Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Cayan S, Shavakhabov S, Kadioglu A
    Treatment of palpable varicocele in infertile men: a meta-analysis to define the best technique. J Androl. 2009 Jan-Feb;30(1):33-40. doi: 10.2164/jandrol.108.005967. Epub 2008 Sep 4. Review.
  •   Cho CL, Esteves SC, Agarwal A
    Novel insights into the pathophysiology of varicocele and its association with reactive oxygen species and sperm DNA fragmentation. Asian J Androl. 2016 Mar-Apr;18(2):186-93. doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.170441. Review.
  •   Kupis L, Dobronski PA, Radziszewski P
    Varicocele as a source of male infertility - current treatment techniques. Cent European J Urol. 2015;68(3):365-70. doi: 10.5173/ceju.2015.642. Epub 2015 Oct 15. Review.
  •   Paick S, Choi WS
    Varicocele and Testicular Pain: A Review. World J Mens Health. 2019 Jan;37(1):4-11. doi: 10.5534/wjmh.170010. Epub 2018 May 16. Review.
  •   Shabana W, Teleb M, Dawod T, Elsayed E, Desoky E, Shahin A, Eladl M, Sorour W
    Predictors of improvement in semen parameters after varicocelectomy for male subfertility: A prospective study. Can Urol Assoc J. 2015 Sep-Oct;9(9-10):E579-82. doi: 10.5489/cua

the Effect of Sub-inguinal Varicocelectomy in Patients Complaining of Orchialgia With Normal Semen Analysis

Details for clinical trial NCT03835143