Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Kiser LJ, Baumgardner B, Dorado J
    Who Are We, But for the Stories We Tell: Family Stories and Healing. Psychol Trauma. 2010 Sep 1;2(3):243-249. doi: 10.1037/a0019893.
  •   Kiser LJ, Donohue A, Hodgkinson S, Medoff D, Black MM
    Strengthening family coping resources: the feasibility of a multifamily group intervention for families exposed to trauma. J Trauma Stress. 2010 Dec;23(6):802-6. doi: 10.1002/jts.20587.
  •   Kiser, LJ, Miller, AB, Mooney, MA, Vivrette, R, Davis, S
    Integrating parents into child trauma treatment: Reviewing evidence and establishing core components. Practice Innovations. 2020; 5:65-80. doi:
  •   Kiser, LJ
    , Backer, PM., Winkles, JK., Medoff, D. Strengthening Family Coping Resources (SFCR): Practice-Based Evidence for a Promising Trauma Intervention. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice 4:49-59, 2015. Doi:10/1037/cfp0000034

Strengthening Family Coping Resources Open Trials

Details for clinical trial NCT01754610