Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Ballester-Rodés M, Carreras-Costa F, Versyp-Ducaju T, Ballester-Rodés M, Mehta D
    Field dynamics in atrioventricular activation. Clinical evidence of a specific field-to-protein interaction. Med Hypotheses. 2019 Mar;124:56-59. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2019.02.
  •   Bordoni B, Zanier E
    Sutherland's legacy in the new millennium: the osteopathic cranial model and modern osteopathy. Adv Mind Body Med. 2015 Spring;29(2):15-21. Review.
  •   Frymann VM
    A study of the rhythmic motions of the living cranium. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1971 May;70(9):928-45.
  •   Lee RP
    The living matrix: a model for the primary respiratory mechanism. Explore (NY). 2008 Nov-Dec;4(6):374-8. doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2008.08.003. Review.
  •   Liem T, Neuhuber W
    Osteopathic Treatment Approach to Psychoemotional Trauma by Means of Bifocal Integration. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2020 Mar 1;120(3):180-189. doi: 10.7556/jaoa.2020.021.
  •   Tseui JJ
    Eastern and western approaches to medicine. West J Med. 1978 Jun;128(6):551-7.

The Effect of the Informational Manual Therapy for Improving Quiet Standing, Pain and Quality of Life in Healthy Individuals

Details for clinical trial NCT04404829