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  •   Arya LA, Novi JM, Shaunik A, Morgan MA, Bradley CS
    Pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, and dietary fiber intake in women: a case-control study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005 May;192(5):1687-91. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2004.11.032.
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  •   Dipalma JA, Cleveland MV, McGowan J, Herrera JL
    A randomized, multicenter, placebo-controlled trial of polyethylene glycol laxative for chronic treatment of chronic constipation. Am J Gastroenterol. 2007 Jul;102(7):1436-41. doi: 10.1111/j.1572-0241.2007.
  •   Edenfield AL, Siddiqui NY, Wu JM, Dieter AA, Garrett MA, Visco AG
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  •   Hur HC, Lightfoot M, McMillin MG, Kho KA
    Vaginal cuff dehiscence and evisceration: a review of the literature. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Aug;28(4):297-303. doi: 10.1097/GCO.0000000000000294.
  •   Iwanoff C, Giannopoulos M, Salamon C
    Follow-up postoperative calls to reduce common postoperative complaints among urogynecology patients. Int Urogynecol J. 2019 Oct;30(10):1667-1672. doi: 10.1007/s00192-018-3809-x. Epub 2018 Nov 9.
  •   Iyigun E, Ayhan H, Demircapar A, Tastan S
    Impact of preoperative defecation pattern on postoperative constipation for patients undergoing cardiac surgery. J Clin Nurs. 2017 Feb;26(3-4):495-501. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13473. Epub 2016 Aug 15.
  •   Marciniak CM, Toledo S, Lee J, Jesselson M, Bateman J, Grover B, Tierny J
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  •   McNanley A, Perevich M, Glantz C, Duecy EE, Flynn MK, Buchsbaum G
    Bowel function after minimally invasive urogynecologic surgery: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012 Mar-Apr;18(2):82-5. doi: 10.1097/SPV.0b013e
  •   Mythen MG
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  •   Pappagallo M
    Incidence, prevalence, and management of opioid bowel dysfunction. Am J Surg. 2001 Nov;182(5A Suppl):11S-18S. doi: 10.1016/s0002-9610(01)00782-6.
  •   Patel M, Schimpf MO, O'Sullivan DM, LaSala CA
    The use of senna with docusate for postoperative constipation after pelvic reconstructive surgery: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2010 May;202(5):479.e1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2010.01.003. Epub 2010 Mar 6.
  •   Ramirez PT, Klemer DP
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  •   Spence-Jones C, Kamm MA, Henry MM, Hudson CN
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  •   Yiannakou Y, Tack J, Piessevaux H, Dubois D, Quigley EMM, Ke MY, Da Silva S, Joseph A, Kerstens R
    The PAC-SYM questionnaire for chronic constipation: defining the minimal important difference. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Dec;46(11-12):1103-1111. doi: 10

Bowel Function After Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Details for clinical trial NCT04263896