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  •   Abaraogu U, Ezenwankwo E, Dall P, Tew G, Stuart W, Brittenden J, Seenan C
    Barriers and enablers to walking in individuals with intermittent claudication: A systematic review to conceptualize a relevant and patient-centered program. PLoS One. 2018 Jul 26;13(7):e0201095. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0201095. eCollection 2018.
  •   Abaraogu UO, Dall PM, Seenan CA
    Patient education interventions to improve physical activity in patients with intermittent claudication: a protocol for a systematic mixed-studies review. BMJ Open. 2016 May 20;6(5):e011405. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011405.
  •   Abaraogu UO, Dall PM, Seenan CA
    The Effect of Structured Patient Education on Physical Activity in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease and Intermittent Claudication: A Systematic Review. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2017 Jul;54(1):58-68. doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2017.04.003. Epub 2017 May 18. Review.
  •   Abaraogu UO, Ezenwankwo EF, Dall PM, Seenan CA
    Living a burdensome and demanding life: A qualitative systematic review of the patients experiences of peripheral arterial disease. PLoS One. 2018 Nov 15;13(11):e0207456. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207456. eCollection 2018.
  •   Tew GA, Humphreys L, Crank H, Hewitt C, Nawaz S, Al-Jundi W, Trender H, Michaels J, Gorely T
    The development and pilot randomised controlled trial of a group education programme for promoting walking in people with intermittent claudication. Vasc Med. 2015 Aug;20(4):348-57. doi: 10.1177/1358863X15577857. Epub 2015 Apr 9.

Pain Management and Patient Education for Physical Activity in Intermittent Claudication (PrEPAID): Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial

Details for clinical trial NCT03204825