Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Arbejdsskadestatistik (2019)
    Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervsforsikring.
  •   Arbejdstilsynets erhvervssygdomsregister og Danmarks Statistiks Registerbaserede Arbejdsstyrke-statistik (RAS)
    De anmeldte erhvervssygdomme inden for branchegruppen "kontor" omfatter, ud over administrativt arbejde, også anmeldelser knyttet til fx social-og sundhedsarbejde samt omsorgs- og pædagogarbejde, hvis arbejdsgiveren er registreret som kommunal administration i stedet for fx plejehjem eller daginstitutioner.
  •   de Looze MP, Bosch T, Krause F, Stadler KS, O'Sullivan LW
    Exoskeletons for industrial application and their potential effects on physical work load. Ergonomics. 2016 May;59(5):671-81. doi: 10.1080/00140139.2015.1081988. Epub 2015 Oct 7.
  •   GBD 2017 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators
    Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet. 2018 Nov 10;392(10159):1789-1858. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32279-7. Epub 2018 Nov 8. Erratum In: Lancet. 2019 Jun 22;393(10190):e44.
  •   Hedge, A
    , Morimoto, S., & McCrobie, D. (1999). Cornell musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaire. Ergonomics
  •   Hondzinski JM, Ikuma L, de Queiroz M, Wang C
    Effects of exoskeleton use on movement kinematics during performance of common work tasks: A case study. Work. 2018;61(4):575-588. doi: 10.3233/WOR-162827.
  •   Ingeniøren (2019)
    Første exoskeletter på vej ud i danske industrivirksomheder.
  •   Kim S, Nussbaum MA, Smets M, Ranganathan S
    Effects of an arm-support exoskeleton on perceived work intensity and musculoskeletal discomfort: An 18-month field study in automotive assembly. Am J Ind Med. 2021 Nov;64(11):905-914. doi: 10.1002/ajim.23282. Epub 2021 Aug 6.
  •   Kim S, Nussbaum MA, Smets M
    Usability, User Acceptance, and Health Outcomes of Arm-Support Exoskeleton Use in Automotive Assembly: An 18-month Field Study. J Occup Environ Med. 2022 Mar 1;64(3):202-211. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002438.
  •   Liberty Mutual Insurance
    2020. 2020 Workplace Safety Index: The Top 10 Causes of Disabling Injuries
  •   Park JH, Kim S, Nussbaum MA, Srinivasan D
    Effects of two passive back-support exoskeletons on postural balance during quiet stance and functional limits of stability. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2021 Apr;57:102516. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2021.102516. Epub 2021 Jan 19.
  •   Peters, M
    & Wischniewski, S. (2019). The impact of using exoskeletons on occupational safety and health. Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
  •   Skals S, Blafoss R, Andersen MS, de Zee M, Andersen LL
    Manual material handling in the supermarket sector. Part 1: Joint angles and muscle activity of trapezius descendens and erector spinae longissimus. Appl Ergon. 2021 Apr;92:103340. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2020.103340. Epub 2020 Dec 16.
  •   Theurel J, Desbrosses K, Roux T, Savescu A
    Physiological consequences of using an upper limb exoskeleton during manual handling tasks. Appl Ergon. 2018 Feb;67:211-217. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2017.10.008. Epub 2017 Oct 16.
  •   Theurel, J
    & Desbrosses, K. (2019). Occupational exoskeletons: Overview of their benefits and limitations in preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors. Volume 7, Issue 3-4, p. 264-280.

Effectiveness of an Occupational Back-exoskeleton on the Biomechanical Load in Manual Materials Handling - A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Details for clinical trial NCT05890300