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Clinical Trial Summary

Preoperative anemia is detrimental in surgical patients, and its treatment with transfusions can further worsen outcomes, including increased hospital stay and mortality. Transfusions are also highly costly. In 2010, the World Health Organization endorsed the adoption of Patient Blood Management (PBM) programs, i.e., patient-centered multidisciplinary activities, including recognition and treatment of preoperative anemia. While the latter has been proved effective in reducing transfusions in setting like elective orthopedic surgery, widespread adoption is still lacking. Moreover, little is known about surgical oncology, a particular setting posing unique challenging. This change-promoting project attempts to fill this knowledge gap by establishing a multidisciplinary team aimed at optimal management of preoperative anemia in hepatobiliary/pancreas/gastrointestinal/renal surgical oncology. The primary endpoint is the reduction of transfusions, along with safer patient outcomes as compared to the historical series.

Clinical Trial Description

BACKGROUND: Preoperative anemia is frequent in patients undergoing major surgery, varying from nearly 35% in elective orthopedic surgery (EOS) to >75% in colon cancer. Mounting data have shown that anemia is independently associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality in surgical patients. This is true even for mild-degree anemia, which is frequently overlooked. Of note, treatment of anemia with transfusions does not ameliorate the risk but instead appears to raise further perioperative morbidity, hospital length of stay, and mortality. Transfusions have adverse immunomodulatory effects that can increase infectious complications or cancer recurrence. Indeed, it is increasingly recognized that transfusions are one of the most costly and overused treatments in modern medicine. This has led to the implementation of Patient Blood Management (PBM) programs, i.e., patient-centered, multidisciplinary activities to promote safe and evidence-based use of transfusions. Recognition and treatment of preoperative anemia is a significant pillar of PBM, with proven efficacy in certain types of surgery, i.e., EOS. This has been facilitated by recent advances in the knowledge of the pathophysiology of iron, whose deficiency represents a common and treatable form of anemia in surgical patients. Nevertheless, evidence is scanty in surgical patients with malignancies, a particular subgroup that poses unique challenges. Hypothesis and Significance: Recognition and treatment of preoperative anemia in surgical oncology through a well-organized, multidisciplinary Anemia Clinic should decrease blood transfusions, ultimately leading to better clinical outcomes and cost savings. METHODOLOGIES and STATISTICAL ANALYSES: Evaluation and treatment of preoperative anemia will be performed as follows: we will perform a minimum panel of exams, i.e., complete blood count (CBC), creatinine, C-reactive protein, ferritin, transferrin saturation (TSAT), and circulating folate/B12 levels, to assess the presence of anemia, and to identify potentially correctable causes. On the same day on which the patient performs lab analyses in the morning, the surgeon will alert the Anemia Clinic with the patient's ID digital code. Case-manager MD at Anemia Clinic will evaluate lab results as soon they become available (expected time 3-4 hours after blood drawing) through the e-health system. Anemic patients will be invited to attend the Anemia Clinic the day after. They will be clinically evaluated, and treatment for anemia will be immediately prescribed/performed. Core statistical analyses regarding transfusion use and patients' outcomes will be entrusted to external independent statisticians through subcontract. The diagnostic performance of hepcidin will be investigated through Area Under the Curve Receiving Operating Characteristic (AUC-ROC) and its prognostic implications by Kaplan-Meier curves. The duration of the presented project is calculated as 36 months and will be divided into 3 different milestones as follows: - M1: Study organization and coordination among the Units (study protocol preparation, procedures implementation for managing patient flow across units). - M2: 24 months of Patient Enrolment (evaluation of preoperative hematological parameters and suitable treatment, surgery, postoperative evaluation) and ad interim follow-up evaluation after 1 month from the surgery. - M3: statistical evaluation of results, publication preparation, and evaluation of the possible implementation of new improved internal guidelines for treating anemia in cancer patients. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT05505006
Study type Interventional
Source Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Verona
Contact Domenico Girelli, MD
Phone +39 0458125262
Status Recruiting
Phase Phase 4
Start date March 2, 2021
Completion date August 13, 2024

See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
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