Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Almekinders LC
    Anti-inflammatory treatment of muscular injuries in sport. An update of recent studies. Sports Med. 1999 Dec;28(6):383-8. Review.
  •   Arrington ED, Miller MD
    Skeletal muscle injuries. Orthop Clin North Am. 1995 Jul;26(3):411-22. Review.
  •   Carr DB, Goudas LC
    Acute pain. Lancet. 1999 Jun 12;353(9169):2051-8. Review.
  •   Classification of chronic pain
    Descriptions of chronic pain syndromes and definitions of pain terms. Prepared by the International Association for the Study of Pain, Subcommittee on Taxonomy. Pain Suppl. 1986;3:S1-226.
  •   Dreiser RL
    Topical antirheumatic drug therapy: current practice and future trends. Eur J Rheumatol Inflamm. 1994;14(4):3-8. Review.
  •   Garrett WE Jr, Nikolaou PK, Ribbeck BM, Glisson RR, Seaber AV
    The effect of muscle architecture on the biomechanical failure properties of skeletal muscle under passive extension. Am J Sports Med. 1988 Jan-Feb;16(1):7-12.
  •   Garrett WE Jr, Safran MR, Seaber AV, Glisson RR, Ribbeck BM
    Biomechanical comparison of stimulated and nonstimulated skeletal muscle pulled to failure. Am J Sports Med. 1987 Sep-Oct;15(5):448-54.
  •   Garrett WE Jr
    Muscle strain injuries: clinical and basic aspects. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1990 Aug;22(4):436-43. Review.
  •   Järvinen TA, Järvinen TL, Kääriäinen M, Kalimo H, Järvinen M
    Muscle injuries: biology and treatment. Am J Sports Med. 2005 May;33(5):745-64. Review.
  •   Liu SH, Nguyen TM
    Ankle sprains and other soft tissue injuries. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 1999 Mar;11(2):132-7. Review.
  •   Stanos SP
    Topical agents for the management of musculoskeletal pain. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2007 Mar;33(3):342-55. Review.

A Phase III, Randomized, Double Blind, Non-inferiority, Comparative Study of the New Transdermal Patch Dosage Form Containing Loxoprofen Sodium (100 mg) and Loxonin® (60 mg Tablet) for the Treatment of Acute Traumatic Injuries

Details for clinical trial NCT02616068