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    Klevmark, B, Volume threshold for micturation: Influence of filing rate on sensory and motor bladder function, Scandanavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology Supplementum 2002; 210:6-10 2. Wyandaele, J, The normal pattern of perception of bladder filling during cystometry studied in 38 young healthy volunteers, Journal of Urology 1998; 160(2):479-81 3. Pauwels, E, DeWatcher, S, Wyndaele, J, Normality of bladder filling studied in symptom-free middle-aged woman, Clinical Urology 2004; 171(4):1567-70 4. Chin-peuckert, L, Komlos, M, Rennick, J, Jednak, R, Capolicchio, J, Salle, J, What is the variability between two concescutive cystometries in the same child?, Clinical Urology 2003; 170(4):1614-7 5. Goodman, T, Kilborn, T, Pearce, R. Warm or cold contrast medium in the micturating cystourethrogram: which is best?, Clinical Radiology 2003; 58(7):551-4

Comparison of Urodynamic Volume Measurements Using Room and Body Temperature Saline

Details for clinical trial NCT00355433