Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Newell JN, Baral SC, Pande SB, Bam DS, Malla P
    Family-member DOTS and community DOTS for tuberculosis control in Nepal: cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2006 Mar 18;367(9514):903-9.
  •   Raza S, Sarfaraz M, Ahmad M
    Practice of family and non-family based directly observed treatment for tuberculosis in Pakistan: A retrospective cohort study. The Health 2012; 3(2): 39-44
  •   Truzyan N, Harutyunyan T, Koshkakaryan M, Petrosyan V
    Household TB Infection Control Pilot Project: Counseling for TB Patients and Their Family Members. American University of Armenia School of Public Health, Center for Health Services Research and Development, Yerevan, Armenia, 2013
  •   Volmink J, Garner P
    Directly observed therapy for treating tuberculosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(1):CD003343. Review. Update in: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006;(2):CD003343.

Innovative Approach in Tuberculosis Care in Armenia

Details for clinical trial NCT02082340