentro de Condominio San Francisco | Mexico City | |
Mexico | Oaxaca Site Management Organization | Oaxaca | |
Mexico | Cancerologia de Queretaro; Oncologia | Queretaro, Queretaro | |
Mexico | Centro Estatal de Cancerologia de Nayarit | Tepic | |
Morocco | Institut National D'oncologie Sidi Med Benabdellah | Rabat | |
Netherlands | Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis | 'S Hertogenbosch | |
Netherlands | Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis | AC Amsterdam | |
Netherlands | Gelre Ziekenhuis Apeldoorn, Lokatie Lukas; Afdeling Interne Geneeskunde | Apeldoorn | |
Netherlands | Rijnstate Ziekenhuis; Inwendige Geneeskunde | Arnhem | |
Netherlands | Albert Schweitzer Ziekenhuis - loc Dordrecht | Dordrecht | |
Netherlands | Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei; Inwendige Geneeskunde | EDE | |
Netherlands | Catharina Ziekenhuis; Dept of Internal Medicin | Eindhoven | |
Netherlands | Maxima Medisch Centrum; Inwendige Geneeskunde | Eindhoven | |
Netherlands | Martini Ziekenhuis; Dept of Internal Medicine | Groningen | |
Netherlands | Atrium Medisch Centrum Parkstad, Heerlen | Heerlen | |
Netherlands | Spaarne Ziekenhuis; Inwendige Geneeskunde | Hoofddorp | |
Netherlands | St. Antonius Ziekenhuis Nieuwegein | Nieuwegein | |
Netherlands | Franciscus Ziekenhuis | Roosendaal | |
Netherlands | Ikazia Ziekenhuis | Rotterdam | |
Netherlands | Maasstad ziekenhuis; Afdeling oncologie hematologie | Rotterdam | |
Netherlands | Vlietland Ziekenhuis, Locatie Schiedam; Interne Geneeskunde | Schiedam | |
Netherlands | Zuyderland ziekenhuis locatie Geleen | Sittard-Geleen | |
Netherlands | Diakonessenhuis Utrecht: ziekenhuisapotheek | Utrecht | |
Netherlands | Ziekenhuis VieCurie Vitaal | Venlo | |
Netherlands | Zaans Medisch Centrum | Zaandam | |
New Zealand | Tauranga Hospital, Clinical Trials Unit; BOP Clinical School | Tauranga | |
Norway | Sørlandet Sykehus Kristiansand | Kristiansand | |
Norway | Oslo universitetssykehus HF, Ullevål, Kreftsenteret | Oslo | |
Norway | Helse Stavanger HF, Stavanger Universitetssjukehus; Klinikk for Blod og kreftsykdommer | Stavanger | |
Pakistan | Shifa International Hospital; Department of Oncology | Islamabad | |
Pakistan | Aga Khan University; Department of Oncology | Karachi | |
Pakistan | Hameed Latif Hospital; Department of Oncology | Lahore | |
Pakistan | Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital; Department of Oncology | Lahore | |
Panama | Centro Hemato Oncologico Panama | Panama | |
Peru | Centro Medico Monte Carmelo | Arequipa | |
Peru | Clinica de Especialidades Medicas | Lima | |
Peru | Clinica Internacional, Sede San Borja; Unidad de Investigacion de Clínica Internacional | Lima | |
Peru | Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplasicas | Lima | |
Peru | Instituto Oncologico de Lima | LIma | |
Philippines | Philippine General Hospital; Section Of Medical Oncology | Manila | |
Philippines | East Avenue Medical Center | Quezon City | |
Poland | Poradnia Onkologiczna oraz Oddzial Kliniczny Onkologii SPZOZ Szpital Uniwersytecki | Kraków | |
Poland | Europejskie Centrum Zdrowia Otwock Szpital im. Fryderyka Chopina, Klinika Onkologii | Otwock | |
Poland | Oddzial Chemioterapii Szpitala Klinicznego Nr 1 w Poznaniu | Poznan | |
Poland | Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologi | Poznan | |
Poland | MRUKMED Lekarz Beata Madej-Mruk i Partner Spolka Partnerska Oddzial nr 1 w Rzeszowie | Rzeszow | |
Poland | Wojewodzki Szpital Zespolony | Torun | |
Poland | NZOZ Onko-Dent SP. P. G. L. Slomian, Poradnia Onkologiczna | Zory | |
Portugal | Centro Clinico Champalimaud; Oncologia Medica | Lisboa | |
Portugal | Hospital da Luz; Departamento de Oncologia Medica | Lisboa | |
Portugal | Hospital de Sao Joao; Servico de Oncologia | Porto | |
Portugal | IPO do Porto; Servico de Oncologia Medica | Porto | |
Romania | Policlinica Sfanta Maria - Oncology; Medical Oncology | Baia Mare | |
Romania | Emergency University Bucharest Hospital; Oncology Department | Bucharest | |
Romania | Institut of Oncology Al. Trestioreanu Bucharest; Oncology Department | Bucuresti | |
Romania | Prof. Dr. I. Chiricuta Institute of Oncology | Cluj Napoca | |
Romania | Cluj Clinical County Hospital; Oncology Dept | Cluj-Napoca | |
Romania | Clinical Hospital 1 Craiova; Medical Oncology | Craiova | |
Romania | SC Oncolab SRL | Craiova | |
Romania | ONCOMED - Medical Centre | Timisoara | |
Romania | S.C. Life Search S.R.L; Medical Oncology Clinic | Timisoara | |
Russian Federation | Regional Oncology Hospital | Irkutsk | |
Russian Federation | City Oncological Hospital | Izhevsk | |
Russian Federation | City Clinical Oncology Hospital | Moscow | |
Russian Federation | Russian Oncology Research Center n.a. N.N. Blokhin Dpt of Clinical Pharmacology and Chemotherapy | Moscow | |
Russian Federation | State Inst. Of Healthcare Orenburg Regional Clinical Oncology Dis | Orenburg | |
Russian Federation | City Clinical Oncology Dispensary, SPb SBIH CCOD | Saint-Petersburg | |
Russian Federation | Bashkirian Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary | UFA | |
Saudi Arabia | King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre | Jeddah | |
Saudi Arabia | King Abdul Aziz Medical City, King Fahd National Guard; Oncology | Riyadh | |
Serbia | Clinical Hospital Center Bezanijska kosa; Clinic for Oncology | Belgrade | |
Serbia | Institute for Onc/Rad Serbia | Belgrade | |
Serbia | Clinical Center Kragujevac | Kragujevac | |
Serbia | Clinical Centre Nis, Clinic for Oncology | Nis | |
Serbia | Oncology Institute of Vojvodina | Sremska Kamenica | |
Singapore | National Cancer Centre; Medical Oncology | Singapore | |
Slovakia | Mammacentrum sv. Agáty | Banská Bystrica | |
Slovakia | National Cancer Institute - Comenius University; Dept. Clinical Oncology | Bratislava | |
Slovakia | Vychodoslovensky onkologicky ustav | Košice | |
Slovakia | Fakultna nemocnica s poliklinikou J.A. Reimana Presov | Presov | |
Slovakia | Fakultna nemocnica Trencín; Onkologicke odd. | Trencin | |
Slovenia | University Medical Centre Maribor; Depart. of Gynecology & Breast Oncology | Maribor | |
South Africa | Westridge Medical Center | Durban | |
South Africa | Donald Gordon Medical Centre | Johannesburg | |
South Africa | Steve Biko Academic Hospital; Oncology | Pretoria | |
Spain | Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete; Servicio de Oncologia | Albacete | |
Spain | Hospital General Univ. de Alicante; Servicio de Oncologia | Alicante | |
Spain | Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol; Servicio de Oncologia | Badalona | Barcelona |
Spain | Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau; Servicio de Oncologia | Barcelona | |
Spain | Hospital del Mar; Servicio de Oncologia | Barcelona | |
Spain | Hospital Duran i Reynals; Oncologia | Barcelona | |
Spain | Hospital de Basurto; Servicio de Oncologia | Bilbao | Vizcaya |
Spain | Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Burgos; Servicio de Oncologia | Burgos | |
Spain | Hospital San Pedro De Alcantara; Servicio de Oncologia | Caceres | |
Spain | Hospital General de Elda; Servicio de Oncologia | Elda | Alicante |
Spain | Hospital de Cabueñes; Servicio de Oncologia | Gijon | Asturias |
Spain | Complejo Hospitalario de Jaen-Hospital Universitario Medico Quirurgico; Servicio de Oncologia | Jaen | |
Spain | Hospital Universitario de Canarias;servicio de Oncologia | La Laguna | Tenerife |
Spain | Hospital de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrin; Servicio de Oncologia | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | LAS Palmas |
Spain | Hospital Universitario Materno Infantil de Gran Canaria; Servicio de Oncologia | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | LAS Palmas |
Spain | Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Leon; Servicio de Oncologia | Leon | |
Spain | Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova de Lleida; Servicio de Oncologia | Lerida | |
Spain | Hospital Ramon y Cajal; Servicio de Oncologia | Madrid | |
Spain | Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos; Servicio de Oncologia | Madrid | |
Spain | Hospital Universitario Virgen de Arrixaca; Servicio de Oncologia | Murcia | |
Spain | Hospital de Navarra; Servicio de Oncologia | Navarra | |
Spain | Hospital Universitario Son Espases | Palma De Mallorca | Islas Baleares |
Spain | Hospital Quiron de Madrid; Servicio de Oncologia | Pozuelo de Alarcon | Madrid |
Spain | Corporacio Sanitaria Parc Tauli; Servicio de Oncologia | Sabadell | Barcelona |
Spain | IInstituto Oncologico de San Sebastian, Oncologikoa; Servicio de Oncologia | San Sebastian | Guipuzcoa |
Spain | Complejo Hospitalario Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria; Servicio de Oncologia | Santa Cruz de Tenerife | Tenerife |
Spain | Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla; Servicio de Oncologia | Santander | Cantabria |
Spain | Complejo Hospitalario de Toledo- H. Virgen de la Salud; Servicio de Oncologia | Toledo | |
Spain | Hospital Arnau de Vilanova (Valencia) Servicio de Oncologia | Valencia | |
Spain | Hospital Do Meixoeiro; Servicio de Oncologia | Vigo | Pontevedra |
Spain | Hospital Lluis Alcanys; Servicio de Oncologia | Xativa | Valencia |
Spain | Hospital Clinico Universitario Lozano Blesa; Servicio de Oncologia | Zaragoza | |
Sweden | Skånes University Hospital, Skånes Department of Onclology | Lund | |
Sweden | Skaraborgs sjukhus Skoevde, Dept of surgery | Skoevde | |
Switzerland | Hirslanden Medical Center, Tumorzentrum | Aarau | |
Switzerland | Kantonsspital Baden; Frauenklinik | Baden | |
Switzerland | Ospedale San Giovanni; Oncologia | Bellinzona | |
Switzerland | Inselspital Bern; Universitätsklinik für medizinische Onkologie | Bern | |
Switzerland | Kantonsspital Frauenfeld, Frauenklinik Thurgau | Frauenfeld | |
Switzerland | CHUV; Departement d'Oncologie | Lausanne | |
Switzerland | Spital Thun; Medizinische Klinik | Thun | |
Switzerland | Kantonsspital Winterthur; Medizinische Onkologie | Winterthur | |
Switzerland | Stadtspital Triemli; Frauenklinik | Zürich | |
Taiwan | China Medical University Hospital; Surgery | Taichung | |
Taiwan | National Cheng Kung Uni Hospital; Surgery | Tainan | |
Taiwan | National Taiwan Uni Hospital; General Surgery | Taipei | |
Taiwan | Tri-Service General Hospital, Division of General Surgery | Taipei | |
Thailand | Department of Surgery, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital | Bangkok | |
Thailand | Pramongkutklao Hospital; Medicine - Medical Oncology Unit | Bangkok | |
Thailand | Rajvithi Hospital | Bangkok | |
Thailand | Ramathibodi Hospital; Medicine/Oncology | Bangkok | |
Thailand | Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital; Department of Surgery/Head Neck and Breast Unit; Clinical Trial | Chiang Mai | |
Thailand | Oncology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Vajira Hospital; Department of Medicine | Dusit | |
Turkey | Ankara Uni School of Medicine; Medical Oncology | Ankara | |
Turkey | Akdeniz University Medical Faculty; Medical Oncology Department | Antalya | |
Turkey | Dicle University Faculty of Medicine | Diyarbakir | |
Turkey | Gaziantep Univ. Med. Fac. | Gaziantep | |
Turkey | Istanbul Uni of Medicine Faculty; Oncology Dept | Istanbul | |
Turkey | Marmara Uni Faculty of Medicine; Medical Oncology | Istanbul | |
Turkey | Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine; Medical oncology | Izmit | |
Turkey | Mersin University Medical Faculty | Mersin | |
Turkey | 19 Mayis University Medical Faculty; Medical Oncology Department | Samsun | |
Turkey | Hacettepe Uni Medical Faculty Hospital; Oncology Dept | Sihhiye/Ankara | |
Ukraine | Kyiv City Clinical Oncological Center; Chemotherapy Department | Kiev | |
Ukraine | State Oncology Regional Treatment-Diagnostic Center; Chemotherapy Department | Lviv | |
United Arab Emirates | Tawam Hospital | Al Ain | |
United Kingdom | Nevill Hall Hospital | Abergavenny | |
United Kingdom | Bedford Hospital; Oncology | Bedford | |
United Kingdom | Wexham Park Hospital; Oncology | Berkshire | |
United Kingdom | Heartlands Hospital; Department Of Medicine | Birmingham | |
United Kingdom | University Hospital Birmingham Queen Elizabeth Hospital | Birmingham | |
United Kingdom | Royal Bournemouth Hospital; Oncology | Bournemouth | |
United Kingdom | Kent & Canterbury Hospital | Canterbury | |
United Kingdom | Broomfield Hospital; Oncology | Chelmsford | |
United Kingdom | Glan Clwyd Distr Gen Hospital;Nth Wales Cancer Treatment Ctr | Denbighshire | |
United Kingdom | Royal Derby Hospital | Derby | |
United Kingdom | North Devon District Hospital | Devon | |
United Kingdom | Russells Hall Hospital; Oncology | Dudley | |
United Kingdom | University Hospital of North Durham | Durham | |
United Kingdom | Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre | Glasgow | |
United Kingdom | Inverclyde Hospital | Greenock | |
United Kingdom | Diana Princess of Wales Hosp. | Grimsby | |
United Kingdom | Royal Surrey County Hospital | Guildford | |
United Kingdom | Princess Alexandra Hospital; Oncology Department | Harlow | |
United Kingdom | Huddersfield Royal Infirmary | Huddersfield | |
United Kingdom | Ipswich Hospital | Ipswich | |
United Kingdom | Crosshouse Hospital; Dept of Oncology | Kilmarnock | |
United Kingdom | Forth Valley Royal Hospital ; Oncology Department | Larbert | |
United Kingdom | Leicester Royal Infirmary | Leicester | |
United Kingdom | St John's Hospital | Livingston | |
United Kingdom | Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, Guys Hospital | London | |
United Kingdom | Queen Elizabeth Hospital | London | |
United Kingdom | St George's Hospital | London | |
United Kingdom | Macclesfield District General Hospital | Macclesfield | |
United Kingdom | Christie Hospital; Breast Cancer Research Office | Manchester | |
United Kingdom | Freeman Hospital; Northern Centre For Cancer Care | New Castle Upon Tyne | |
United Kingdom | Royal Gwent Hospital | Newport | |
United Kingdom | North Tyneside General Hospital | North Shields | |
United Kingdom | Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust | Northampton | |
United Kingdom | Derriford Hospital; Plymouth Oncology Centre | Plymouth | |
United Kingdom | Poole General Hospital | Poole | |
United Kingdom | Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth | Portsmouth | |
United Kingdom | Royal Preston Hospital | Preston | |
United Kingdom | Queens Hospital; R&D | Romford | |
United Kingdom | Scarborough General Hospital | Scarborough | |
United Kingdom | Royal Shrewsbury Hospital; Pharmacy Department | Shrewsbury | |
United Kingdom | Southampton General Hospital | Southampton | |
United Kingdom | Sunderland Royal Hospital | Sunderland | |
United Kingdom | Singleton Hospital; Pharmacy Department | Swansea | |
United Kingdom | Great Western Hospital, Swindon Cancer Research Unit; Osprey Unit Level 3 | Swindon | |
United Kingdom | Royal Cornwall Hospital | Truro | |
United Kingdom | Royal Hampshire County Hospital; Winchester & Andover Breast Unit | Winchester | |
United Kingdom | The Clatterbridge Cancer Ctr For Oncolgy | Wirral | |
United Kingdom | The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust | Wolverhampton | |
United Kingdom | Airedale General Hospital; Oncology | York | |
United Kingdom | York District Hospital | York | |
Uruguay | Grupo Oncológico Cooperativo Uruguayo; Hospital de Clínicas - Dpto. de Oncología | Montevideo | |
Uruguay | Hospital Militar; Oncologia | Montevideo | |
Uruguay | Hospital Pereira Rossell; Oncology Department | Montevideo | |
Venezuela | Centro Integral de Oncología | Caracas | |
Venezuela | Centro Médico Docente La Trinidad; Unidad de Protocolos Clínicos | Caracas | |
Venezuela | Instituto Oncológico Luis Razetti | Caracas | |
Vietnam | K hospital | Hanoi |
Lead Sponsor | Collaborator |
Hoffmann-La Roche |
Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Czechia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Republic of, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam,
Type | Measure | Description | Time frame | Safety issue |
Primary | Percentage of Participants With At Least 1 Adverse Event (AE) During the Treatment Period | Participants were planned to receive a total of 18 cycles of SC Herceptin. An AE was defined as any untoward medical occurrence in a participant administered SC Herceptin. Examples included unfavorable/unintended signs and symptoms, new or exacerbated disease, recurrence of intermittent condition, deterioration in laboratory value or other clinical test, or adverse procedure-related events. The percentage of participants with at least 1 AE during the treatment period (regardless of severity or seriousness) was reported. | From Day 1 up to 19 cycles (cycle length 3 weeks) (approximately 1 year) | |
Primary | Percentage of Participants With a Grade 3 or Higher AE During the Treatment Period | Participants were planned to receive a total of 18 cycles of SC Herceptin. An AE was defined as any untoward medical occurrence in a participant administered SC Herceptin. Examples included unfavorable/unintended signs and symptoms, new or exacerbated disease, recurrence of intermittent condition, deterioration in laboratory value or other clinical test, or adverse procedure-related events. AEs were graded according to National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria Version 4.0. Grade 3 AEs were those considered severe or medically significant but not immediately life-threatening. Grade 4 AEs were those considered life-threatening and/or for which urgent intervention was indicated. Grade 5 AEs were those resulting in death. The percentage of participants with a Grade 3 or higher (i.e., Grade 3 to 5) AE during the treatment period was reported. | From Day 1 up to 19 cycles (cycle length 3 weeks) (approximately 1 year) | |
Primary | Percentage of Participants With Treatment Interruption Due to an AE | Participants were planned to receive a total of 18 cycles of SC Herceptin. An AE was defined as any untoward medical occurrence in a participant administered SC Herceptin. Examples included unfavorable/unintended signs and symptoms, new or exacerbated disease, recurrence of intermittent condition, deterioration in laboratory value or other clinical test, or adverse procedure-related events. The percentage of participants with SC Herceptin treatment interrupted to assess or treat AEs was reported. | From Day 1 up to 19 cycles (cycle length 3 weeks) (approximately 1 year) | |
Primary | Number of Herceptin Cycles Received | Participants were planned to receive a total of 18 cycles of SC Herceptin. The median number of cycles actually received was reported. | From Day 1 up to 19 cycles (cycle length 3 weeks) (approximately 1 year) | |
Primary | Percentage of Participants by Total Number of Herceptin Cycles Received | Participants were planned to receive a total of 18 cycles of SC Herceptin. The percentage of participants was reported by the total number of cycles actually received. Because the data are presented non-cumulatively, this table reflects participant distribution by the highest number of cycles received. | From Day 1 up to 19 cycles (cycle length 3 weeks) (approximately 1 year) | |
Primary | Percentage of Participants Who Received Concomitant Cancer Therapy | Concomitant cancer treatment included chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy administered during the study. The percentage of participants who received any of these concomitant therapies was reported. | From Baseline to data cutoff of 10 March 2015 (up to approximately 3 years) | |
Primary | Percentage of Participants Who Received Concomitant Non-Cancer Therapy | Concomitant non-cancer treatment included any pharmacologic interventions administered during the study other than chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or hormone therapy. The percentage of participants who received any concomitant non-cancer therapies was reported. | From Baseline to data cutoff of 10 March 2015 (up to approximately 3 years) | |
Secondary | Percentage of Participants Who Died by Data Cutoff of 10 March 2015 | The percentage of participants who died from any cause was reported. | From Baseline to time of event (maximum follow-up approximately 3 years as of data cutoff of 10 March 2015) | |
Secondary | Percentage of Participants Who Died During the Safety Follow-up Period | The percentage of participants who died from any cause was reported during the safety follow-up period. | From Baseline to Time of Event, Safety Follow-Up Period (Up to 6 Years) | |
Secondary | Disease-Free Survival Rate | DFS is defined as the time from first dose of SC Herceptin to the first event of local, regional or distant recurrence, contralateral invasive breast cancer (including ipsilateral ductal carcinoma in situ) or death due to any cause.
Time from the date of first dose to any DFS event was expressed in Kaplan-Meier survival probability estimates. Patients without an event will be censored at the last assessment date. |
From Baseline to time of event (up to approximately 8 years) | |
Secondary | Overall Survival Rate | Overall survival was defined as the time from randomization to death from any cause.
Time from the date of randomization to the date of death was expressed in Kaplan-Meier survival probability estimates. Patients without an event will be censored at the last assessment date. |
From Baseline to Time of Event (Up to Approximately 6 Years) | |
Secondary | Percentage of Participants by Item Response to SID Satisfaction Questionnaire | The SID satisfaction questionnaire was administered twice during the study and asked participants to respond to five statements using a Likert scale from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". Questionnaire items were as follows: "I felt comfortable injecting the study drug by myself" (Comfortable), "The SID was convenient and easy to use" (Easy to Use), "I am confident giving myself an injection in the thigh with the SID" (Confident), "Taking all things into account I find self-administration using the SID satisfactory" (Satisfactory), "If given the opportunity I would choose to continue self-injecting the study drug using the SID in the future" (Continue). Participants could only select one response per questionnaire item. There was no calculation of any score, but rather, descriptive summaries were generated by item response. The percentage of participants was reported by the response given for each item on the SID satisfaction questionnaire. | Cycle 4 (cycle length 3 weeks) and last safety follow-up (LSFU) (approximately 1 year) |
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Enrolling by invitation |
NCT05558917 -
Comparison Between PECS BLOCK 2 vs ESP BLOCK in Ocnologic Breast Surgery
N/A | |
Active, not recruiting |
NCT03664778 -
Abbreviated Breast MRI After Cancer Treatment
Recruiting |
NCT03144622 -
18F-FSPG PET/CT Imaging in Patients With Cancers
Completed |
NCT05452499 -
Pain Neuroscience Education and Therapeutic Exercise as a Treatment for Breast Cancer Survivors Living With Sequelae
N/A | |
Active, not recruiting |
NCT04568902 -
Study of H3B-6545 in Japanese Women With Estrogen Receptor (ER)-Positive, Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2)-Negative Breast Cancer
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT02860585 -
Evaluation of Survival in Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer Receiving High-dose Chemotherapy With Autologous Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT04059809 -
Photobiomodulation for Breast Cancer Radiodermatitis
Phase 2/Phase 3 | |
Recruiting |
NCT04557449 -
Study to Test the Safety and Tolerability of PF-07220060 in Participants With Advance Solid Tumors
Phase 1/Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT03698942 -
Delphinus SoftVue™ ROC Reader Study
Completed |
NCT00092950 -
Exercise in Women at Risk for Breast Cancer
Phase 2 | |
Terminated |
NCT04123704 -
Sitravatinib in Metastatic Breast Cancer
Phase 2 | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT02151071 -
The Breast Surgery EnLight and LightPath Imaging System Study
Phase 1/Phase 2 | |
Recruiting |
NCT02934360 -
TR(ACE) Assay Clinical Specimen Study
N/A | |
Active, not recruiting |
NCT02950064 -
A Study to Determine the Safety of BTP-114 for Treatment in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors With BRCA Mutations
Phase 1 | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT02876848 -
A Novel E-Health Approach in Optimizing Treatment for Seniors (OPTIMUM Study)
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02931552 -
Nuevo Amanecer II: Translating a Stress Management Program for Latinas
N/A | |
Recruiting |
NCT02547545 -
Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Risk Prediction Mathematical Model
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02303366 -
Pilot Study of Stereotactic Ablation for Oligometastatic Breast Neoplasia in Combination With the Anti-PD-1 Antibody MK-3475
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT02518477 -
Preventive Intervention Against Lymphedema After Breast Cancer Surgery
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02652975 -
Anticancer Treatment of Breast Cancer Related to Cardiotoxicity and Dysfunctional Endothelium
N/A |