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  •   Cioffi I, Piccolo A, Tagliaferri R, Paduano S, Galeotti A, Martina R
    Pain perception following first orthodontic archwire placement--thermoelastic vs superelastic alloys: a randomized controlled trial. Quintessence Int. 2012 Jan;43(1):61-9.
  •   Graf M, Alhammouri Q, Vieregge C, Lorenz B
    The Bruckner transillumination test: limited detection of small-angle esotropia. Ophthalmology. 2011 Dec;118(12):2504-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2011.05.016.
  •   Krishnan V
    Orthodontic pain: from causes to management--a review. Eur J Orthod. 2007 Apr;29(2):170-9. doi: 10.1093/ejo/cjl081.
  •   Williamson A, Hoggart B
    Pain: a review of three commonly used pain rating scales. J Clin Nurs. 2005 Aug;14(7):798-804. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2005.01121.x.

Comparison of Patient-reported Pain After Initial Archwire Placement With Three Types of Nickel-titanium Archwires: a Prospective Triple-blind, Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

Details for clinical trial NCT03906422