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  •   Canto MT, Devesa SS
    Oral cavity and pharynx cancer incidence rates in the United States, 1975-1998. Oral Oncol. 2002 Sep;38(6):610-7.
  •   Canto MT, Drury TF, Horowitz AM
    Use of skin and oral cancer examinations in the United States, 1998. Prev Med. 2003 Sep;37(3):278-82.
  •   Goodman HS, Yellowitz JA, Horowitz AM
    Oral cancer prevention. The role of family practitioners. Arch Fam Med. 1995 Jul;4(7):628-36. Review.
  •   Horowitz AM, Moon HS, Goodman HS, Yellowitz JA
    Maryland adults' knowledge of oral cancer and having oral cancer examinations. J Public Health Dent. 1998 Fall;58(4):281-7.
  •   Horowitz AM, Nourjah PA
    Factors associated with having oral cancer examinations among US adults 40 years of age or older. J Public Health Dent. 1996 Fall;56(6):331-5.
  •   Jemal A, Thomas A, Murray T, Thun M
    Cancer statistics, 2002. CA Cancer J Clin. 2002 Jan-Feb;52(1):23-47. Erratum in: CA Cancer J Clin 2002 Mar-Apr;52(2):119. CA Cancer J Clin 2002 May-Jun;52(3):181-2.
  •   Mashberg A, Garfinkel L
    Early diagnosis of oral cancer: the erythroplastic lesion in high risk sites. CA Cancer J Clin. 1978 Sep-Oct;28(5):297-303.
  •   Silverman S Jr
    Demographics and occurrence of oral and pharyngeal cancers. The outcomes, the trends, the challenge. J Am Dent Assoc. 2001 Nov;132 Suppl:7S-11S.

Web-based Education on Oral Cancer for Primary Care Physicians in Ohio

Details for clinical trial NCT01424358