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  •   Acar G, Altun GP, Yurdalan S, Polat MG
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  •   Lohse KR, Hilderman CG, Cheung KL, Tatla S, Van der Loos HF
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  •   Sgaggio, E
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  •   Vanoglio F, Bernocchi P, Mulè C, Garofali F, Mora C, Taveggia G, Scalvini S, Luisa A
    Feasibility and efficacy of a robotic device for hand rehabilitation in hemiplegic stroke patients: a randomized pilot controlled study. Clin Rehabil. 2017 Mar;31(3):351-360. doi: 10.1177/0269215516642606. Epub 2016 Jul 10.
  •   Varalta V, Picelli A, Fonte C, Montemezzi G, La Marchina E, Smania N
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  •   Volpe BT, Lynch D, Rykman-Berland A, Ferraro M, Galgano M, Hogan N, Krebs HI
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  •   Winkels DG, Kottink AI, Temmink RA, Nijlant JM, Buurke JH
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The Effects on Hand Function With Robot-assisted Rehabilitation for Children With Cerebral Palsy: a Pilot Study

Details for clinical trial NCT03490591