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  •   Archambault P, Pigeon P, Feldman AG, Levin MF
    Recruitment and sequencing of different degrees of freedom during pointing movements involving the trunk in healthy and hemiparetic subjects. Exp Brain Res. 1999 May;126(1):55-67.
  •   Blanton S, Wolf SL
    An application of upper-extremity constraint-induced movement therapy in a patient with subacute stroke. Phys Ther. 1999 Sep;79(9):847-53.
  •   Bridgers SL, Delaney RC
    Transcranial magnetic stimulation: an assessment of cognitive and other cerebral effects. Neurology. 1989 Mar;39(3):417-9.

Effects of Unilateral and Bilateral Training on Motor Function in Chronic Stroke

Details for clinical trial NCT00108680