Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Bidonde J, Busch AJ, Bath B, Milosavljevic S
    Exercise for adults with fibromyalgia: an umbrella systematic review with synthesis of best evidence. Curr Rheumatol Rev. 2014;10(1):45-79. Review.
  •   Evcik D, Ketenci A, Sindel D
    The Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (TSPMR) guideline recommendations for the management of fibromyalgia syndrome. Turk J Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 May 28;65(2):111-123. doi: 10.5606/tftrd.2019.4815. eCollection 2019 Jun. Review.
  •   Genc A, Tur BS, Aytur YK, Oztuna D, Erdogan MF
    Does aerobic exercise affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal hormonal response in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome? J Phys Ther Sci. 2015 Jul;27(7):2225-31. doi: 10.1589/jpts.27.2225. Epub 2015 Jul 22.
  •   Häuser W, Ablin J, Fitzcharles MA, Littlejohn G, Luciano JV, Usui C, Walitt B
    Fibromyalgia. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2015 Aug 13;1:15022. doi: 10.1038/nrdp.2015.22. Review.
  •   Michiels V, Cluydts R
    Neuropsychological functioning in chronic fatigue syndrome: a review. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2001 Feb;103(2):84-93. Review.
  •   Patterson SD, Hughes L, Head P, Warmington S, Brandner C
    Blood flow restriction training: a novel approach to augment clinical rehabilitation: how to do it. Br J Sports Med. 2017 Dec;51(23):1648-1649. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-097738. Epub 2017 Jun 22.
  •   Singh L, Kaur A, Bhatti MS, Bhatti R
    Possible Molecular Mediators Involved and Mechanistic Insight into Fibromyalgia and Associated Co-morbidities. Neurochem Res. 2019 Jul;44(7):1517-1532. doi: 10.1007/s11064-019-02805-5. Epub 2019 Apr 19. Review.

Effects of Blood Flow Restricted Aerobic Exercise on Pain, Functional Status, Quality of Life, and Hormonal Response to Exercise in Fibromyalgia Patients - Randomized Controlled Trial

Details for clinical trial NCT04500444