Clinical Trials Logo


  •   Khan ZK, Ahmed SI, Baig AAM, Farooqui WA
    Effect of post-isometric relaxation versus myofascial release therapy on pain, functional disability, rom and qol in the management of non-specific neck pain: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 Jun 13;23(1):567. doi: 10.1186/s12891-022-05516-1.
  •   Kong YS, Kim YM, Shim JM
    The effect of modified cervical exercise on smartphone users with forward head posture. J Phys Ther Sci. 2017 Feb;29(2):328-331. doi: 10.1589/jpts.29.328. Epub 2017 Feb 24.
  •   Mohamed AA, Shendy WS, Semary M, Mourad HS, Battecha KH, Soliman ES, Sayed SHE, Mohamed GI
    Combined use of cervical headache snag and cervical snag half rotation techniques in the treatment of cervicogenic headache. J Phys Ther Sci. 2019 Apr;31(4):376-381. doi: 10.1589/jpts.31.376. Epub 2019 Apr 1.
  •   Putra IPM, Nugraha MHS, Tianing NWJPTJoI
    Combined Deep Transverse Friction and Muscle Energy Technique on Mechanical Neck Pain: Article Review. 2020;1(1):17-22.
  •   Watson DH, Trott PH
    Cervical headache: an investigation of natural head posture and upper cervical flexor muscle performance. Cephalalgia. 1993 Aug;13(4):272-84; discussion 232. doi: 10.1046/j.1468-2982.1993.1304272.x.
  •   Yang DJ, Kang DH
    Comparison of muscular fatigue and tone of neck according to craniocervical flexion exercise and suboccipital relaxation in cervicogenic headache patients. J Phys Ther Sci. 2017 May;29(5):869-873. doi: 10.1589/jpts.29.869. Epub 2017 May 16.
  •   Yasin M, Gondal MJI, Qamar MM, Basharat A, Rasul A, Ahmed WJMJoDDPU
    Effects of deep friction massage and static stretching in non-specific neck pain. 2019;12(4):331-4.
  •   Ylinen J, Nikander R, Nykanen M, Kautiainen H, Hakkinen A
    Effect of neck exercises on cervicogenic headache: a randomized controlled trial. J Rehabil Med. 2010 Apr;42(4):344-9. doi: 10.2340/16501977-0527.

Comparative Effects of Jones Technique and Cross Friction Massage on Pain, Range of Motion and Functional Disability in Patients With Cervicogenic Headache.

Details for clinical trial NCT06452641