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  •   Hübner NO, Siebert J, Kramer A
    Octenidine dihydrochloride, a modern antiseptic for skin, mucous membranes and wounds. Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2010;23(5):244-58. doi: 10.1159/000314699. Epub 2010 May 18. Review.
  •   Vanscheidt W, Baer M, May TW, Siebert J
    : Affecting the wound healing process of chronic ulcera by an octenidine based wound antiseptic. Hyg Med (2005) 30 (5): 153-8

Randomized, Double-blind, Single-center, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Octenisept® in Patients With Chronic Wounds

Details for clinical trial NCT01434914