Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Abd El Aliem, R
    S., E.M. Abd-Elhakam, and S.A. Mustafa, Effect of Self Independence Physical Stretching Exercise on Feto-maternal Outcomes among Mild Preeclamptic Pregnant Women.
  •   Awad MA, Hasanin ME, Taha MM, Gabr AA
    Effect of stretching exercises versus autogenic training on preeclampsia. J Exerc Rehabil. 2019 Feb 25;15(1):109-113. doi: 10.12965/jer.1836524.262. eCollection 2019 Feb.
  •   Caughey, M
    C., et al., Abstract P035: Feasibility of Stretching Exercise for Prevention of Late-Onset Preeclampsia: A Pilot Trial. Circulation, 2018. 137(suppl_1): p. AP035-AP035.
  •   Ghorbannejad S, MehdizadehTourzani Z, Kabir K, MansourehYazdkhasti
    The effectiveness of Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation technique on maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes in women with non-severe preeclampsia: a randomized clinical trial. Heliyon. 2022 Jun 13;8(6):e09709. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e09709. eCollection 2022 Jun.
  •   Naseh, Z
    , P. Bahadoran, and M. Valiani, Effect of Relaxation Technique on Anxiety, Stress, and Depression Scores of High-risk Pregnant Women Prone to Preeclampsia and the Physiological Indicators of Their Babies. Avicenna Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Care, 2022. 30(3): p. 211-220.
  •   Nirupama R, Divyashree S, Janhavi P, Muthukumar SP, Ravindra PV
    Preeclampsia: Pathophysiology and management. J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2021 Feb;50(2):101975. doi: 10.1016/j.jogoh.2020.101975. Epub 2020 Nov 7.
  •   Pacheco-Romero, J
    , Introduction to the Preeclampsia. Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia, 2017. 63(2): p. 199-206.
  •   Rana S, Lemoine E, Granger JP, Karumanchi SA
    Preeclampsia: Pathophysiology, Challenges, and Perspectives. Circ Res. 2019 Mar 29;124(7):1094-1112. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.313276. Erratum In: Circ Res. 2020 Jan 3;126(1):e8.
  •   Soliman, G
    H., S.M.A. Elalem, and S.M. Elhomosy, The effect of relaxation techniques on blood pressure and stress among pregnant women with mild pregnancy induced hypertension. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, 2017. 7(3): p. 321-329.
  •   Vicente Bertagnolli T, Souza Rangel Machado M, Ferreira CJH, Machado JSR, Duarte G, Cavalli RC
    Safety of a physical therapy protocol for women with preeclampsia: a randomized controlled feasibility trial. Hypertens Pregnancy. 2018 May;37(2):59-67. doi: 10.1080/10641955.2018.1439059. Epub 2018 Mar 1.

Comparative Effects of Jacobson's Relaxation Techniques and Stretching Exercises on Blood Pressure and Anxiety in Preeclampsia

Details for clinical trial NCT05863962