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  •   Breman JG, Egan A, Keusch GT
    The intolerable burden of malaria: a new look at the numbers. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2001 Jan-Feb;64(1-2 Suppl):iv-vii.
  •   Gupta S, Snow RW, Donnelly CA, Marsh K, Newbold C
    Immunity to non-cerebral severe malaria is acquired after one or two infections. Nat Med. 1999 Mar;5(3):340-3.
  •   World Health Organization
    Sixth meeting of the Technical Advisory Group on the Global Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis, Geneva, Switzerland, 20-23 September 2005. Wkly Epidemiol Rec. 2005 Nov 18;80(46):401-8. English, French.

Regulation of Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses in Individuals Infected Concurrently With Malarial and Filarial Parasites

Details for clinical trial NCT00341666