Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Akram Z, Al-Shareef SA, Daood U, Asiri FY, Shah AH, AlQahtani MA, Vohra F, Javed F
    Bactericidal Efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy Against Periodontal Pathogens in Periodontal Disease: A Systematic Review. Photomed Laser Surg. 2016 Apr;34(4):137-49. doi: 10.1089/pho.2015.4076. Epub 2016 Mar 16.
  •   Akram Z
    How effective is adjunctive antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in treating deep periodontal pockets in periodontal disease? A systematic review. J Investig Clin Dent. 2018 Nov;9(4):e12345. doi: 10.1111/jicd.12345. Epub 2018 Jun 4.
  •   Ren C, McGrath C, Jin L, Zhang C, Yang Y
    The effectiveness of low-level laser therapy as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment: a meta-analysis. J Periodontal Res. 2017 Feb;52(1):8-20. doi: 10.1111/jre.12361. Epub 2016 Mar 2.

Clinical and Microbiological Evaluation of Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Periodontal Disease in Stages III and IV

Details for clinical trial NCT06426550