Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Feigin VL, Brainin M, Norrving B, Martins S, Sacco RL, Hacke W, Fisher M, Pandian J, Lindsay P
    World Stroke Organization (WSO): Global Stroke Fact Sheet 2022. Int J Stroke. 2022 Jan;17(1):18-29. doi: 10.1177/17474930211065917. Erratum In: Int J Stroke. 2022 Apr;17(4):478.
  •   Iqbal M, Arsh A, Hammad SM, Haq IU, Darain H
    Comparison of dual task specific training and conventional physical therapy in ambulation of hemiplegic stroke patients: A randomized controlled trial. J Pak Med Assoc. 2020 Jan;70(1):7-10. doi: 10.47391/JPMA.10443.
  •   Katz-Leurer M, Fisher I, Neeb M, Schwartz I, Carmeli E
    Reliability and validity of the modified functional reach test at the sub-acute stage post-stroke. Disabil Rehabil. 2009;31(3):243-8. doi: 10.1080/09638280801927830.
  •   Kim H Yeh
    Reliability, concurrent validity, and responsiveness of the FuglMeyer Assessment (FMA) for hemiplegic patients. Journal Of Physical Therapy Science. 2012; 24(9): 893.
  •   Kim KH, Jang SH
    Effects of Task-Specific Training after Cognitive Sensorimotor Exercise on Proprioception, Spasticity, and Gait Speed in Stroke Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study. Medicina (Kaunas). 2021 Oct 13;57(10):1098. doi: 10.3390/medicina57101098.
  •   Lam B, Middleton LE, Masellis M, Stuss DT, Harry RD, Kiss A, Black SE
    Criterion and convergent validity of the Montreal cognitive assessment with screening and standardized neuropsychological testing. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Dec;61(12):2181-2185. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12541. Epub 2013 Dec 9.
  •   Langhorne P, Bernhardt J, Kwakkel G
    Stroke rehabilitation. Lancet. 2011 May 14;377(9778):1693-702. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60325-5.
  •   Marchesi G, Ballardini G, Barone L, Giannoni P, Lentino C, De Luca A, Casadio M
    Modified Functional Reach Test: Upper-Body Kinematics and Muscular Activity in Chronic Stroke Survivors. Sensors (Basel). 2021 Dec 29;22(1):230. doi: 10.3390/s22010230.
  •   Muangpaisan W, Intalapaporn S, Assantachai P
    Digit span and verbal fluency tests in patients with mild cognitive impairment and normal subjects in Thai-community. J Med Assoc Thai. 2010 Feb;93(2):224-30.
  •   Murphy SJ, Werring DJ
    Stroke: causes and clinical features. Medicine (Abingdon). 2020 Sep;48(9):561-566. doi: 10.1016/j.mpmed.2020.06.002. Epub 2020 Aug 6.
  •   Rost NS, Brodtmann A, Pase MP, van Veluw SJ, Biffi A, Duering M, Hinman JD, Dichgans M
    Post-Stroke Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. Circ Res. 2022 Apr 15;130(8):1252-1271. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.122.319951. Epub 2022 Apr 14.
  •   Scarpina F, Tagini S
    The Stroop Color and Word Test. Front Psychol. 2017 Apr 12;8:557. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00557. eCollection 2017.
  •   Tombaugh TN
    Trail Making Test A and B: normative data stratified by age and education. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2004 Mar;19(2):203-14. doi: 10.1016/S0887-6177(03)00039-8.
  •   Traxler K, Schinabeck F, Baum E, Klotz E, Seebacher B
    Feasibility of a specific task-oriented training versus its combination with manual therapy on balance and mobility in people post stroke at the chronic stage: study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2021 Jul 27;7(1):146. doi: 10.1186/s40814-021-00886-0.
  •   V
    Rajalaxmi JA. Effects of Dual Task Training Versus PNF Pattern on Balance and Cognition in geriatrics population. International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research. 2022 July; 12(4).
  •   Wolfe CD
    The impact of stroke. Br Med Bull. 2000;56(2):275-86. doi: 10.1258/0007142001903120.
  •   Xiao Y, Yang T, Shang H
    The Impact of Motor-Cognitive Dual-Task Training on Physical and Cognitive Functions in Parkinson's Disease. Brain Sci. 2023 Mar 3;13(3):437. doi: 10.3390/brainsci13030437.
  •   Yeh TT, Chang KC, Wang JJ, Lin WC, Wu CY
    Neuroplastic Changes Associated With Hybrid Exercise-Cognitive Training in Stroke Survivors With Mild Cognitive Decline: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2023 Sep;37(9):662-673. doi: 10.1177/15459683231200220.

Effects of Cognitive Motor Dual Task Versus Task Specific Training on Cognition and Motor Functioning in Stroke Patients

Details for clinical trial NCT06454279