Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Allen, S
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  •   Laksmita OD, Chung MH, Liao YM, Haase JE, Chang PC
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  •   Laksmita OD, Chung MH, Shieh YY, Chang PC
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  •   Masten AS, Lucke CM, Nelson KM, Stallworthy IC
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  •   Moher D, Schulz KF, Altman DG
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  •   O'Shea ER, Phillips KE, O'Shea KN, Roney LN
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  •   Pinto TM, Laurence PG, Macedo CR, Macedo EC
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Feasibility, Acceptability, and Effectiveness of a Coping and Resilience Intervention in Adolescents in the Post-COVID-19 Era

Details for clinical trial NCT05830188