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  •   Avula H
    Tele-periodontics - Oral health care at a grass root level. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2015 Sep-Oct;19(5):589-92. doi: 10.4103/0972-124X.157875.
  •   Chen YW, Stanley K, Att W
    Artificial intelligence in dentistry: current applications and future perspectives. Quintessence Int. 2020;51(3):248-257. doi: 10.3290/j.qi.a43952. Erratum in: Quintessence Int. 2020;51(5):430.
  •   da Costa CB, Peralta FDS, Ferreira de Mello ALS
    How Has Teledentistry Been Applied in Public Dental Health Services? An Integrative Review. Telemed J E Health. 2020 Jul;26(7):945-954. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2019.0122. Epub 2019 Oct 1. Review.
  •   Impellizzeri A, Horodinsky M, Barbato E, Polimeni A, Salah P, Galluccio G
    Dental Monitoring Application: it is a valid innovation in the Orthodontics Practice? Clin Ter. 2020 May-Jun;171(3):e260-e267. doi: 10.7417/CT.2020.2224.
  •   Schwendicke F, Samek W, Krois J
    Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry: Chances and Challenges. J Dent Res. 2020 Jul;99(7):769-774. doi: 10.1177/0022034520915714. Epub 2020 Apr 21. Review.
  •   Talla PK, Levin L, Glogauer M, Cable C, Allison PJ
    Delivering dental care as we emerge from the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: teledentistry and face-to-face consultations in a new clinical world. Quintessence Int. 2020;51(8):672-677. doi: 10.3290/j.qi.a44920.

The Effect of An Artificial Intelligence ("AI") Mobile Dental Application ("Dental Monitoring") in the Promotion of Self-Administered Plaque Control: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Details for clinical trial NCT05073107