Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Amiri Arimi S, Ghamkhar L, Kahlaee AH
    The Relevance of Proprioception to Chronic Neck Pain: A Correlational Analysis of Flexor Muscle Size and Endurance, Clinical Neck Pain Characteristics, and Proprioception. Pain Med. 2018 Oct 1;19(10):2077-2088. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnx331.
  •   Dere T, Alemdaroglu-Gurbuz I
    Muscular endurance and its association with neck pain, disability, neck awareness, and kinesiophobia in patients with chronic neck pain. Somatosens Mot Res. 2023 Mar 10:1-8. doi: 10.1080/08990220.2023.2186390. Online ahead of print.

Examining Mental Fatigue, Body Awareness, and Mindfulness in People With Chronic Neck Pain

Details for clinical trial NCT06434688