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  •   Andropoulos DB, Bent ST, Skjonsby B, Stayer SA
    The optimal length of insertion of central venous catheters for pediatric patients. Anesth Analg. 2001 Oct;93(4):883-6.
  •   Chaskar V, Karnik PP, Dave NM, Garasia M
    Comparative Study of Three Methods for Depth of Central Venous Catheter Placement in Children: An Observational Pilot Study. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2018 Apr;46(2):116-120. doi: 10.5152/TJAR.2018.32748. Epub 2
  •   Kremser J, Kleemann F, Reinhart K, Schummer W
    Optimized method for correct left-sided central venous catheter placement under electrocardiographic guidance. Br J Anaesth. 2011 Oct;107(4):567-72. doi: 10.1093/bja/aer189. Epub 2011 Jun 22.
  •   Kwon HJ, Jeong YI, Jun IG, Moon YJ, Lee YM
    Evaluation of a central venous catheter tip placement for superior vena cava-subclavian central venous catheterization using a premeasured length: A retrospective study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Jan;97(2):e960
  •   Na HS, Kim JT, Kim HS, Bahk JH, Kim CS, Kim SD
    Practical anatomic landmarks for determining the insertion depth of central venous catheter in paediatric patients. Br J Anaesth. 2009 Jun;102(6):820-3. doi: 10.1093/bja/aep078. Epub 2009 Apr 19.
  •   Sharma D, Singh VP, Malhotra MK, Gupta K
    Optimum depth of central venous catheter - Comparision by pere's, landmark and endocavitory (atrial) ECG technique: A prospective study. Anesth Essays Res. 2013 May-Aug;7(2):216-20. doi: 10.4103/0259-1162.118966.
  •   Struck MF, Schmidt T, Winkler BE, Reinhart K, Schummer W
    Formulas for prediction of insertion depths of internal jugular vein catheters adjusted to body height categories. J Vasc Access. 2016 Mar-Apr;17(2):191-4. doi: 10.5301/jva.5000488. Epub 2015 Dec 7
  •   Wang L, Liu ZS, Wang CA
    Malposition of Central Venous Catheter: Presentation and Management. Chin Med J (Engl). 2016 Jan 20;129(2):227-34. doi: 10.4103/0366-6999.173525.

Accuracy of CVC Depth Prediction in Internal Jugular Veins: The Difference Between The Andropoulos and ECG Methods

Details for clinical trial NCT04215250