Haemophilus Influenzae Type b — Safety, Reactogenicity & Immunogenicity Study to Evaluate a Booster Dose of GSK Biologicals' Hib-MenC Given With Priorix™ in Toddlers (13-14 m) Primed With 3 Doses of Hib and MenC-CRM197
Study to Evaluate the Safety, Reactogenicity & Immunogenicity of a Booster Dose of GSK Biologicals' Hib-MenC Given With Priorix™, vs Hib-MenC or Priorix™ Only, in Toddlers (13-14 m) Primed With 3 Doses of Hib (as Part of a DTPa -Containing Vaccine) & MenC-CRM197 Conjugate Vaccines.