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  •   Walensky RP
    The survival benefits of AIDS treatment in the US. J Infect Dis 2006;194:11-19 Lennox JL. Safety and efficacy of raltegravir-based versus efavirenz-based combination therapy in treatment-naive patients with HIV-1 infection. Lancet 2009;374:796-806 Steigbigel RT. Long-term efficacy and safety of Raltegravir combined with optimized background therapy in treatment-experienced patients with drug-resistant HIV infection. Clin Infect Dis 2010;50:605-12 Eron JJ. Switch to raltegravir-based regimen versus continuation of a lopinavir-ritonavir-based regimen in stable HIV-infected patients with suppressed viraemia (SWITCHMRK 1 and 2). Lancet 2010;375:396-407 Martinex E. Substitution of raltegravir for ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors in HIV-infected patients: the SPIRAL study. AIDS 2010, 24:1697-1707 Division of AIDS(DAIDS). Toxicity guideline for adults. pharmacovigilance(accessed Apr 15, 2011)

A Single Arm Study to Assess the Sustained Virological Suppression and Improvement of Treatment-emerged Adverse Events of Switching to Raltegravir in Stable HIV-infected Patients on Ritonavir-boosted Protease Inhibitor Regimen

Details for clinical trial NCT01679964