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  •   Ferrera G et al
    A comparison of the immunogenicity and safety of a booster dose of reduced-antigen-content with full-strength DTPa-IPV vaccines administered with MMRV to children 5-6 years of age. Abstract presented at the 44th Congresso Nazionale Societa Italiana di Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanita Pubblica (SITI). Venezia, Italia, 3-6 October, 2010.
  •   Ferrera G et al
    Immunogenicity and safety of Booster vaccination with reduced-antigen-content or full-strength Diphtheria-Tetanus-Acellular-Pertussis-IPV vaccines in pre-school children, primed with a 2+1 schedule. Abstract presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID). The Hague, The Netherlands, 7-11 June 2011.
  •   Ferrera G, Cuccia M, Mereu G, Icardi G, Bona G, Esposito S, Marchetti F, Messier M, Kuriyakose S, Hardt K
    Booster vaccination of pre-school children with reduced-antigen-content diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis-inactivated poliovirus vaccine co-administered with measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine: a randomized, controlled trial in children primed according to a 2 + 1 schedule in infancy. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2012 Mar;8(3):355-62. doi: 10.4161/hv.18650. Epub 2012 Feb 13.

Immunogenicity and Safety of GSK Biologicals' dTpa-IPV Vaccine (Boostrix Polio) as a Booster Dose in 5 to 6-year-old Children.

Details for clinical trial NCT00871000